Tuesday, January 05, 2010

no more 'drops of god'... this made me sad

I'm pretty sure not only me but thousands of Bae Yong Joon fans as well have been waiting for this project to commence.

Sigh, I know that KeyEast have been doing their best to acquire the rights to use branded wines for this drama but somehow the law in S Korea might have really made it impossible to do this manga into a series. Sigh again...

Geez, I've been waiting for news about Yong Joon's next project but not this kind of news.

Well, if you guys are interested to know what 'Drops of God' is you may check HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE . For other news related to 'Drops of God' you may click 'Drops of God' in the label.


[Trans] The production of BYJ’s has been canceled
Source : My Daily
( http://korea.sohu.com/20100105/n269390065.shtml)
To English : cam /www.baeyongjune.com

The production of BYJ’s has been cancelled. The plan to return to TV has reached a temporary deadlock

Based on the media report in Korea, Korea.sohu.com in Beijing reported in the afternoon of the 5th January that BYJ’s Keyeast has announced the cancellation of the production plan for the TV drama staring BYJ. This news has greatly disappointed many viewers who have long anticipated for his return to the TV screen.

is the first TV production for Keyeast. In early 2008 Keyeast signed an agreement with Kodansha of Japan for the remake of the TV drama, in the hope of promoting wine appreciation in Korea.

However if they choose to follow the original manga, it is inevitable that numerous brands of wine will be appearing on TV. This will be in violation of S Korea’s indirect advertisement provision. But filming with fabricated brands would diminish the original storyline.

Due to the many issues in question, in addition the agreement of the remake has- expired. After careful consideration of all aspects, Keyeast has finally decided to cancel the plan production of .


Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait for news about 'Dream High' it's a project of Bae Yong Joon in collaboration with JYP [yes as in Park Jin Young of JYP Ent]. I hope that when news about this comes out it'll be a good one.

'Dream High' is a drama that will revolve around the lives of students attending a school for the performing arts. It will be a combination of music and acting, and will include scenes of singing and dancing along with a realistic portrayal of the local entertainment business. If you want to read more about 'Dream High' just click 'Dream High' o the label.


Sigh... won't be seeing Yong Joon play Tomine Issei anymore. Not even Kanzaki Shizuku. =(

It would have been nice to see Yong Joon play the ruthless guy or...

Tomine Issei

the cheerful guy and without his glasses once again.

Kanzaki Shizuku

Darn! Two years of waiting!


Anonymous said...

Liezle, i feel sad with this news too. We waited for more than 2 years for this. What's is now? Maybe the movie project is true. But I want drama not movie.


liezle said...

Hello MarthaAnne!

Yeah really sad news. Likew you, I want a drama not a movie. Anyway, I'm sure we'll get to read more news about this but I'm hoping that with the bad news KE/BOF will bring in good news too.

Thanks for dropping by.


khin said...

That was sad though. I start to like him in too late. Since I like him after TWSSG no more acting at all. Too bad.
Does he wants to retire from acting??? sigh....