
Monday, January 18, 2010

[photos & vid] maknae showing support to u-kiss

Fans and shutterbug of Prettyboy were in the the U-Kiss fanmeeting in Youngsan University wherein Maknae attended to give his support the his 'dongsaengs' most especially to his younger brother KiBum.

Here's a short video from the fan meeting to be followed by photos photos that were lifted from the post of on

Click HERE if you can't view the video above.

Hyung Joon's attire is so simple that I'm thinking that he intentionally did it so as not to upstage the young group. It's really nice seeing him again after a long time [Dec 28 was that last when he gave the vid message for Lucia Dental].

Oh yeah, it's a start of a new week. I hope that this week we will get to hear/read more about our favorite idol group.

1 comment:

  1. baby looks healthier! :D

    Thanks for sharing this liezle.. I'm happy to see him this way. And I agree. I hope to hear from them this week more more more news :)


    PS bangkok is just a few weeks away.. enjoy!
