
Sunday, March 07, 2010

FT Island Showcase 030610

I went to see FT Island Showcase tonight and I had a great time. I'm not really a big fan of the group but I do know some of their songs. Amongst the members I really like are Lee Hong Ki [vocals] and Choi Jong Hun [guitarist, keyboard & leader] .

I arrived at the venue an hour before the gate opened. There were quite a number of fans who came. I was told that the organizers are expecting about 1500 fans and I believe they were able to achieved it.

The show started at around 7:30pm and it lasted for an hour. At the beginning of the show, gifts were given to some fans from draw lots. I believe there were 10 plug-ins [portable broadband] and 30 signed CDs from FT Island. The show was hosted by Grace Lee who's very pretty good at hosting and so lucky to have a chance to talk to FT Island and she's even touching them! [she knows Hangul as she's a Korean herself and very very good in English and our native language]. The interview was done in Korean and English. Yeah high five to Grace Lee for a very very well done job.

Once FT Island stepped in non-stop screaming from fans can only be heard for an hour. Even the boys has to hush hush everyone just so they can be heard. But even so screaming didn't stop.

There were three sets of interview and what I'm going to write are not in chronological order. I'm writing things down from what I remember... miane.

From the interview here are some of the things that I remember. Hong Ki was asked about his impression of the county. Btw, he was surprised that Grace Lee is doing the interview in Hangul and interpreting it at the same time. ^^ From the question of Grace Lee, Hong Ki said that it's so hot [yeah sorry... it just so happen that you came in at the hottest time and yeah he's sick saw him coughing several times]. Jong Hun said something about rice and adobo [a native pork or chicken dish] Then each of them were asked what they look at for in a woman. Hong Ki and Jong Hun said breast and something. The rest of the boys said eyes and sexy. ^_^ Hong Ki was also asked what he can say about the ladies. According to him the ladies and gents are pretty [i lol when he included gents]. ^0^

Oh yeah, at the beginning of the 1st interviews Grace Lee asked the fans to greet FT Island in hangul. So we did [we even practiced it before the show started] but after we've greeted them Hong Ki said 'What?'. So Cute.

At the course of the interview, Hong Ki also mentioned that at first the group was kinda afraid that only few people will attend the Showcase. But when they appeared on stage they were surprised at the number of fans who came [actually even Grace Lee was surprised].

Oh this one is cute, I believe this happened during the 2nd set of interview. Whenever the camera focuses on Jong Hun fans would scream the loudest. So even if other members are talking or even Grace Lee, once the cameraman pans his cam to Jong Hun fans would really go crazy over him. At first Jong Hun wasn't aware of it. Probably out of curiosity he looked at the video wall and saw his faces on the screen. He then smiled shyly. The camera must love teasing him and the fans so he keeps on panning the camera at him. After several times, he then made a face which is soooo cute. Even Grace Lee can't contain herself and said 'In fairness he is handsome.' In our native language. ^_^ Then more screaming from the fans. ^_^

When FT Island sang 'Still [As Ever]' from 'You are Beautiful' when Hong Ki shouted 'Joellliieee' Lee Jaejin imitated him which is so cute. ^^

Towards the end of the show, Hong Ki and Jong Hun were both presented a birthday cake and fans even sang 'Happy Birthday' to them in hangul. Hong Ki's birthday was last March 2 and Jong Hun is tomorrow, March 7.

The show ended. They said their 'thank you' and'i love you'.

FT Island made Primadonnas happy as well as so many K pop fanatics happy.

From this FT Island Showcase, I can say that we are now ready for SS501 fanmeeting.

On April 10 Super Junior will be coming here to perform in one of the biggest concert venues. I'll be watching. If SuJu can fill up the venue then I must say that SS501 is ready for a major concert when they do their 2nd Asia Persona Tour.

Btw, next week U-Kiss will be flying over here for some mall tours. ^_^

Here are some of the not-so-good photos that I took.

P.S. Huge thanks to someone for the tickets. ^_^ You know who you are. ^^

P.P.S. Better photos and lots of videos will surely come out as cameras are allowed inside.

P.P.P.S. Time to finish my Persona Acct #6. ^^ It will contain my 'moment' with Jung Min.


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    I was at the showcase, too. I was a bit disappointed because the show ended too soon but oh well, better short than nothing! haha...

    Yeah.. Jonghun was soooooooo handsome!!I think Hongki was a bit jealous of him gettin' louder screams from the audience..hahha.. that was just my observation,,no offense meant, I love Hongki, too ^_^

    Can remember Hongki saying that Jonghun and he likes women who are "well endowed" and then looked at the host who was wearing a tube dress? hahaha, naughty naughty naughty ^_^

    Kudos to Seunghyun, he was very warm towards the fans...he was at my side of the seat and he was smiling and waving at our side the whole duration of the show ^_^

    And I agree,,, we are soooooo ready for the SS501 Concert... can't wait for our MEN ^_^


  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hi Liezl I'm your frequent visitor here. I drop by twice or thrice a day to get some news of my fave ss501 specially leader. At first I am hesitant to ask you if your my "kababayan" but after reading this blog Im glad you are. I didn't have the chance to watch FTIsland cos my place is far from Manila, I'm up here in the north but surely when ss501 stage their concert here in Manila I will watch it. Hope that would materialize cos I know a lot of our "kababayan" who can't afford to go abroad to watch their concert is waiting for them.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    i wish i was there..
    sounds interesting.

    i only got to watch them on TV (showtime)

    SS501 please come!

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    SS501 voting on going... currently in 3rd and is losing fast to other groups....please help them by casting your votes countless times on this site:

  5. gosh... what has happened to FT Island, especially Hong Ki?!?!?!? O_O
    he looked soooooo different from the last time I saw him... dohzzzz...

  6. ysang2:04 PM

    i didn't know we come from the same country. LOL! it would be nice to meet you. =) and i must say i'm jealous because you get to see SS501 in person.. a lot of times too..

  7. actually.. the one who imitates Lee Hong Ki's voice is not Lee JaeJin.. It's Song Seung Hyun.. kekeke.. i think u made a mistake... harharhar.. i like seung hyun so much.. wahahahha

    we are so very very very very ready for the SS501 Persona here in philippines.. wahahha can't wait them!!! kekeke..

  8. liezle! I was surprised to be seating next to you. Haha. It was nice seeing you again. I really enjoy seeing other SS501 fans in events.^^ It was very nice to see you again. Sorry, you might be annoyed with me. Was too noisy last night. lol

    Jonghun was totally handsome. And of course Hongki. It was such fun, even though I wasn't a fan.

    It was fun. I totally agree. Philippines is ready for SS501. :) And if Super Junior's Super Show 2 is successful, they could have a major concert here too.

    Hope to see you around again. It's always an honor seeing you really. Cheers!

  9. haru! ^^

    yes it was seunghyun who imitated Hongki hihi... im glad that there are a lot of triple s who also love and support FT Island music ^^

    I recommend the songs from their latest Jap Album:m So Long, Le Revoir... my favorite songs are from there!

    thanks for sharing ur pics Miss Lizzie!! my sister, my friend and I were from level 3 so we got only a few zoomed out pics hihi...

    Chris! you are very energetic! hehe.. my favorite is the drummer boy.. Minhwan ^^

  10. Anonymous9:03 PM

    btw are you a Filipina? glad to hear that. i always check you're blog about ss501. well, i just wish that they would come here because i will go for sure kekeke:))))
