
Sunday, March 07, 2010

[Persona Acct #6] pleasurable moment with jung min

Geez, the previous set was just hot... hot... hot! Young Saeng strutting in style and Hyun Joong sizzling performance.

But I keep on wondering since the start of Persona why Hyun Joong only has one number when the rest have two. Is DSP preventing causing too much health issues on the ladies watching? Hee...

The short break was a good welcome to regain some strength lost from the previous set. It's so draining watching two hotties performing one after the other with high intensity.

A few minutes after all members are back on stage putting everyone inside the stadium in frenzy once again. Familiar beat can be heard on the venue. I got excited thinking it's 'Crazy For You'. But it was not. PB corrected me, the boys are performing 'Wasteland'. I got excited... I screamed a lot [cough already forgotten] ... and watch them perform this never been seen performance.

Thanks to SSlovechau for the upload on YT

I never really expected them to perform 'Wasteland'. I thought I could only see it performed by those cute anime figures I posted here several weeks ago which I am also posting here again because I somehow find it similar even the costume. ^^

Wow! I really can't believe that I just saw SS501 performed 'Wasteland'.

After performing 'Wasteland' the boys did a little talkies then prepared themselves for 'Haruman'. As they move to their posts people from our area started to scramble for the best position where they can see their favorite up close.

I saw Young Saeng went to the middle again, Maknae at the end of B & D Zone, Leader and Kyu Jong staying in the middle and Jung Min at the end of A & C.

As Leader stayed in the middle many fans made a mad scrabble to his side. I stayed where I was thinking whether to stay where I'm standing. Then I saw PB motioning me to go near Jung Min side which I did.

This is their performance of 'Haruman'

Thanks to SSlovechau for uploading on YT.

Many fans are already pressed near the stage as Jung Min stands on his lift waiting for the song to start. He's looking at the crowd below him. As I don't want to be near the fans pressed against the stage I made a few steps backward. The space at the back if very wide only very few fans are standing there since most are pressed on the right side where Leader and Kyu Jong are.

As he waits for the song to start he keeps on waving and giving sweet smiles to the fans. They then started to sing 'Haruman'. As I stand there alone staring at him for quite a long time, I remember that I've a banner for Jung Min. I looked for the banner that's for him [I've several for each of the boys] and unrolled it and flashed to him. ^_^

Jung Min was waiting for his lines to sing when I flashed my banner to him. He saw my banner right away! He was trying to read and I can see his expression very well! Oh dear he's soooo handsome! My heart is pounding. I can see him smiling while reading my banner. I stood still frozen... I wish that the moment will not end!

Then his lift started to rise as the other members started to sing the chorus of 'Haruman' and he's reading my banner and smiling again! OMG! OMG! Fans noticed him reading something with a smile on his face and moving his head left and right and a finger wagging as if saying 'no... no... no...' . Then I saw fans looking a me and my banner! I'm more getting nervous than even. But I've to compose my self. OMG! OMG! It's Jung Min looking at me! I can't faint... nor do something funny. I've to tell myself 'Stay calm, Liezle'...'That's it you're doing good.'

I then lowered down my banner. As Jung Min started to sing all I could see is Jung Min and all I could hear is him singing his portion of the song. I still saw him look at me and I'm singing along with him. My heart is pounding so fast. It feels like a dream. Never expected this moment to happen!

All the time Jung Min is high up on the lift I keep on singing not moving where I am standing. Just like in a movie scene, I feel like I'm the luckiest woman there when the spotlight hit me and my prince spotted me from amongst the many woman adoring him. All women looking at me as he takes noticed of me and made way for him to see only me. Oh dear I wanted this moment to last forever and not snap out of it.

But then... he hit the high note and closed his eyes and when he opened them looked in a different direction. Then his lift started to come down. He then walked to the middle to join the others.

As he walks in the middle to meet the others, I followed him with my eyes. Then I went back to the place where PB is standing. I remember hugging PB after their performance of 'Haruman' and telling her my 'moment' with Jung Min.

Oh geez, this is way way better I think that the 'mission', right PB? It's a blessing in disguise that I did something stupid before coming to the concert. Otherwise, the moment with Jung Min wouldn't happen.

I've to thank my Seoul mate for the banner/s. Actually I'm supposed to used the banners in Persona in Bangkok but because of my forgetfulness I forgot to bring them to Impact. So, to not waste the effort of my Seoul mate, instead of asking to translate for me another set of outrageous banners I just used the one that is supposed to be for Bangkok.

Since Persona in Hong Kong, I've been flashing to the boys banners. I've been successful since I see them reading my banners being flashed to them. They may not react to it [which I know they won't] but I know they've read it and even my friends I'm with says so. They're the one holding it for me in HK since they're tall and it's hard not to really notice them by the boys.

What is really surprising is Jung Min's reaction. I know he won't do what I told him in my banner because I know they're not allowed to. But he might have found it funny and outrageous that is why I caught his attention and he reacted to it which is really really cute.

I know you guys are curious to know what I wrote in my banner to Jung Min, well it's not outrageous but I know somehow will catch his attention and it did. This is what written on my banner : "정민아, 키스 날려주면 받아줄게!" [translation : Jung Min ah, please blow a kiss here and we will catch it!]

So after 'Haruman' they then performed 'Green Peas' then 'Love Like This'. Honestly, I can't recall much how 'Green Peas', their talk again with the fans and 'Love Like This' were then. I honestly didn't even see/remember Jung Min placed those cute stuffed toys on the their seats during 'Green Peas' until I saw the video. My head then was still full of my moment with Jung Min. What I only remember from 'Green Peas' was that when Jung Min looked where PB and I were standing for a brief moment.

To be continued... [last part encore]


  1. omo..i'm so jealous of u..wish i had a moment like that with jung min as well..

  2. shrimpy11:10 AM

    Wow Liezle! What a cute precious 'moment' with our sexy charisma...I would have fainted already ^^ How could you not love this guy. Thanks for sharing your story!

  3. shirbogurl11:49 AM

    hey hey!! yeah u've made ur jm story public!! haha ooo if u look at the green pea fancam around 0:10, u'll see hjb and kj discussing about "something"!! haha i guess after the bkk "incident" hjb wanna make sure they are all gonna count the right way and no more surprises from that random boy!! haha

  4. hahah... shirley.. of course, liezle had to make that public.. it's her precious moment..hehehe...

    liezle, you own me 1 meal, ok?!?!? If I don't "order" you to go over, that moment won't happened hor.. hahaha.. so 1 meal..=p

  5. shirbogurl11:58 AM

    haha i own u a HUGE meal too!! ok more like SEVERAL HUGE meals!! haha yeah liezle needs some pushing to do these kinda stuff!! or else shes too shy haha

  6. hmmm... maybe i should start changing those meals into vitamin M.. hahaha

    yea.. need pushing.. next time will bring a push-cart to push her... hahahah

  7. shirbogurl12:14 PM

    haha u'll have abundance of vitamin M since it seems like i own u more each week!! haha oo i forgot...go get from ur boy!! haha

    yeah push cart!! so funny. so next time we will need a push cart to bring the luggage in. then use the the push cart to push liezle once we get in!! haha

  8. hahaha....
    get from my boy?!?! you mean.. monthly housing allowance and monthly allowance, is it??!?! LOLx

    hmmm.. how about a push cart to push liezle and you with your luggage and then will throw luggage onto the stage and hit don't know who.. then push the push cart with full force with liezle in and let her fly onto the stage... hahaha

  9. hehe..i like ur idea of the push cart PB..hehe..n can i be on the push cart that u gonna push the stage as well? ;P

  10. shirbogurl1:00 PM

    haha allowances?? u've already got better than allowances!! haha if allowances then u can quit ur busy job and fly to korea haha persuade ur boy!!

    haha so funny...put me in the luggage and throw on stage...hit dunno who and i wont be able to walk out the arena alive haha then i can be the real kbsn!! haha he'll laugh at it~~ haha

    yeah let liezle fly onto jm on the lift. so jm has no choice but to keep her there until the lift lowers!! haha

  11. doris1:07 PM

    OMG! Liezle you definitely is the "Guem Jandi"!!(she was pointed by Maknae @ the night club, remember?) HEHE...
    I'm so envious!! While I was reading ur post, i could imagine the scenario in my!! =P

  12. Geez, no wonder I can't sleep so well you guys are talking about me!

    Hee, Shirley you know me so well. Yeah I think with out Brenda I wouldn't have the courage to go near Jung Min. I still remember that incident in Dusit. ^_^

    Btw girl it's not only Brenda you owe a meal, me too. ^^ But you yeah you owe her several.

    Geez, the push cart is sooo funny. And who to hit with the luggage?

    Oh yeah we you throw me on the lift JM will surely be only interested in my 'L'. I think we've the same taste. ^^ lol...

    Oh the 'han, tul, set' that just reminds me. I remember taking notice of it since I know what happened in BKK and yeah I saw them discussing it. ^^

  13. shirbogurl1:47 PM

    haha yes...dusit..i turned around u r still up the stairs!! haha

    yes i own a lot of people a lot of meals!! just dunno how, when, and where to treat everyone!! haha

    yeah seriously the push cart is super funny. and u should know who to hit w luggage!! haha

    yeah the discussing part kinda funny. hjb wanna make sure he doesnt get fooled again!! haha

  14. push cart for sale.. push cart for sale...
    who wanna get push and fly onto the stage, please purchase from me... hahaha

    shirley.. shhhhh.. don't say out my plot... that's what i'm intending to do... shhhh.. remember the stalker.. hahaha

    liezle.. yea.. the same "L".. and it appears again.. hahaha..did you wash it or you pass to Jung Min actually.. hahaha

  15. ainsklet5012:10 PM

    haha..u guys r rock...
    waa seriously i'm x abig fan of jung min as much as hyung joon oppa..but if he do look at me like he did 2 u...
    hehehe i wonder either i might faint afterwards @ keep smiling till TODAY

  16. dohzz... =.=|||

    didn't know I've became a rock...

  17. shirbogurl2:33 PM

    haha brenda...stop making me laugh!! haha ooops i said out ur plot...forgot about the stalker. its ok its too much english!! let me try to use google translate and see if it'll actually translate what it means!! haha

    can i purchase push and fly on stage?!?! actually thats not enough!! haha

  18. You 2 are so funny. If that one person can read this I'm pretty sure he'll know how that luggage came about in this discussion. ^^

    Shirley the answer as to when you can have all of us in one meal was posted by someone on your FB. ^^ lol...

    Brenda i washed it of course you know how hygienic JM is ^^.

  19. shirbogurl2:54 PM

    haha really my fb?? where where am i blind?? how come i didnt see??

  20. what what?!?!? am I missing something here?!?!? what meal what meal?!?! wholemeal?! cereal meal?!?! diet meal?!?! heheehe

    dohzz.. =.=||| google translator.. hahaha.. that will give wrong meaning.. if that happens, i can't help you.. shirley... hahha

    liezle.. what?!?! jung minnie hygienic?!?! puke.. he's not.. hahaha...
    he kept his unfinished food for a few days, even if mushroom has grown, he still not throwing.. =.=|||

    ooppss... am i revealing too much... :x

  21. shirbogurl3:55 PM

    haha i know i dunno about the meal part too!!! i went on my fb and couldnt figure it out...

    haha yeah google translator wont translate it correctly so we are safe from stalker here!! haha

    nah u not revealing too much. i think hjl said it on a show before. haha

  22. phew.. safe.. touch down.. hahahaha..
    else i'll be strike out.. =p

    liezle.. what's the meal thingy... are you doing something behind our back.. hahah

  23. Shirley someone posted on your FB after BKK. Well actually not meal but something to do with it. Clue : sumptuous meal. Invites. Got it?

    Brenda, that was during Japan time. ^^ He has changed. ^_^ You know what? If JM reads what you wrote you'll surely get some nagging.


  24. changed?!?! hahaha.. nay nay nay...
    liezle.. that shows you still don't know jung minnie well.. hahaha...

    think i better stop.. else i'll be nagged to death by some people...


  25. shirbogurl4:22 PM

    haha brenda...stop!!! u know we have THE stalker!! his english sucks but he's got pretty good stalking skills...o gosh if only he can understand all these, we'll be dead!! haha

    haha liezle...i think i got what u mean...people had joked about it since lax...haha yeah i way to treat everyone!! so we all work toward that goal...i'll need LOTS of help!! haha

  26. Brenda, you'll really get your head this time. :P Can already see/hear it. ^^

    Let me know if it happens, k?

  27. Shirley, all I can say is... fighting!

    wait... wait... stalker? now i'm missing something here.

  28. shirbogurl4:29 PM

    haha yes kbsn shirbo fighting!! miracles can happen, dreams do come true...haha i should say...brenda FIGHTING!! haha

    stalker is =X

  29. unfair! i'm slow in picking up things.

    email me please. or is stalker...?

  30. shirbogurl4:34 PM

    nah cant...stalker is really =X
    just help me make THE "meal" come true!! haha
    and think about how push cart will work next time!! haha

  31. yea.. brenda fighting.. i'm fighting with warmess in singapore.. hahaha
    super duper hot.. can't take it...

    that's the meal!?!?! I'm waiting for the IT... IT will come soon... hahaah

  32. shirbogurl4:40 PM

    haha liezle....u r the stalker!!! u stalk my fb!! never knew u actually go to my fb since u dont really comment or leave messages there. and there have been TONS of comments there since bkk and u even saw that one.....i cant even find it!! haha

  33. shirbogurl4:41 PM

    haha not THAT....brenda fighting as in FIGHTING for me!! haha

    haha so u got what "the meal" is?? or should i explain in an email??

  34. nah, i hardly go to fb. it just that one time when i was browsing i saw it. hehehehehe i think i've a knack for getting interesting stuffs ^_^.

    shirley, email brenda and email me too about that stalker. though i've my hunch already.

  35. shirley.. hahah.... think you gotta explain to me in email.. hahaha...

    liezle, that stalker is not that stalker.. hahahaha...

    i really gotta stop.... i'm already getting scoldings while i'm on call... Y_Y
    i need a shoulder to cry on... boohoo...

    where's that fleshy, white shoulders that I'm longing for.. LOLx

  36. shirbogurl5:04 PM

    haha its in korea!! haha go for it...available for u...

    already wrote u an email about it before i saw this reply haha

  37. the IT.. hahaha...
    ok.. since you have given me permission.. I will go for IT.. haahah


  38. shirbogurl5:11 PM

    not MY IT!!! thats for me!! u go get ur boy~~ leave my IT already needs to travel such a LONG way please dont intercept in the middle!! haha
