
Monday, March 22, 2010

Is this Hyun Joong's car?

It’s circulating in the net already the type of car that Leader drives. It’s 2010 Porsche Cayenne GST Black. Ever wonder how netizens able to know about this? Well, it was said he was seen driving the car on the 7th of March when he went to play soccer. The pictures that you were about to see doesn’t have Hyun Joong but only his car. Anyway, I’m saying this because there’s really no proof that he’s the owner of the car just like when news said that Jae Joong is driving a black Audi R8 [well actually someone told me that he’s not driving the Audi R8 anymore since the SM incident happened but please don't quote me on this].

Here's the car that's been circulating in the net. Thanks to OdeDS and Bloomlion for the three photos. MSRP for this car is $72,400.


Credit: Pluto@Planet0606


Anyway, since this is the news circulating let me give you what car experts have to say about the 2010 Porsche Cayenne.

According to experts, the 2010 Cayenne GST is sophisticated in look. The design serves both a functional sense and an aesthetic one since the front end’s design poses an aerodynamic benefit. The 2010 Cayenne has a modern urban look. It is available only in black with black leather accented. Experts also say that 2010 Porsche Cayenne is more attractive outside than inside but it’s still a Porsche through and through.

Geez, for me a Porsche is a Porsche regardless of the model.

Here's the car again and the interior which I got Autropolis.

Following were lifted from HERE.


Interior of the door

Front Seat

Rear Seat

Inside Door Control

Shift / Center Console

Stereo Controls


Dashboard Center

Speedometer/ Tachometer

Passenger Seat


  1. i've always classified people who have sports car to be very flashy of their wealth, like theyre very comfortable being with themself and attracting attention. and people who have these sort of SUVs/4WD to be more adventurous, family sort of people..
    and im smiling ear to ear when i learnt that hyun joong oppa has this car.

    and on top of that... its a porsche...AWESOMEEE!!!!

    ahhhh!!!! im so happy right now

  2. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Very manly, and cool car! Leader would look great in it! Man in SUV is the best.

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    me love porsche this car is very HJL! :)

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    OMG he drives Porsche Cayenne!!!!!He really has a good taste......

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    As long as the car has safety features that will protect the driver /passengers -those are more important than being status symbol .But KHJ deserve it .

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Men treat their cars as toys. HJL deserved his toy. He work so hard for this. At the end of a long hard and tiring day he will feel very contended by just looking and driving his Porsche.

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    TVXQ's stalkers have seen Jaejoong driving Leader's Porsche last year. He has been driving Porsche since last year.

  8. Anonymous4:12 PM

    if this is really leader's choice of car, i'm liking it v much!! it seems v comfy, cool, and just a little bit badass.
    which is how i think HJL is like in real life ^^ he's definitely not a poser. i like~!
