
Monday, March 22, 2010

'Obsess' encore version is out on MTV!

Oh I've forgotten all about this! Thanks to one Joying for posting the video on the sidebar!

'Obsess' encore version is out on MTV! Check it out! Thanks to smilejuhan for posting on YT!

Hmm, but is it really dark?


  1. Joying9:07 PM

    Hello Liezle, it's me who post it on the sidebar. I forgot to leave my name. ^^ I left a msg to you last time saying that the chinese characters are probably the translation for "Obsess", do you remember?

    Anyway, glad that I can contribute a little part to your blog. Thanks sooooo much for all your effort on keeping us informed of the boys' news.

    I think the MV is dark too. And what I dislike most is I don't really understand why there are so many wide shots that we can hardly see the boys' faces and even the dance. My friends and I just joked that what the MV intends to show is "how many TS there were"...

  2. Hi Joying! Now I can thank you properly because I've now your name.

    Thanks again for posting the MV on the sidebar. And yeah I remember you posting on that post of mine and I believe I also replied to you.

    Geez, we've the same observation. I hope HQ version will surface soon as the music is really good and SS501 members are looking fabulous doing 'Obsess'.


    P.S. Thanks for always visiting my blog and leaving your footprints once in a while.
