
Monday, April 26, 2010

[Photo, Vid & GIF] HJL & HJB at gimpo 26/04

Much thanks for this photo of Leader from Gimpo, Imane! Also, to Blue for sharing.

It's kinda normal for us to see Hyun Joong at the airport unsmiling, yah? Much as I like Hyun Joong, if I see him at the airport, I guess he's the least that I would approach. ^_^ He's kinda scary... and so are his managers/bodyguards.

credit blue/baidu

This is a a gif of Maknae getting in their van. Thanks to Blue for the capture and GIF.

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And here's a vid courtesy of Sarah on hj12260606.

If you can't view the vid click HERE.


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Leader always surrounded by his plus size manager, and bodyguards, and they look quite intimidating.
    Why does he look so pale and sick again?

  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Hmm...I don't think Hyun Joong looks pale or sick. He looks pretty good to me. After what happened in Spain I am sure everyone is being extra cautious. I don't know why fans can't understand the airport is not a good place to go if you want to see the friendly and gracious SS501. They can not encourage fans to show up at places like that. If they did then it could become an unstable situation for them and the fans but also the other people who are actually trying to get on the planes would be effected too. It's just not a good situation for anyone.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Would somebody tell him not to hide his beautiful eyes, and pretty face no more. It's no use anyway, fans are always following him, and his pictures are all over the world already.
