
Monday, April 26, 2010

[pix] more of hyun joong's arrival at gimpo 04.26.10

Thanks Imane for sharing this set of photos here from hyunjoongmara's cyworld.

There seems to be only Hyun Joong, Hyung Joon and Young Saeng who came back. Could Kyu Jong and Jung Min be taking the later flight?

credit hyunjoongmara@cyworld/baidu


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    As usual Leader always looks so good..waaahhh to bad I can't really see his face here....his now kinda afraid of people in the a video I can see him reversing and avoiding some girls who came in the airport

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    JM always love 2 stay longer in japan!

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I wish i can be Leader manager for one day, so I can keep my hand on his for all the time.. kekeke...

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    His pics are not only nice (too mild a word to use on our star )they are cool and SEXY.Look at his stance when he stands and more so when he walks he has a different aura.If he is unsmiling in public spaces where there are a lot of people whose concerns are so varied,it is because he does not want to call attention to himself (altho that is impossible now =who will not recognize him even if he covers his face and all?).Sorry , Hyun Joongcito,maybe it's time to buy your own plane >LOL
