
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong to KeyEast

Note : Like I said earlier let's take all news coming out today with a pinch of salt. We've only heard of one side. Before we comment let's wait for the announcement of the other side. By doing this we can avoid unwanted remarks and we will have a better understanding of what's happening.

Honestly, I don't want to read nasty comments in my blog. I want still want to keep the SS501 love that I'm so fond of. So please avoid unnecessary comments.


Lifted this news from Quainte501 as posted by neylis. Much thanks and hope you don't mind me shoving this here.

Kim Hyun Joong confirmed to leave DSP Entertainment

by maestro-J on June 28, 2010

For the past couple of months, there have been rumors circulating that SS501’s leader Kim Hyun Joong would leave his agency DSP Entertainment once his contract comes to an end.

Well, it’s been confirmed that this one is true after all.

A related source confirmed on the 28th, “Kim Hyun Joong has decided not to renew his contract with DSP Entertainment. … He will move to another agency.”

Due to Kim Hyun Joong’s decision to leave DSPE, there are now questions about the rest of the members of SS501. Many wonder if this will mark the end of SS501, or whether the rest of the members will follow the routes of Shinhwa and g.o.d and complete promotional activities together with Hyun Joong under different agencies.

Furthermore, it is currently known that the rest of the members of SS501 are working on renewing their contracts with DSPE. Stay tuned to allkpop for future information regarding this matter.

Source: Newsen


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Promises are made to be broken, and lies are meant to keep. I don't believe in him anymore. He gave up the rest of the team and it's very disappointing. Good luck to you EX-LEADER!

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I give my fullest support to Leader, he's to be the rock musician he always wanted to be. He's just being true to himself, he can't deny his dream as a musician. Sentimentality is secondary.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Anonymous from 9:20am,
    I do wish you would set aside your selfishness and not judge before you understand the whole situation. Quite honestly people in general need growth.. From celebrities to 9-5 employees, people all need to branch out eventually and find their own niche in life. I am a fan of SS501 but as much as I want them to stay together, they're at an age where its time to move on and further their careers. Don't point fingers an attack them when you are just a bystander. As a fan, just be happy for what they have succeeded and wish them the best of luck in the future.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    This pretty much confirms the body language between KHJ and the other SS501 Members at the X Concert.....

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Finally the news is out.. I hope Triple S will still cool about it and won't bashing leader.. he just leave DSP not leave SS501..
    He must have his own reason about it.. and must be considering about it for a long time.. I just hope the best for him.. and i hope, SS501 will gonna be like Shinhwa, g.o.d which they still together although have a different management..

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I will support him all the way .. thru low n high ..

    dont waste any time ... half year aledy past .. cant wait for your new drama .. or you can be a rock singer n play bass guitar like ... no matter what ... ustil my no. Idol ..

  7. Paula9:42 AM

    Hi!! Please stay calm and don't judge, there's a reason behind this, and although it clears why they were so anxious doesn't that make u think that they knew this was going to happen?

    Leader has not left the band!!Plus there are other bands which work under different agencies, please believe in them, don't be blinded by the rush of emotions that are currently hitting everyone!!!

    Triple S promised to believe in them and some people are saying he broke promises, but then aren't you breaking one too???

    No matter the outcome I believe in them and will support them forever!!! :)

  8. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Great news! I hope other members also find a better, more suitable agency.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'M SO GLAD AND VERY HAPPY KHJ IS IN GOOD HANDS NO OTHER THAN BYJ of Keyeast Agency...ALL BETTER WATCH OUT FOR KHJ NEW PROJECT WITH KEYEAST IT'S GONNA BE A VERY HIGH QUALITY PROJECT FOR HIM.....and for those doesn't know BYJ you have surf the internet you gonna LOVE BYJ also like you love KHJ.

  10. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Leaving DSP is by far the Best decision! My support to KimHyunJoong wherever he decide to go and whatever he decide to do!

  11. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Finally, it's about time he leaves DSP. I believe hyun joong made the best decision to join BYJ. i know keyeast will take good care of him. I'm proud of Kim Hyun Joong and will support him until the end of time.

  12. I don't know what to say, I gotta admit I am worried, I want to say I trust him but idk am just waiting on the rest of the members to give their official statement. I think I'll trust them instead.= (

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    wanna share and read this news...SS501 Kim Hyun Joong, Bae Yong-agency blitz key forest move...The male group SS501 leader Kim Hyun Joong Bae ㈜ agency has signed an exclusive contract with key forest.Keith is the 29th update "Kim Hyun Joong and has signed exclusive contracts" he said.
    SS501 Kim Hyun Joong as a member of the 2005 debut full and enjoys steady popularity throughout Asia, leading idol. In the meantime, leading the Korean Wave star sonkkophimyeo Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong has enjoyed tremendous popularity in places.Update 2Keith's new agency Bae Joong, Lee Na-young, Choi Kang-hee, Lee Bo-young, bongtaegyu, yijiah, Park Ye-jin, soyihyeon, hongsuhyeon and is a member.This Joong Bae and the key belongs to undertake active in forest and outside the industry are interested in the collection. Joong hand the key forest and across Asia as Korean pop stars to emerge were the agency side, combined to gain a foothold. Yanggeunhwan key forest agency representative "as a singer and an actor with various possibilities to develop, to give you a better look with a fresh start," he said.Representing both the ear "for the next generation of the Korean Wave star Kim Hyun Joong sonkkophideon to Asia over the stage with world-class entertainers to develop a more professional and intensive support will not be spared," he said.SS501 Kim Hyun Joong's album was released here recently completed activities, the next appearance is carefully studied works.

  14. I'm not familiar the korean agencies so unable to comment on his choice of decision.
    However I've learnt to trust and believe in HJ so if he decides to move on with Keyeast then I wish him success!
    He is one thoughtful person and for one who still treasures friendship of old days how can it be that he will leave the other SS501 members behind.

    Let's not be too judgement and wait for more news to follow. The truth will be revealed ultimately.

    Let's respect their decision whatever it may be.
    I'm sure they are more anxious then we are.
    So let's not satisfy our own needs and expectations but give them our blessings which will be much needed.

  15. Anonymous10:40 AM

    i support leader all the way.
    yes, we dont know detail about leader's condition , he must be has a reason for leaving dsp.
    i love ss501, i want them to be together, but as fans, all we can do only to support our boys.
    pray for them..

  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Very worry :(
    what will happen to SS501?
    feeling sad T_T

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    i'm not bashing leader, neither am i blaming him for leaving the group. but is anyone here concerned about the rest 4? because i am.

  18. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Anonymous at 10:55am:
    i am! i am!! now leader has a safe, good, sound shelter.. what about the rest of the 4?

    seriously i pay more attention to the rest of the 4 in terms of contract issues become leader will have good offers for sure.. i'm seriously worried about the rest of the 4.

  19. aprilstar11:00 AM

    I give my unconditional support to KHJ's decision .

    His decision is a good direction towards his personal career . For the past 5 years-actually even before that -he has taken cared of SS501 -now is his turn to take care of himself .Even Kyu Jong said to leader not to be burdened by them as they are now grown ups .

    The world is one big ocean, there is a lot of opportunities and challenges waiting for him.This is the time to pursue them.

    I am sure they can still be together -more than 5 years of brotherhood -all the hardships and success they pursued together is not easy to forget.

    To Hyun Joong ,As I have consistently said I only wish you the best -and now the best is yet to come with KEYEAST.

  20. @ Anonymous 10:55... I am.


  21. >Anonymous at 10:55am:
    I am as well.

    So now we can only pray and hope for the very best.

  22. Anonymous11:09 AM

    i support hyun joong's decision to shift to another agency. its about time that he thinks of himself, i wish him more success in his future projects........

  23. Anonymous11:11 AM

    anonymous @ 10:55....

    i am too...very much in fact

  24. @10:55

    i am....very very much

  25. I am standing firm with what Leader had said during the x Concert FM... Believe in SS501..ignore those hurtful rumours and comments...

    I believe...

  26. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Anonymous @ 10:55

    I'm concerned about them... a lot... i believe that Kyu Jong, Jung Min, Hyung Jun & Young Saeng are very talented and capable so they will have offers and they'll take the one they're confortable with, I think that whatever they decide we should support them cause this matter is way harder for them than for us, so let's support them in everything we can!

  27. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I really hope and believe the rest will have offer that suit them most.

    They hv grown up already. They're all talent and I hope they can gain fame and wealth under their own name instead of under the shadow of group or someone else.

    This is definitely a good move to all members as I dun see any breakthrough if they stay in DSP. If some members chose to stay, they should now with more resources. Anyway, best wishes to all of them.

  28. Anonymous11:24 AM

    i wish HJ and the rest of the boys the best in whatever they decide to do. still keeping faith though that they will continue to be together even with their individual activities.

  29. fellyz11:25 AM

    @anonymous 9.20am.
    I know this news might be shocked to all of us, but please think of it before react, that news is Leader leaves DSP, not SS501, we haven’t know other members would stay in DSP or not. I know Leader will hold his promise, please don't give him pressure, it's really hurt him.
    But in my opinion, I hope they change to other company which can give them well treatment & promotion.
    However, I still wait the official notice from DSP. Till now it's only one side confirmation.
    Please believe in SS501, you know, they not only 1 time told to us, but several times. Don’t believe to those rumors, but believe to what SS501 said, that’s all, end of story.

  30. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Anonymous 10:55,
    I am , but I give full of my trust for our leader which is very nice hearted...

  31. Anonymous11:32 AM

    geez, i knew it... ever since he Hyun Joong went to see BYJ last year... i really am concerned about the other 4... i just hope that its a drama contract and that he'd keep his word that they will be 5 as 1 forever.... since he said not to believe in negative rumorurs, somehow he has proven to be true to his words... i'll wait for more news... but right now, i cant help but feel soooo dissapointed in him... i still believe in SS501... (A)

  32. Anonymous11:33 AM

    As must as i love them together, i actually think this is a good start over for ALL FIVE members.

    It's about time for each of them to expand, and walk their own career path. It's better for their futures this way. With HJL in the group, the other four members are over shadowed by his popularity most of the time.

    It's sad, but it's necessary for their future. Let's all support them.

  33. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I'm actually happy that KHJ left DSP.. DSP was not good enough in promoting the boys.. If they were with JYP, SM or YG, they could have been more popular..Well I just hope the rest of them left DSP too...but I still believe in them... I know they're going to make a second album as promised!!!!

  34. Anonymous11:45 AM

    anonymous 10:55

    me too! i am very much concerned about the 4. but no matter what, a true triples will continue to support the boys in whatever endeavour they have.

    goodluck hjl! im happy for you but u cant take it away from me to be a little sad at the same time.

    hope we would hear something soon regarding the rest of the boys. ss501 fighting!

  35. Anonymous11:46 AM

    @ Anonymous 10:55

    I am. I will forever support them with or without leader. One person does not make a group. SaengKyuMinJoon fighting!

  36. Anonymous11:53 AM

    im sad...really sad.. i started to love ss501 because of kim hyun i dont think that i can leave ss501 because he is not part of ss501 anymore..i want 5 of them to be together..when i watch x concert, only kim hyun joong not cry..i thought that he tried to be cool as a leader..but still, if this is his decision, i support him and also the other 4..

  37. Anonymous11:54 AM

    hyun joong has been a great leader since ss501 debut... a hardworking leader that promote his band in whatever activities he involve in..

    give him a break .. dont blame him for this.. he need to move on ...
    i believe he will sucsess in futute undertaking ...

  38. @ the X-Concert he did not cry..but if you look real closely to his says it all..he's sad but keeps himself strong for the rest of the group.
    don't blame him for transferring to keyeast..he has gone through a lot and for sure it is one of the reasons for his vacation here in cebu..took a 3-day vacation to think things over..i believe in him and will totally support him all the way..
    if you really are a true TS, you should at least try to RESPECT his decision..there's a reason for're not just hurting Leader, you're also hurting TS who believe and trust him..

  39. Anonymous12:03 PM

    im not angry or blame him, but im sad because i love ss501 soo much..

  40. i'm anonymous at 10.55 (was too agiated to log in and stuff)

    thanks guys for all the concerns. i kinda dont know what to think anymore. i'm not angry at leader (because i think he deserves to heighten his own solo career) but at the same time, i'm super worried about the future of double S.
    and yes, kyuminsaenghyung fighting! <3

  41. Anonymous12:13 PM

    on a lighter side, i just remembered what YS said in his tok chat...that we might be in shock when he comes back on stage...maybe he will introduce himself as the new leader of double s. hehehe!

    relax girls! we all know that everythings gonna be alright. in the end we will all learn to accept whatever decisions the boys will take. goodluck double s! i will respect whatever your decisions are. so sad but have to face the truth.

  42. let's hope for the best, don't know how to react in this issue, actually i'm crying what i read this article...
    we are lucky that HJL is in a good agency right now & seems so happy, let's hope that he will continue his activies as a leader of SS501, i hope DSP will released an statement about the future of the rest of the members of SS501.
    coz we Triple S are getting crazy on what will gonna happen with the band.
    OMG..., they didn't even released the "Let Me Be The One" MV, that supposed to be released last week.
    i hope Triple S around the world don't give him a negative comments about this, he has a reasons, let Leader & the rest of the SS501
    anyway keep on believing Leader & SS501...

  43. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Shinwha was able to be together and was able to produced music together even though the members belong to different groups. If Shinhwa can do it SS501 can do it also.

  44. Anonymous1:00 PM

    With all these going on, DSP is still quiet and non-respondent!
    One thing I am glad - HyunJoong leaving DSP!! that to me is the greatest news though sad about the situation for SS. Its really difficult for any agency to take in all the 5 guys, so, i really hope that the other 4 have a chance with other agency too! Staying on with DSP might not be their best career choice!

    As fan, let us think what is best FOR them, rather than what we want FROM them!

  45. Anonymous1:11 PM

    this has been a big news that even my state of not having enough sleep yet would prevent me from not visit this forum and share my thoughts. i love SS501 as a group and i don't think i would love any other group than them. they are the reason why im so into kpop.

    but i came to realize that somehow, someone would definitely take the lead and think of their future. i'm not happy with the news because somehow it means that not at all times they will be together. but then again, they've grown a lot and whatever decision LEADER has, i will wholeheartedly accept it. definitely, i will support all 5 of them whether its a group or individual activity. they've really grown and matured a lot and thinking of what future holds for them is the reality, human nature.

    i believe leader is not good in acting yet, but there's always room for improvement. he's not the best singer among 5 of them but he has his own strength appeal to make people admire them, that's why we are here triple s.

    all the best LEADER in your decision, you have my 100% support same as with SAENGIE, KYU, MAL & MAKNAE

  46. Anonymous1:30 PM

    We can't expect Leader to do things or make decisions that would please everyone. If not for now, somehow some time in the future this has to happen. They are already 24, they can't forever be doing k-pop boy band hits and do those dance moves like those younger boy bands anymore. The other 4 should have thought of this long ago.

  47. Anonymous1:50 PM

    i dont know what to say..but i still support ss501 and leader..but to think that hyun joong is not part of ss anymore, im kinda sad.. when i watch u r man with three of them without min and leader, i feel there is something missing.. and, if one day i watch the mv without leader..aaaaah i cannot imagine it..i luv leader and ss501...

  48. Summer A.1:51 PM

    @ Anonymous 10:55,

    i am too. at the moment. my thoughts are kinda frozen, my judgement is impaired. i'm simply worried to bits. throughout the comments i keep reading "KHJ" and "the other 4 (members) " and it just keeps flashing through my head.

  49. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Of course we care about the other 4. And i am not so worry about them cause i know they will do excellent with or without KHJ. They are talented and they have proved it over it past 5 years. KKJ can be a great singer and Actor if he decide to persue it, Young Saeng for sure will be a a great Ballad Singer, and Jung Min. Great Model, singer, actor, and damn he has his own business. He is bascially set and with this warmest towards his fans. Lets say fan will still love and adore him. Hyun Joon always wanted to be a solo singer and shine on his own. So whats there to worry about and i am pretty sure every agency are waiting to recuite them if they dont renew with DSPE.

    I am not panicing because they said. They still have a 2 album to finish. It just door number 1 has open so lets wait for door number 2 to open. Just because he sign to another agency doesnt mean he broke his promies because its not confirm yet that there will be no SS501.. Its all still in the air thats coming soon!

  50. Anonymous2:32 PM

    although i love ss501 because i love hyun joong but even after leader leave the group, i still support them..they have their own strenght. i am just sad because i love 5 of them...ss501 fighting! leader fighting!

  51. Anonymous2:34 PM

    actually, after i read this, i dont know what feeling suppose i had..
    although it very good for kim hyun joong oppa, but how about the rest...i'm really worried about the rest 4 too...
    how about ss501??how about their future???
    i hope kim hyun joong say someyhing to make triple s able to breath as usual...
    until now i keep thinking and really2 worry about the others...
    although it good for kim hyun joong...........ummmm....but... ahhh... i don't how to say... naega joemal saranghae ss501!!

  52. Anonymous2:41 PM

    i cant believe some people are considering the situation a good news while me and a lot of other triple s are crying over the news actually they seem really happy . well i guess its good that at list some people are happy cause i am seriously angry. what was i thinking ، i was actually believing him even if he said himself he seldom keeps his promise and regarding the x concert i think we should stop saying he was sad himself . whenever someone tries to say something everyone immediately will say leave him alone your hurting him he had worked hard( like other members aren't hard working enough).this makes me laugh between tear.making him like a vulnerable angel doesn't make the fan's feelings rehabilitate . anyway wish him good luck and i hope the new agency give him what he couldn't reach in dsp and with ss501.

  53. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I just realize a hurtful fact. Not this news coz there is still no word from Leader so that we still have faith. But, Triple S is divided into 2 sides. One side wants SS501 to break up, and the other wants them to be 5-0-1. What is this? This is so unique, huh? Cass wants only one thing, ELF wants only one thing, but Triple S wants several things. This is so hurtful.

  54. Anonymous3:03 PM

    i cant believe some people are considering the situation a good news while me and a lot of other triple s are crying over the news actually they seem really happy . well i guess its good that at list some people are happy cause i am seriously angry. what was i thinking ، i was actually believing him even if he said himself he seldom keeps his promise and regarding the x concert i think we should stop saying he was sad himself . whenever someone tries to say something everyone immediately will say leave him alone your hurting him he had worked hard( like other members aren't hard working enough).this makes me laugh between tear.making him like a vulnerable angel doesn't make the fan's feelings rehabilitate . anyway wish him good luck and i hope the new agency give him what he couldn't reach in dsp and with ss501.

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM

    @ Annoymous 2:50pm

    I don't think any TS (true one of cos and not some anti trying to sow discord) wants them to break up. Some of them are just happy that Leader is no longer with DSP because let's face it, DSP is really bad at managing their artistes.. all some TS wants is for the boys to move to a better place, and if HJL has the courage to be the first to announce it, then they are happy for him. But no TS wants them to break up, after all it is possible to continue as a group even under different agencies..

    Cassies also want the same, they want the 5 to stay together, but wish for HoMin to leave horrible SM..

  56. Anonymous3:17 PM

    @Annoymous 3:03pm

    Sometimes I just do not understand the mentality of fans. They really expect their idols to be like God, perfect in every way. I just wish everyone would remember that idols are humans like everyone else. People change, their expectations change as they gain different experience. Yes Leader said before that he would never leave DSP unles DSP doesn't want him. But may I know when did he last say that? If I don't rmb wrongly it was at least 2 years ago. In these 2 years, many things could have changed. Perhaps DSP is no longer treating him as well as previously, perhaprs he finds that his priorities and interests have changed after acting in BOF? So what? Do you want to force a young man to remain stagnant all his life and do things he no longer likes.. Just because he didn't keep to what he said 2 years ago does not deserve such bashing and retaliation..

    I for one am happy with him signing on to KeyEast because it seems like a good company, but I would be very disappointed if he does not continue with ss501. But that does not mean I am going to hate him because of that.

  57. Anonymous3:29 PM

    NO one is happy with the thoughs of the boys not being as one. What i am more sad about is TS are diving into two sides. Bashing KHJ and depending KHJ, but not all facts have come out yet. Saying he didnt keep his promise and he lied when we dont know the whole story regarding the boys!!I know everyone is frustrated so am i... but nowhere in the news says that SS501 are disbanding. i think i am seeing different side of TS fans that i am disappoint in.

  58. Anonymous3:32 PM

    i also agree with u. i am sad that he wil not continue his contract with DSP but still i cannot hate him..

  59. Anonymous3:33 PM

    please..please..stop it...
    we should togther as one...we r TRIPLE S...plese togthr again...
    we should strong to face this...
    we should strong for our boys...
    please...we r grean peas...REMEMBER IT...
    our boys need US as their supporter...
    SS501 strong until today bcoz WE tripleS which always with them in any situation..and tripleS strong bcoz we are togther as one...
    PLEASE TOGTHER AGAIN..don't split into 2 group...

  60. yeah, i agree with anonymous @3:33..
    i think we, triple s should stop fighting.. actually in this kind situation, we should together pray for them...
    i think if they(ss501) read all this, they maybe upset with us because we blame each other...
    yeah, although i admited it i'm a little bit upset about this, but i still tried to belive and love ss501...
    lets stop blame to each other and be patient for their final decision k~
    ok, all triple s, please calm down.. i start love triple s too just like i love ss501..because we had done many things together to support them aren't??
    so i hope we will still together support them!!^_^
    LOVE YA~

  61. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'm upset,too about him leaving ss501,since we are not going to see their 'adorkness' when they are all gathered together again.But well,for what I think,we should not be worry for our beloved leader.I'm sure he has considered the advantages and disadvantages for leaving dsp and ss501.I'm also sure he was more upset than us for leaving his 'brothers' as they had spent their 5 years or even more building their careers together.I believe he is mature enough to make a big decision.Just believe in him and pray the best for him.He still needs our support,guys..And for the other 4 guys,I believe they are also adults who can decide what's the best for them.In fact,they are still human beings who are eager to pursue their dreams.We can just wish them the best,can't we?

  62. Anonymous6:44 PM

    We have no right to be judgmental because we do not know the whole story. What I am certain of is that this was not an easy decision for him to make, and he must have given this a lot of thought, probably consulted a lot of people, before coming up with a decision. If we really care for him and the rest of SS501, then we should continue to support them in what they will be doing. The boys have been together for five years, starting from when they were virtual nobodies. The friendships that have been built over these five years going through the various difficulties and challenges of their careers will surely form a strong bond among them, regardless of whether they stay as a group or pursue individual careers. Who knows if this development will give them more room to grow not just as performers and artists but also as individuals. As the one who commented before me wrote, let us wish each one of them the best, and pray for their success.

  63. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Big congrats to leader! It's time for you to fly higher and higher for the world. DSP can't support your great talent.

    And you did all your best for the last years for dsp and your members as a leader. No group leader couldn't be better than you, hyunjoong. How hard you tried to promote your group and your members.....Everyone khows it.
    5 years is just enough. will be with you to the end of time, hyunjoong.

  64. Anonymous9:14 PM

    whatever happen, whatever issue it is, we still can see them in this entertainment whether separate activity or not..i read some negative comment about leader in the other blog, it's hurt me so much..dont blame leader.. im also sad right now because i love ss501. but to blame the leader, it is not the right way.. and...we also do not know the truth yet..whatever happen, just think it is the best for them...i did upset, but i dont blame leader and i also fully support the other..whether it is 5 or 4 or even one, i still love them...ss501


  66. Anonymous1:38 AM

    i am the biggest fan of leader.. i love ss coz of him..but when i see him at x-concert, i hate him,,i dont know why,,i cried so much because i pity for the other 4.. when min cry only hj seems to ignore him..when young seng said something, hj tried to console the fans..he looks different from before. but really, i do love leader no matter what....just a little bit upset..ss501 may not be disband, but thinking that hj not under the same company with the others, it hurts me..aaahh leader, u make me cry a lot today...i will hate u but i love the lyrics of love the way, no matter what, KIM HYUN JOONG AND SS501, U STILL HAVE MY SUPPORT....It's all about future, i tried to understand..

  67. Anonymous2:38 AM

    12.42 anon:
    you are right.I noticed too that he is different now. I loved him and ss501 because of how friendly they are to their fans.He seems cold and distant now. Although he still show his usual smile,I sense that he's not the same anymore. and my imaginations.

    Another huge difference is the large number of guards that surrounds him these days. Really intimidating!

    anyway,I wish him luck for the future. But will continue to support SS501 if it still remains as a group.

  68. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I think it's a great decision for KHJ to make. You cannot count your future on one person. Being independent is what the rest of the 4 need to learn if they want to grow up to be a better artist which I think they already realized that and are working very hard toward to. KHJ is not strong enough to cover the rest of the 4 at this point, so in order for him to really do something good for his love ones, he needs to grow himself first. Staying in DSP which doesn't do a good planning for their people will eventually make KHJ's fame die out like lots of other 'one drama stars'. (like the prince in Qung.) What good will that do to ss501 members if that's the case?

    I think KHJ's decision is the best for all of them. Leader is definitely not selfish. As smart as he is, he must have thought through all these and sort it out.

    He has my full support!!

  69. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Agree to anony 8:54. Why should khj keep sacrificing himself for other members and dsp? Why??? He's done enough and enough. Now it's time for him to go alone and spread his talent and charms to the world.

    Fighting hyun joong!!! You made a great decision. Will love and support forever......

  70. Anonymous10:55 AM

    LEADER IS A TRUE LEADER.... HE LOVES HIS DONGSAENGS VERY MUCH AND IS A TRUE FRIEND....Leader signed to another company because DSP does not want all 5 of them together.... DSP did not renew contract of Kyu Jong, so Leader said he will renew contract if DSP will renew contract of Kyu but DSP refused hence HJL true to his words signed to another company followed by YS to another (to protect the group as a whole) while Kyu is still negotiating with another agency... while Mal and Baby renewed their contract on the 5th anniversary thinking that their hyungs already did ....but they all promise to make a 2nd full album next leader is still protecting his dongsaengs by standing firm, the CEO being sick was just an excuse to cause delay.... aigoo DSP very scheming

  71. Anonymous11:21 AM

    yes, he is different now..u may also notice it in shim shim tapa radio with gyuri and shindong..its just different..i know that i cannot say it, but right now i really hate him..although actually i am a big fan of him..

  72. Anonymous12:08 AM

    To Anonymous @ 11:21am

    Why do you hate him?

    For being the first to sign a contract so that he can continue to work?

    For leaving DSP which none of the members are currently contracted to?

    How does your love turn to hate when so many things are still unknown and unclear?

    Settle down and think, are you letting speculations and rumours get the better of you now?

    What are the facts NOW?
    HJL is no longer contracted to DSP. He has joined KE yesterday.
    YS is no longer contracted to DSP. He has NOT joined any agency.
    KJ is no longer contracted to DSP. He has NOT joined any agency.
    JM is no longer contracted to DSP. He has NOT joined any agency.
    HJB is no longer contracted to DSP. He has NOT joined any agency.

    ALL of them are not contracted to DSP NOW. The only difference is HJL has joined KE yesterday.

    I would really like to understand, what is the basis and source of your hate with the above facts?

  73. Anonymous10:14 AM

    i agree with anonymous 12.08am..

    why blame hyun joong ? what crime that he commit ? why should he devoted to dsp ? is he guilty for being more popular & get himself sign up with keyeast?

    or do u people want him to "resting" like other members too?

  74. Anonymous11:05 AM

    yeah u are right,kim hyujn joong i love u

  75. Anonymous7:17 PM

    as a triple s, really worried about what would be the outcome of these events...i don't know what exactly i should feel..all i know is i love them(kim hyun joong, kim hyung joon, kim kyu jung, heo young saeng and park jungmin)..i will love them and support them no matter what..pls.pls.pls.pls. don't leave us..stay as ss501!!!!
