
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[Article] Uncertainty in SS501's future

ThanKYU to Shirley for sharing this translation.

Again, we're only hearing/reading news from KeyEast side we still have to wait for whatever DSP and the 5 members has to say about all this.


Uncertainty in SS501's future
Korean to English translation by shirbogurl

SS501's member Kim Hyun Joong recently signed with BYJ's Keyeast. In fact, he has already departed from the group SS501. SS501's management company DSP Entertainment's representative expressed that "after Kim Hyun Joong left SS501, it is still uncertain whether SS501 will continue with future activities."

At last, Kim Hyun Joong chose BYJ's Keyeast as his new management company. During the interview, Keyeast's representative announced that "from now on, the company will do its best to help Kim Hyun Joong's entertainment career and train him to become a world level celebrity."

Because KHJ signed with a new company, people are curious about whether SS501 continue its activity as a group. To this, Keyeast representative expressed that even though KHJ has left DSP Entertainment company, but he still kept a good relationship with the other SS501 members. There is a possibility that he will participate in future SS501 albums. Although Keyeast expressed its opinion, however, DSP Entertainment has the ownership to SS501's name and the ability to make future decisions for SS501. DSP entertainment representative indicate that, as of right now, there are no certain future plans for SS501. The company is currently negotiating with the other four members about renewal of their contracts. It is still uncertain whether SS501 will continue on with future activities or disband.


  1. angelride11:46 AM

    Though my heart feels heavy with all these news, i'm still keeping faith that all will be well for all of them. Thanks Liezle for the quick and clear updates. Can't do any work trying to search for news about them.

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Let him leave if that what he wants... If he doesn't care, I don't care also.

  3. Congrats to HJ but I stay with the rest of the boys...I knew he'll do it....

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    yup.. just let go leader wif open heart.. like JM said earlier on .. he is the influential member in SS501...just wait and see how JM will use his "power" to overcome this matter..

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    i dont know what to say......... but one thing is for sure if the departure of KHJ somehow makes the rest of the members split up and disband i dont think i could ever,ever EVER forgive him for that. hopefully it doesnt come down to that and im still hopeful everything will turn out OKAYY.

  6. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong said firmly not to believe the negative rumors and trust them because they are SS501. And I believe him. I trust his decision and will support him all the way. DSP also had its shortcomings when the boys where still with them. Lets not blame KHJ entirely.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I need to see the original article please.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Those with negative comments, you should read the article again. HJL still able to do music with SS501 if DSP and other members agree to.
    Why do you want them to disband, when it's not official announced so yet???

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Why are you blaming leader, he need to think of his future for once. he sacrifices lot for the group, kyu say that too. whatever decision he do we as fans we need to support him, believe in him. don't blame everything on leader...!!!

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    yeah, for those leaving negative comments, please stay with whosoever you wanted.

    HJ has done enough for DSP. 2-3 years later, all of them will need to join the army. All I hope is that they can have a better agency with more exposure, opportunity and earn more... after the fulfillment of the army duty, how many so called "Fans" will stay with them?
    I will support Kim Hyun Joong no matter he is the leader of SS501 or what as long as he is in front of the sence.

  11. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Some stars are destined to shine brighter. This is Kim Hyun Joong to me. I wish him success in this move.

    He has touched so many people with his role as Yoon Ji-hoo, and I hope he will be able to do more of that now.

    I also believe SS501 still has a future. They are talented guys blessed with so much charm and good looks. I wish them success, too.

  12. Anonymous12:36 PM

    DSP is making it harder for KHJ than already is. KHJ never said he's leaving SS501 but with their statement and I quote "After Kim Hyun Joong left SS501." Come on guys, KHJ left you (DSP) not the group!

  13. Anonymous12:41 PM

    thanks liezle & the translator for the fast news update.

    for me i choose to believe what Baby said during the X concert that the will come will 2nd album, to grow old with them. Other members always emphasized that we should believe in them.

    Whatever path they choose is for their own good.It's the reality. It is hard for us to accept but it is harder for them to make the decision.

    Whatever happen, SS01 Fighting ^_^

  14. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Just got one thing to say to anonymous at 12.07 - is HyunJoong gonna be responsible for their life? His life have to be subjected to what is best for the others? He need to live his life in the shadow of what others considered good for them (or rather what is good for yourself)?

    Its their life, their decision .. so live with it!
    if your bitterness is towards HyunJoong, let me tell you, you were never a fan of him in the fist place!

  15. Anonymous12:44 PM

    To 12:07pm,
    no one got the right to blame him,he got the right to decide his future,and & I can tell you he's the one who passion more on stage.He's the one who bring up the group,not dsp the lousy mgmt,without him,I don't think you know ss501.Pls respect his decision & don't put all the blame on him.

  16. aprilstar12:51 PM

    KHJ needs our unconditional love,support and understanding at this critical point in his career life .A true fan will think nothing less than providing these to his favorite star .

    Be glad that we are there and we are part of the important changes in his life .

    Like in a family we do not stop our precious members from achieving their goals in life- we provide him the continuing assistance because we care .

  17. Anonymous12:54 PM

    i totaly agree wif anonymous 12.44pm & 12.51 pm

    hyun joong has done a great job as a leader for past 5 yrs ..

    i will continue my support to him no matter what decision he made or may make near future...

  18. Well to one of the anonymous', abandoning DSP is pretty much abandoning SS501 unless they can come up with some kind of compromise. DSP owns SS501, the name, the songs, the image, they hold the copyrights to it and if the other members renew their contract it really is up DSP whether they want SS501 to continue having 5 members.

    I don't think anyone should use the "if you are a true fan..." argument because it is simply ridiculous to think that I am not a "true fan" just because I do not support Kim Hyun Joong's decision. I refuse to call him Leader until I hear another announcement saying otherwise.

  19. Anonymous1:03 PM

    to 12:41 pm,
    ya, i agree with you. what khj needs now is our support and if you are a fan of him, then you must continue supporting him whatever happens. for 12:04, i guess you're not really a fan of him. i love ss501 and i love khj so much so whatever it takes, my love for him will be forever...

  20. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Those who support Leader signing up with Keyeast are antis and negative supporters while those who cry over the end of SS501 are positive supporters?

  21. Anonymous1:19 PM

    It seems like some TS fans are not for all the boys, but for individual members. I strongly believe that TS are the ones who will disband SS501 with their dis-beliefs in the boys. Lets wait and see what the others say!! we have clearily hear it from their mouths that five of them are SS501 and its a new beginning for them. We can't lost faith in them as a group, they said they have alot to do as a group and trust in them. Who knows probably negotation in getting them all in same company or the other say with DSPE and still work with Keywest &KHJ who knows. Lets just keep our hands cross that good news come soon. If not we just wish them well and support each member along their path. This is the time to show support and show people in time like these we stand loyal and loving them all.

    @Myra not to use the line" if you're a true fan" well what line should we use. Seriously what line should we use to TS fan that say negative comment about him. Just because he made the first move, we dont know the whole story behind all these but some of us put the blame on him once the news come out that he change agency. No offical news has come that says there will be no more SS501. You say once he abandon DSP he abandon ss501, you honestly believe he would abandon the boys. That i would surely say over and over again to your face. You're not a true TS.

  22. Anonymous1:20 PM

    i think the main issue here is that we all know that hyun joong can survive his own solo career well (needless to say why) but we are all concerned with what his decision will do to SS501. also, i'm worried about the rest 4.

    there's no need to blame anyone because at the end of the day, our BIGGEST worry is SS501, as a GROUP.

  23. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Believe in the boys because that's what they asked from us! I BELIEVE!

  24. So it is confirmed that Leader has left SS501? Leader obviously has his own reasons for switching to KeyEast. It's not like they were doing very well in DSP with the album delays etc.
    Thanks liezle for updating us. I look forward to more updates from DSP's side so we know what's going on.

    SS501's not the same without Leaderrrr

  25. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Wait... please don't be like this...

    Leader already ask us to BELIEVE in them SS501... he told us already that there will be a false rumours & want us to trust them because they are SS501...

    They said 'ONLY believe what they say'... they even cried because too worry about us... so worry that we'll fall with those unconfirmed news... so Triple S... please, have faith in them... until DSP or SS501 announce this issue... please don't lost your trust on them... please...

  26. emily2:21 PM

    "In fact, he has already departed from the group SS501." I don't think this is FACT at all. There's no official statement from Hyun Joong or DSP, so I don't think it's right to post this statement in the news. He left DSP, but he hasn't left the group. Stating it as such is purely hurtful and assuming.

  27. Anonymous2:33 PM

    So to leave the group is selfish, but to stay in the group is not? Who are we to say what is right or wrong? If he thinks that he can develop his potential more if he concentrates on a solo career, then why should we blame him for his decision? He's human after all, you can't expect him to sacrifice his future for 4 other people, when in the first place it may not even be the best for the other 4 pple if they stay together.. all he can do is take a gamble and do what he thinks is best..

    So if eventually Kyu and YS leaves DSP, are pple gonna blame them as well? They are just doing what they think is best.. Blind loyalty to a company is foolish.. If DSP cannot give the boys what they want, they ought to move on.. Don't put the boys up on a pestedal when they are only human, not different from u and i..

    Having said that, i really really hope that ALL 5 would stay together even if they join different agencies. Honestly DSP is a crap agency and I wish all of them would leave but stay as SS501. I don't care if they call themselves some other name and not ss501, just the 5 stay together I will be happy (i know i m selfish)..

  28. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I just realize that I shouldn't have step foot into this world. It hurts a lot. Now, what am I holding on to keep believing? Please, SS501 members or DSP, give me some words, I need more courage to trust. Why do all the people I trust just choose to keep silence? Leader, I trust you but I do need courage. How long do I have to wait to know the truth?

  29. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anonymous 1:19
    you can say whatever you want to her face baby.but pls stop this shit already.i think everyone pretty much are hurt i suggest to keep your amazing way to yourself.we did believe him .okey? see the result.first it was just rumor right now is news some other time it will become reality.and i don't think boys will leave the company.jung min in his birthday only to prey for their CEO baby mentioned him in their first MB win and said to give them a i think they will stay.if they don't change their word drastically like hyun joong did.i won't leave DSP unless they kick me passion for music is bigger than act.seriously the only reason he is leaving company in my opinion is for yearning more money and fame like he already doesn't . cos basically his move is not good for group's future at pls finish this.he cares about them more than himself he،would never leave the group.ha،he already did.i just can't imagine the boys reaction they surely knew this way before than us .

  30. Anonymous3:01 PM

    im a leader fan..but....i will always stay with ss501..mianhe leader...i trust u that 5 forever as 1...i trust you!

  31. Anonymous3:05 PM

    i won't to blame him but i'll be very happy if he move from DSP with the rest of members, they have so many fans in the whole of the world, so why he must decide it alone, without the rest member? he started from zero in SS501 & being big celeb like now, with other members support & he's a leader of ss501.. though he will stay in ss501 they will hv different schedule... i know maybe it because he's the most popular celebrity in SS501... but my heart will always with the rest of member even tough i love him so much.. kyu, min,joonie &s aengie u'r the best and it shows to us how loyal all of u to keep in a commitment to become an unite.. even when 4 of them hv a chance to leave dsp too...

  32. Anonymous3:11 PM

    i will respect all 5 members decision, whatever they are.
    but my heart aches terribly.
    want to believe what they said.
    but with different agencies, always difficult to cooperate.
    will i see them perform together again?
    i'm just so lost and so sad.

  33. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Anonymous 12:04 PM ...
    why i have strong feeling you are a anti-jung you hate him or something.and he is number one in many fan services.i am not stopping you hate him all you can and write it down.but not now.i think this moment is the most sensitive time in all double s just cut it

  34. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I heard the news from TS korea that Leader went to LA usa with JaeJoong and Junsu yesterday.

  35. #SS501 Forever :)4:09 PM

    I'm no hyunjoong bias whatsoever, i like them equally as my idols :)

    Well, he must have had his reasons for doing so & its highly likely that he had already discussed this with the other four. Look back on their speeches made during the fanmeeting. I think there's a lot of underlying messages in their speeches. The words being spoken meant more than how they were being heard.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    During then, they had probably knew about this already. That's why they asked fans to have faith in them regardless of what happens. This could also be the reason why they were so worried that their popularity will suffer a decline in that fans lose faith in them, especially since news of hyun joong's transfer would mean more members of the public (in particular, people who do not follow their news closely) being misled into thinking that SS501 has been disbanded.
    Its clear that they want to stay together, though it may be difficult. And for the unteempth time, they had been assuring fans of how they see themselves having a future together as SS501. It was something they kept reiterating, even till their very last public appearance. They seem to be telling all those out there who loves them, not to give them up. They probably need the fans as much as the fans needs them. Afterall, their popularity and income depends on consumers' demands, and every fan counts.
    Even during the Newton X Fanmeeting, where by then they should already have known of hyunjoong's decision, they were very sure that they were gonna stay five forever as one.
    Hyunjoong also asked the fans for neverending trust and love. With him being one who sometimes turns pink at the display of slight affection, it would probably not require much analytical skills for one to see the sincerity in his speech. Trust and love seemed a simple favour to ask for, but as the days passed by and obstacles/negative rumours began to appear one by one, i now think that hyunjoong was asking their fans for something seemingly simple but in actual fact, difficult to keep to. When asked, the fans readily agreed to trust and love. But in less than a week, people began to doubt once more. We are impatient. Intelligent as they boys may be, they probably understood and had seen it coming. Trust and love didnt merely mean to 'trust' and 'love'. They had meant for us to stay strong in our belief (Haha, of course not in the religion sense) in them, to trust to the fullest such that there is no doubt.
    Thus, i think we should just believe in them and support them in whatever they do. :)
    Its worse for us to doubt them--how can the boys, and triple s expect the public to believe in them, when the triple s themselves, are the ones who are questioning SS501's future almost every other day? What's more, DSP, other entertainment agencies and event organisers are probably all monitoring the boys' moves. Their status as one of the more successful Korean boybands is afterall, undeniable.
    This means that fans as a whole, could be one of the major determinants in SS501's future. Our strong faith and support for them will show DSP and other agencies how the public views SS501 as 5, and never 4. This will make the respective agencies put effort into finding an ideal way to coorperate and make SS501 possible, be it in one single company or not.

  36. #SS501 Forever :)4:10 PM


    The boys, be it talented, or flawed as they can be, are merely five young men. There's a strong will to stay as one, but there's always a limit to what they can do. Afterall, what's the use of having supply without demand? A combination of strong will and hard work on both the artistes and fans' part are what can keep them going.
    We are the consumers, the agencies are the investors. They won't let go of any opportunities should they see the immense returns they might get for keeping SS501 together :)
    Let's not doubt the boys at this time when they need us the most. We've got to support them, without any bias against one or two other members, cuz that just shows outsiders that their seperation means nought to the fans. We've got to stay united. Moreover, it was just last week when hyunjoong, during his visit to Philippines, said that he would keep in mind to include Phil in the list of countries that SS501 would visit in the course of their 2nd Asia tour. By then he must have known that he was going to move to another agency. & yet he made that comment. This probably implies that they will be making a comeback eventually.
    Have faith in them, cuz we have a say in their fate. Its the boys and fans against the rest, not triple s against triple s, nor is it triple s against any one of SS501. If we want to keep them together, we have to join them in this 'battle' and keep faith :)
    Like how some others suggested, we can show our support by trending something about SS501 in twitter. It may even give them more encouragement, since Baby and jungmin twits too.
    Once again, i'm no hyunjoong bias, the fact that i quoted him many times is cuz he happens to be the controversial subject recently =)

  37. OKEYYYY!!!
    to all my beloved TRIPLE S,
    i hope we still together in this kind situation..
    lets we go through this together without any fighting or blame to each other k..
    i think this moment was not easy for us to accept it, but PLEASE, no matter what happen we, TRIPLE S should be together right??..
    hwaiting TRIPLE S and also to our beloved SS501!!!...

  38. To the one who commented that Hyun Joong is only yearning for more money and fame, I'm guessing you are not a Triple S from the start right? Leader is fair. He even used his own money to pay composers just to have their album when DSP can't afford it. He donated 1M to a charity foundation in the Philippines, and even donated his talent fee. So how DARE you accused him of wanting only money and fame. Don't put the blame on Hyun Joong because you don't even know the real story. You don't know a thing so why don't you just SHUT UP.

  39. Anonymous4:51 PM

    to 3.01 may i make a guess that he actually wake up to the silly notion of loyalty to DSP! I believe he had wanted to follow thru with everything he had said!
    but thankfully, i am glad that he grown and thinking more sensibly now and making wise decision, and not just following blindly.

    For all its worth, if the other guys have other agency that want to sign them up, they should just think carefully about their career and future!

    Let us all, be respectful to one other and really, we are in no position to make or tell them how to make their decision.

    If the decision they made are not in line with your fangirl mode, then you have the liberty to leave.
    Respect that it is also your life.

  40. Teresa5:20 PM

    All those who don't want to trust in Leader anymore, then just keep your comments to yourself. How could you even think such awful things of Leader?

    They told us to trust in SS501. Honestly, whatever HyunJoong or the rest of the boys decide, it's up to them. And as TS, we'll just trust them implicitly and support them in whatever decision they make

    I agree with Kim. We all don't know the real story so why are you pointing all the blame at Leader.

    It's so obvious how much Leader cares for the boys and they know it. Do you remember what Kyu told HyunJoong at the fanmeeting?? Maybe that ought to make you see that Leader always tries his best to be SS501's Leader, caring for them, making sure everything goes smoothly.

    So maybe all the bashers or whatever you wanna stop insulting HyunJoong.

  41. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I've only been a fan of SS501 since beginning of this year. Actually, I really didnt know of any korean boybands or KPop until I watched BOF. I fell in love w/ KHJ, watched Joongbo (WGM) and discovered SS501. I fell in love w/them right away too.I even bought music cards from Soribada, and gave them away to support Destination. Signed-up, paid digital DL,bought CD @ YesAsia, eventhough I didnt understand anything in the website. Voted for them in every poll I see. I've learnt to love SS501 bec. of Kim Hyun Joong. I'm sure there are plenty of fans like me out there. And that is great!KHJ has done great things for SS501They're no longer the young idols that alot of TS are supporting for the last 5 yrs. With maturity comes growth, and they are finding that now. This should be celebrated, bec. it is a beginning of great things for them! SS501Forever is so right on.We have to believe and trust in our boys. DSP,KeyEast or whatever agency out there will listen to OUR mighty dollar. Try not to only think of our own selfish needs,they have a life to live. Dreams to fulfill and regardless of whether they will be in the same agency or not,the friendship, brotherhood, respect and love they have 4 each other will always be there. We should learn from them and do the same. Peace! SS501 fighting!

  42. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Anon (6:58) I became a fan of SS501 and KHJ the same way you did.
    I am saddened by KHJ's departure from the group but....the writing was on the wall. Hopefully, they will find a way to appear together as SS'5'01 in the future.

  43. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I still love and trust KHJ.

    It must be a tough decision and hurt him a lot but he need to grow. 5 years as an idol is about time for solo activities and I don't think DSP can provide much for him.

    DSP tends to break the group just look at the past Fin.K.L. and Sechs Kies. If he still with DSP there will be more solo than group activities for SS501 anyway.

    I'm more worry about the other 4 than KHJ. However, I will support them in what ever they do, be it a group or solo, even not under the name SS501. How about WS501 (World Star 501)? There will be no S-S rather than Double-S anymore. Just joking.

    Boys fighting!!!

  44. Anonymous8:25 PM

    6.58 and 7.17, me too also got to know ss501 becoz of leader...watched bof, in love with shinlang wgm, and than being a triple s, all becoz of kim hyun joong, he made me know ss501, he opened my world to k-pop.

    I do support leader no matter what happen. i also support other members, whatever their choice, still in dsp or leaving dsp, i know they had their own reason.

    i know many fans dissapointed by leader's decision, some said he's selfish and money oriented, but i, my self still believe in leader.
    he's such a sweet guy, he used his own money to buy song coz plagiarism issue to made ss501 album came out out on time, he aways make the best for triple s.

    leader, pls stay strong, i love u.
    ss501, always be my fave among idol. i hope the best for all.
    just respect his decision, just pray the best for our beloved ss501.

    is it official that other 4 renew their contracr with dsp..?

  45. Anonymous10:52 PM

    there are lots of things that you guys dont know... dont blame the good person..

  46. Anonymous11:47 PM

    to 10.52 thanks for sharing.

    seem that Mal and Baby sign on without even consulting the rest of the guys, otherwise why would they be surprised when they realised DSP refused to sign Kyu?
    Kudos to HyunJoong for being the ture leader and standing up for Kyu!
    Hope YS and Kyu get a better deal.
    wondering what game DSP is playing?
    haiz, all of them be better off without DSP!!

  47. Anonymous5:48 AM

    i dont care about hjl anymore, i really sad right now, really speechless, sigh, why?
    but i'll support ss501 without khj!
    The last thing is i love you hjl, but i also hate you

  48. Anonymous6:16 AM

    They say there is a fine line between Love and Hate. It's sad to see that the same people who were giving their unwavering love to SS501 are the same individuals proclaiming all these hateful things. Why be like that? Im sure SS501 members have already talked about their decisions. Each and everyone of them have their own reasons, whether it be personal growth, career advancement, money or just want to try something new. Whatever that may be, we as TRUE fans must know, should know how to RESPECT that! KHJ's decision seems to be magnified 100x bec. he is the leader of the group and he is the most popular. None of us know the WHOLE story so we shouldn't pass judgement. He might have been willing to stay with DSP but DSP wanting to exploit the members even more are not reasonable with their offer. Who knows? Would you stay with the same boss eventhough YOU know that u can do so much better trying something new? If you wont do that to yourself, why do we expect them to do such action for themselves?? Loyalty is great! But they also have to take care of their future and their love ones. We should continue to support and love them whether as a group or with their individual activities or solo careers. That's what a true fan is! Peace! SS501 fighting!

  49. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Leader signed to another company because DSP does not want all 5 of them together.... DSP did not renew contract of Kyu Jong, so Leader said he will renew contract if DSP will renew contract of Kyu but DSP refused hence HJL true to his words signed to another company followed by YS to another (to protect the group as a whole) while Kyu is still negotiating with another agency... while Mal and Baby renewed their contract on the 5th anniversary thinking that their hyungs already did ....but they all promise to make a 2nd full album next leader is still protecting his dongsaengs by standing firm, the CEO being sick was just an excuse to cause delay.... aigoo DSP very scheming
