
Monday, June 14, 2010

Crying Tom & Jerry Couple @ Newton Special Screening

Marvie thank you for posting these precious fancams. I saw these earlier before I went to bed watching via Daum and they lag so much.

Ahh, it's really hard for me seeing them cry. Seeing Maknae and Jung Min holding back their tears brings so much pain. It's okay for men to cry. Go and cry... don't hold back.

I really believe that other than anything else it's the fans that are making them cry.

Credit : Pretty & Double Baby


  1. Why is Jun Min crying? I don't understand Korean. Is there and version somewhere that is English subbed?

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    it breaks my heart to see mal cried so hard...dearie, pls don't cry....everything will sure fall into places for you guys...don't cry

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    its creeping me out!!!
    why are they getting emotional? if its fans love towards them & who has supported SS501 in all their activities, sure i buy that, BUT is that all?

    to be honest i'm getting sick at my stomache and feeling anxious sorta like apprehensive; like i'm bracing myself for the worst news,geez i fervently hope its not (A)

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I also thought of that... I thought there was something else bothering them, because they're sooooo emotional on the fan meet, especially our CEO Jung Min... But it's really the fans that made them weep... Ahhhhh SS501 FIGHTING! SS501 thank you! =)

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Haish all these is worrying... the fan accounts are quite varied so I don't really know who said what..

    BUT did someone actually say let's be together till the 50th Anniversay and who said it?? cos the detailed fan accounts didn't mention this part...

    anyway will this fan meet be broadcasted on TV??

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    i agreed with Anonymous at 12:55pm. Really, I do want to believe but in the information about Leader said believe in them, not in rumors is not mentioned in the fan account. I'm scared, I want them to be happy, all 5 of them!

  7. sh* literally eats my heart up to see them cry.!
    but i believe they are just crying because the song is sooo sad and because they are reminiscing 5 years together. and to see the fans are still there for them.. ^^

  8. i hope that it's just because of the fans' love for them that they are touched for and hence, cry. i really hope there's nothing else behind their tears, seriously.

  9. watching the video makes me cry a lot. i kept on thinking that the reason mal and baby crying is the fact that they have been loved by us all these years, the hardships they need to go through just to be what they are now. i believe in what they said that it will be forever. i just want to think that there is a good/understandable reason why there is no clear word yet as for their contracts. LETS KEEP HOLDING ON. TRIPLE S FOREVER

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I feel sad when I see our boys cry. Jung Min just made me cry again and if I was there to this event (which is impossible) I would sit down and cry with Jung Min.. Oww this is second time since last night that I cried because of Jung Min..
    Soo please cheer up guys..! We are a lot of people around the world that loves and cares about you!
    Take care of eachother!!

    Triple S will always support SS501!!!
