
Monday, June 14, 2010

What Jung Min actually said on SBS E! TV ‘E! News Korea – Star Q10

When I was in Seoul I learned about this news and found out that there were some fans who are not in agreement in what was translated on the news article on what Jung Min said on SBS E! TV ‘E! News Korea – Star Q10.

I believe after reading the news the media somehow exaggerated again on the context of what Jung Min said and the translation from Korean to English was quite strong. There is a big difference on what was on the video and what was written on the news.

Anyway, Lois a Korean who owns a blog translated that portion to let us fans know and clarify what really Jung Min said in that video.

Super thanks Lois for this post of yours.


What did Jung Min says?
Korean to Enlish translation by Lois /

Note from Lois : If you are fans of SS501, you may know all our boys' characters and their way of speaking.
Jung Min enjoys joking a lot and pretends to be strong in front of fans.

I'm not English native so I don't know how you understand his joking. But for me, as a Korean, I laughed with his expression. It was Jung Min's way of speaking as usual.

03:58 KYU says, "Jung Min is SS501's Hitler"
04:40 JM Says, "I always do like that. Older brothers (means HJL & YS) got used to my personality. It's acceptable cause we have a good relationship."

Question : Who is the influential person among SS501 members?
04:56 JM Says, "Character? me, Charisma? me, Is there any member your role model? no. I've got a driving force.
Other members change their words but I don't do that. haha"
05:17 JM says, "SS501's influential person you noticed, it's me! who can be? All members are gone. haha"


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    If this is really what makes our Jung Min feel sad, I would be really disappointed with whoever called themselves Triple S but gave negative comments about this. This is his unique charms. I can't say anything apart from this is "so Jung Min", so cute!

  2. Honestly... i think the people who are upset about what JM said by reading the text translation are
    1. who are fairly a new fan of SS501 and do not know their character well
    2. emotionally involved with all the rumors that has rise since the Persona encore concert
    3. believes the media more than SS501 (which is a big no no)
    4. do not understand how KPOP industry functions

    I feel sad when TS is not as strong as I have thought it would have been because of all the rumors and stuff...

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    energetic, charismatic and always ready to do fan service is no other than Mal, of course- we all (tripleS/green peas) know that...he initiates other members to respond to the moment, plus he speaks his mind,which is appealing; the other members (i hope) didn't take any offense with his joke, so why did the media made a big hype and twist his words? tsk,tsk,tsk....

    err, something's wrong with the vid

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Hmm... it doesn't help much.
    Anyway. let's hope for the best of SS501's future.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Oh geez! Should this thing end already? i haven't seen much complaining or criticizing from the fans. Everybody's been really nice and understanding. No need to make thing worst. The boys need our supports right now.

  6. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I think what is upsetting to some is the timing of the joke .At a time when they hardly gone past tons of rumors ,this kind of media release happened.For some fans, they say its alright if JM blurt the jokes when the rest of SS501 were present so they can rebut him and it would be fun seeing them interact -but since he was all alone for the interview -then it was easy for his words to be twisted by media looking for something controversial. Lessons learned here .

  7. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Thanks god for this post...actually it DOES make a big difference 'cause it proves that the media twisted the info in a malicious way to provoke and arise rumors..wich sadly happened due to some people really seems that doesnt know JM personality...

    I totally agree with little and 2nd anonymous and I also hope that people drop this thing alredy...

    Yesterday I made two comments on both of the fan accounts boxes and this post totally confirm what I said, wich is pretty much what little said...

    -People that bashed JM toward this really doesnt know SS501 that well (probably new fans) (I feel like making a video compilation to show the joker manner in wich jm said this)

    -If you read what leader said towards JM in the fanmeeting you will know how good the relashionship between them is, SO PLEASE STOP making assumption...leader know his members, he knows their personalitty, Im sure he knows JM was joking and being him, and even if JM talked more than he should and some or the thing he said may lead to a missundestanding among new fans or non fans, leader really know that under this "mistakes" that the members might do somethimes there is no bad intentions at all...

    Please before judging any of the members be responsable enough to get the time to know them first...

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    SS501 members understand Jungmin so Triple S understand him also. They have been together for so long they know each other personalities. They have differant personalities and their personalities complement each other well.
    Last year It was Baby Hyungjoon news he wanted to rise up as Kim Hyungjoon not as SS501 and the members just laugh it off and just tease him. This time it's Jungmin but the members will just laugh it off.
    He always complements himself and that is how he is. What is wrong with that. I have read a lot of triple S blogs that they like this from Jungmin. Only handful would say something else 'coz they don't understand SS501 well. They are new to SS501 and have only been with SS501 thru Leader's BOF and so they are more Leader's bias. they would be upset 'coz it is like Jungmin overriding Leader's leadership while in fact it is Leader who encourage members to be this way and he even let Jungmin do the speaking for them once in a while.
    I remember Kyujong said when they were a unit he missed Jungmin most bec of Jungmin's hyper activeness. He is the mother of the group. He nags members which the members donot mind. He is very particular on timeliness and that's what he nags members most.
    He is the fan service of the group. He will give an extra mile to accomodate fans in any countries they go to even how tired he is. He is the diva of the group. Every idol groups have one. I love Jungmin this way. He has been this way since debut and even before their debut. I donot like him to change.

  9. actually when i first watched the video, although it was unsubbed, i knew jung min was complimenting himself again, and i laughed, that's just the way he is. even i do that all the time, compliment myself and tell people how awesome i am (of course as a joke, which is not any different than this case). i cant believe this has become an issue. it's actually acknoweldged that JM is the atmosphere maker, the supporter and the "pillar" of ss501! okay, he's not the leader, so what? this also doesnt mean that he's trying to promote himself and "rise up as Park Jung Min instead of SS501".
    this is just Park Jung Min, that's just the way he is. take it or leave it. and one more thing i hate, i understand if you like a member of ss501 more than the others (i myself LOVE baby the most) but as much as i luv him, i still love the other members. i LOVE them! just because JM said he was "the best", over senstive fans should reflect on themseves and love SS501 as a whole, they are ONE, in case you havent noticed their band name!

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    as you said Jung min is just like that, take it or leave it. well, i will just leave it. He can joke all he wants but not at the expense of hyun joong.

  11. Anonymous6:21 PM

    lets not make a mountain out of a mole hill shall we? (:
    no one screwed up, cept the sucking media.

  12. Anonymous8:09 PM

    SS501 is a group - a true fan will/should not take sides between these 5 members - taking sides will only weaken them as a group and that's not what they need especially during this period!

    And yes, Anonyous 6.21 PM is absolutely right, no one screwed up except the stupid media!

  13. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Ahhh... the media always exaggerate on things like this... last year the Media's exaggeration turned on Maknae... and this time Jung Min?.. well if it's the kpop industry i don't know what to say... As long as Triple S will always know what they are one as a group, and who they are individually... taking sides would only make things complicated... Ahhh i hope this mater would be resolved immediately... [Now i wonder if this contributes to making Jung Min cry during the fan meet|but i'm pretty sure it doesn't|]

  14. Anonymous8:56 PM

    If you are one as a group, one does not say such things about another member of the same group. Fans of that member will surely react.

  15. Anonymous9:30 PM

    who said ”such things" about other member of the group?...sorry but in none of the interview we can say that he directly said something toward a member directly, they are no talking about who should lead or not....lets stop implying. AND: exactly, as a group they are one...and as a fan of a group you love them as one, wich means you love the five of them...its of that one person migh react but for fans of the group that love them as one will react as you have seen so far... cool and understanding....

  16. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Bingo Annoymous @9.30PM! You nailed it right there! THANK YOU!

  17. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I didn't even know that this was an issue amongst fans...this is just the way he talks. I laughed at it~

  18. @ Anonymous can you say that?!?!?!? Don't call yourself a true TripleS, cause u don't know how jungmin is, or the other memebers!!! It just shows ur a newbie! get to know them, and not only Kim hyun joong! I admit kim hyun joong is my fav, but i also love the other members!!! I dont see any wrong in what Jungmin said!!! that's what he is! his joking!!! But this is ridicolous we, TripleS, should not fight!!! with each other nor with other fan groups! Stupid media!!

  19. Anonymous11:37 PM

    @.@ calm down, seriously, can't we just drop this topic off?? It's the most annoying topic ever!
    I love JM for what he is... And the members love him maybe even more than us!
    They've been together for more that 5 years, they understand him better!
    Can't you see? They cried together during the fan meeting... On the bright side, it shows how close they are until they can cry like that!
    I'm gonna punch someone on the face if this is one of the reasons why they cried so badly during the fan meet

  20. Anonymous12:33 AM

    More details & more clear chinese translation fm for the special screen fanmeeting.

  21. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Annoymous @11:37PM -


    Very well put!

  22. huahaushaushau too much ado for nothing! Jung Min was only being himself!! Who knows Jung Min's personality don't have to be so much surprised with his answer...

  23. Come on.. If you really are a TS this rumor won't affect you because we (true tripleS) know perfectly their character,, medias are exaggerated that's it. It also happened with uri Baby Hyung Jun last year,, if some are upset by Jung Min,, want you to know that TripleS/GreenPeas are also disappointed to those who believed it.
    As Leader said: Love and Trust them. Trust them before anyone,, they wont fail us ^^
