
Saturday, June 19, 2010

[EngSubbed] Hyung Jun's Become a Progamer Final Episode

DL Link for : [EngSubbed] SS501 Kim Hyung Jun
"Become a Progamer" Final Episode

Credit : Roffles@ + nevake@youtube

On June 18 2010 12:33 Roffles wrote:

It's almost been 6 months since we started following Hyungjoon on his quest to become a progamer. During that time, we've picked up numerous fans and followers, from those who have followed progaming for years to those who have never ever seen a game of Starcraft. A show for people to get to better know both celebrity life as well as getting to know progamers in their regular atmosphere outside the stadium.

I just want to give a big round of thanks to those who have helped make this project a reality. Before this series, something of this magnitude would never have been imaginable for our team. But primarily thanks to l10f, we made it happen. So massive thanks to l10f for pretty much one manning the entire show. Without you, this would have never happened. Also wanna thank GTR for bringing this series up, as well as Aers, Solinren, and TOP for reliable source grabbing every week as well. And last but not least, thanks to rotinegg and Konadora for helping finish up the series. It's been a great pleasure working with these guys to help churn out these releases for the community.

It's been a great run, and I hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have. It's been a great journey for Hyungjoon and it's been great for viewers following him on his quest to become a progamer. While he may not have won Courage, he surely has won over the hearts of many viewers with his lively personality. It's sad to see him go after just 10 episodes, but I wish the best to Hyungjoon in the future. So until next time, SS501 Kim Hyungjoon Fighting!

I personally found it hard to watch, as saying goodbye is never easy. But we hope you guys enjoy it and continue supporting us in the future!

Till next time! Love Ya guys!


  1. hyung jun i love u a lot

    thanks ^_^

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I love this~! I really appreciate them subbing it... Even the me who have never seen anything related to Starcraft was able to enjoy the more technical aspect of the show ^ ^

  3. fellyz12:33 PM

    Liezle, nevake has uploaded the video at youtube

  4. Anonymous1:34 AM

    this was so much fun to watch..
    i only watched it cus of hyung joon but i really got qute interested in starcraft..i hope he stars in more shows in the future. This way more people can enjoy his funny/caring/amazing personality..
