
Saturday, June 19, 2010

[Fan Account] 06.18.10 Unexpected Luck... Leader Overload Part 2

I could have been at the fan meet last night but I decided not to go anymore. But I wonder if I had been there what Kim Hyun Joong would think if he sees me there again after you read part 2 of my Unexpected Luck... Leader Overdose story . ^_^

Alright here it goes...

You know what? I guess dressing up a bit and being so casual in the things that are happening around you sometimes would give you an edge. ^^

After Eat Bulaga, C and I then went straight to the hotel where Leader is staying. After parking we went straight to the function room where GMA programs interview is to happen. As we were walking the hallway, I could already see all those hulking local bodyguards of Leader, his managers but not the Korean bodyguards.

As we were walking pass them, I can hear them discussing who's the only people supposed to enter the function room. I could hear ID and blah blah blah. I wasn't worried actually because I've an invite. Also, some of the local guards have already seen me at the backstage and just gave me a smile when we walk. Also the Koreans didn't mind us at all. Probably because they've seen us in EB earlier.

As we place ourselves inside the media waiting area we could hear the dos and don'ts, the sequence of interview, who could only be inside the room and who are the inteviewer of Leader and Beast. Hearing the latter worried me a bit. Because the person who invited us was told to interview Beast and not Leader! Oh geez...

Then, Grace Lee came. She's a Korea who speaks very well English and Tagalog. She's a TV host, dj and newscaster. I like her and even like her a lot when she was introduced to me and talked to me. Really a very nice person.

When she arrived at the holding area, she still doesn't know who she will be interviewing first. C and I were very hopeful that she's the one who's going to interview Leader. But when the person in-charge came out and gave assingments she was given Beast to interview. Having heard that I was about to tell C that I think it's better that we give up.

Then Gelli de Belen [actress and host] came and hope rises again. ^_^ Before she arrived we actually already know that she's going to interview Leader for 2 shows. One is for StarTalk and the other one is Showbiz Central. Heard that she likes Leader so much [she's married with kids]. So there's hope because C was able to talk to her.

While waiting for the interviews to start Grace Lee, C and I were seated together. We had short convo about Leader, how strict the Korean managers are, how the Korean were amazed to learn that she's not a Filipina learning Korean but the other way around because of her fluency in Tagalog and English. Told here that I've been to Seoul 5 times and she asked me what I like about Seoul. Then afterwhich I asked her if we could take photo together and she obliged. Really nice lady.

She said that she wishes to interview Leader because she had already interviewed Beast yesterday. But luck seems to be not on her side. She was then called to start her interview with Beast. But before here interview started, she was asked to give way to Tim Yap first [TV host and report] because he already arrived. So she obliged. She then went back to media waiting area.

A few minutes after she came back, the manager of Leader approached her and asked her to interview Leader! The Korean's must really like her! They talked quite long which I wish I know the reason why. But I guess he's briefing her on what to ask. A few minutes later she was then asked to go to the next room to interview Leader. And you know what she did? She then said to C and I to follow her and A [another reporter]. Wow as in wow! Unexpected turn of event because we are already losing hope that we'll get to see Leader again. As we follow her and A guards just stared at us and smiled. We then entered the room where in Leader just finished being interviewed by Tim Yap.

Leader is on an elevated stage set up. He look soooo handsome and cool. When we entered he immidately saw us. He didn't smile but look at each one of us. Hee, another locked eyes moment for me. ^_^

The room has a theater set up so as Grace and A went near Leader C and I made ourselves comfortable by sitting in front of Leader. ^^ Geez, he's so handsome. Honestly, I forgot what color his wearing if it's a brown vest and black shirt or the other way around because I keep staring on his face. But what I'm sure of is that he's wearing boots.

As he was being prepared for the interview, Leader is seated on his chair. From time to time he would look our way. And I said 'time to time' because really it's several times! Now C already knows how I felt when Leader did passing look at me. ^_^

Ahhh, it's so surreal. In a small room with Leader and only few people and not having a fright whether to be shooed or not. Woot! Woot!

If only personal camera is allowed I would have taken some very very good shot of Leader. But of course that cannot happen.

Grace interview then started. Once the camera started to roll Grace modulated her voice and face the camera happily. The interview is supposed to be 10 minutes only but Grace i think ended up with more than 15 minutes. She's a great interviewee and I think Leader is impressed with her. Her questions were nice too. She also did the translation of Leader's answers.

I'm trying to recall what she asked but my mind is not working now. I could only remember her asking him how he likes the Philippines so far. And this is when Leader said that he's extending his vacation after his activity but could not tell where because the might not be able to relax. She also asked him who is the singer he looked up to and we already know the answer for this. As for acting, he said that since he's only been acting for a year he still doesn't have anyone in mind but will tell us probably later. Also, about future acting project, Leader said that he will soon make a drama when he returns to Korea but for not he cannot say anything about it yet. Grace also said something about single mothers but I don't remember the exact question and Leader's answer.

As for Leader's closing, Leader said that he hopes to return to the Philippines and do activities here. Can't remember if he mentioned about SS501 or not but I've a feeling that he's saying group activities.

There are many other things that was said during the interview but I really couldn't remember them. I guess the portions where I wasn't able to understand or remember a thing was when he's looking at us. ^_^

As the interview ended we all went out to give way to Gelli de Belen's interview. But before leaving, Leader bowed.

What's Leader's attitude inside the room while not being interviewed. He's very quiet and doesn't smile. But once the camera started to roll he is full of charm.

Ahh, Kim Hyun Joong you are such an irrisistible man!

Outside we thank Grace and A for taking us. C and I just stayed in front of the room because we saw some friends with their kids who are fans of Leader.

As we just stayed there, a Korean guy who speaks English quite well and who probably got used to A and my face just let us stay there. Then one of the mommies asked permission if she her daughter could ask for Leader's signature. To our suprised he said that he will asked permission then went inside. A few minutes later, the manager came out and saw us and said that just wait. When Gelli de Belen's interview finished Leader came out with his bodyguards, stopped in front of us then the manager's got the things we have for interview.

Alright, as a fan always get ready, k? Bring your CD with you cause you'll never know if you'll have the opportunity.

As we already know that he will sign for us, we asked the kids to hold our stuff. So when Leader came out and asked and his managers asked for the things to be signed the kids gave the stuff to him one by one. But before that one TS had the chance first for her banner and Persona in Seould DVD signed. Then Leader signed the kid's 'Goodbye Hyun Ji Hoo' photobook, C's normal Destination and my Special Destinatin album.

While Leader was signing, we were all gatheref in front of him as in arm's length [my arm k, as i'm short ^^] ! Never never had I imagined tha I could be that close to him face to face. The closest I was able to be with Leader was during the HK fan meet but I was standing behind him. This time he's right in front of me! Then after signing we locked eyes again! The he smiled shyly. ^^ He's like an angel. I can still picture his smile clearly in my mind.

Ahh... Leader!

Thirty minutes after, I heard something crumbling. Huh?! My tummy! I was just reminded that I haven't taken anything since after taking a small bite of bread at breakfast.

Geez, Leader you can even make me forget about food. Oh and one more thing that I've forgotten after having an overload of Leader... I drove home with only my dim lights on and I only realized it when I'm 10 minutes away from our house.

Leader... Leader.. Leader... it's now 4:12am and my mind is still full of you. In 2 1/2 hours I should be getting ready to go to your hotel to pick up 4 of your fans who followed you here to bring them to a breakfast in bay area. Geez, I should really be logging off now.

Alright, I should really be logging off. Thanks guys for reading and I hope I didn't bore you.

Oh yeah, I should also be thanking those lady luck who's been sitting on my shoulders. I guess there's more than 2 of them now, yah? And I hope they continue to sit there and give me luck.

P.S. I'm hitting the Publish Post without proof reading will do so later. ^^


  1. pand0ra5015:04 AM

    Liezle! That's the best fan account I've ever read. Don't worry about proofreading it! It's perfect. I can read all the emotions, the rush, the excitement, all of it. Thank You for giving us a glimpse of your experience with Leader! Really, Thank You!!!

  2. waa... thanks for sharing this... it's really a dream and the venue is heaven.. and the angel? we already know who that is!!!!

    ^^ my friend and sister were really delighted after seeing him! they will also be going 2 d concert!

    i am so happy for all of you who get to see Leader in our own country!!!

    wish i was there!!! ^^

  3. wow...! what a fantabulous experience for a fan..!!

    ps. if anyone where to deserve an opportunity like this, me thinks you're right up there on the list of 'candidates'... having done so much for TS with all the sharing of info.

    so thanks! (and.. you deserve your 'eye-locking moments' with him) ^^

  4. Thankss for sharing, Liezle. Sooo happy for you. Enjoy reading your Fan Acc. so much (not once, but twice, sooo nice...thank you, thank you!!) Don't know why, but like him more after reading your FanAcc. HJ is so special. Wish you more luckkk!

  5. fiona6:12 AM

    thanks for the fanaccount!
    I felt giddy reading yours and it was like i was there too! :) kekeke those eye-locking moments with leader, you're very much lucky! :) But yeah, i totally agree that you deserve this, being a very loyal and helpful Triple S that you are :)

    I wish you luck for the concert too! Fighting! :)

  6. Latigre6:22 AM

    Wow! Maybe this is a reward for all the works you've done for SS501 and leader.
    Thanks for sharing. What a lovely fan account!

  7. Hello Lucky Girl.. (hehe) tnx for sharing ur worderful experience with leader.. so interesting.
    so far this is the BEST fan acct. for me, last week u just saw him when u visit seoul & now face to face saw him again...
    OMG how i wish i'm there too.
    even my son called me here just to tell me that he saw HJL on television over GMA Network... (hahaha)...
    hope to read a nice fan acct. again from the concert.
    Enjoy ur day! Ur in a cloud 9 right now... aren't you? ^_
    Were waiting for Part 3 of Unexpected Luck... Leader Overload

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Lucky!!! I'm so jealous!! hehehe...Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience!=) Seems like Leader really like Philippines=D

  9. Your wish come true, you are very lucky.
    Read your post, it bright my day, get picture out of the chronology of the meeting. My imagination plays in mind and feeling jealous of how lucky you are seeing him live and sound personally. Can't wait to read another post from you, reporting leader's activities in Philipines.


  10. angelride7:19 AM

    Though i'm envious with all your accounts, i don't think it's just luck, i think you really deserve all these, after all your wonderful effort and generous sharing about ss501 and kim hyun joong.

  11. shrimpy7:46 AM

    I agree with really deserve it!!! Thank you for always sharing and your blog and on it every day sis! Enjoy your 'moments' and tell us more when you are ready to come down from cloud 10 :P

  12. liezle,

    Thank you for stay up late to write us such a wonderful fan account in detail. It made me feel like I am standing in front of HJL like you, and his starred at me with eye locks. I read them word by word and translated them into Chinese with other TS. Thank you again for your sharing. Beautiful Liezle, lady luck will sit on your shoulder always. Hope you will see him again in the following days!

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    i agree too, you deserve it. thank's for your share.....i like your blog very...

  14. I'm speechless... Can I borrowed your lady luck for a moment?^^ Thanks sis for sharing your "eye locked contact moments"...

  15. Wow Liezle..Wow....I was completely thriled while reading...never enjoyed reading like this before....absolutely stoned by ur luck..waw...while reading i felt so lucky, nervous then am sure i prolly know who would u be feeling that moment...

    Thank you so much for sharing...wish i coud have the glimpse of Leader...Ahhhh...u brighten my day thank u


  16. Dearest Liezle,

    thank you so much for sjaring through your eyes. Such a wonderful experience and I had goosebumps just reading it. Perfect write up like our star who is simply perfect. This is why we love him to bits. Will definitely be waiting for more from tonight's concert. By the way, should you recall anything else from your moments with please share anytime. Thank you. I hope HJL sings Thank you tonight. Now I understand perfectly what you meant by HJL overload and unexpected luck. You certainly deserve it much ...I'm sure you will have a fantastic time tonight. Gonna soak in you fan account again. See ... it's excellent!

  17. Anonymous12:53 PM

    i HAD READ many of your fan accounts from ss501, ukiss,ft island and super junior AND the only thing i could say is THANK YOU cuz even though i was not there, in your narration it made me feel THAT I WAS LIKE THERE ALSO! you really have the talent in writing that you could pass the atmosphere on how was it like to be at the same place as them. That is why when i saw you in super show 2 in araneta i felt so happy seeing the person who had written the fan accounts that had made me shiver while reading it at my laptop ^^ looking forward to your future blogs!

  18. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I enjoy every word in your Fan Account. What a wonderful experience for a fan! And I always want to say "thank you" for all your sharings about BYJ and SS501, Thank you!

  19. Anonymous3:09 PM

    i dont know much abt. you really, i just followed your account after clicking khj, youre a very lucky girl! i wish i was your age at the moment to enjoy the wonderful experience of an avid fan.. i regret being on my age, hehehe! coz my daughter always tease me & feels awkward abt. my being a fan of khj! i also wish to see him in araneta but..... sad to say i cant.. and it breaks my heart.. anyways, thanks a lot!

  20. You're a lucky girl. I really envy you so much. He very handsome, Right? hahaha.
    I have seen him since he went to BKK for Persona Concert. Great Person!!!!
    By the way, I just post your memories in my blog. Thank you so much.

  21. its me again! stealing moment to tap on my keyboard @ the ofc. cant help but sigh upon reading ur fan acct exp in EB! perhaps you can help me find some ways to help khj/ss501 in my own simple ways.. thanks!i'll read more of your acct fr. now on coz i just found it out today!thanks again........

  22. Anonymous4:32 PM

    thanks for the account. i feel that i was there too, my heart beat so fast reading this..i agree with all the previous comment, u deserve to be there & have all the experience (by the way, are you working in the entertainment industry?u job seem fun..^_^

  23. liezle, right?? waaaaaahhhh... You are very very Blessed!! how i wish i could be having the same luck as yours! ^_^

    thanks for sharing this fan account.. the best ever! love it!.. as i was reading it, it excites me and makes me want to see leader too especially the eyes-locked something..^_^ hehe..

    i hope leader will enjoy wherever he will stay in the Philippines...
    i wonder where?? ^_^ hehehe...

  24. Liezle!!

    You are so lucky!!!! Good for you~


  25. Anonymous 3:09
    Same over here i was always tease by my colleagues and even my son said i'm addicted to him, lol

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Best fan account ever - always enjoy reading your writing -and you deserve your "moment(s)" with him!

    THANK YOU for taking the time, always staying up late to update us on the 5 darling boys! Much much appreciative!

    Hope you'll have many more of these encounters or "moments" rather :) with all 5 of them in the near future!

  28. ditdut1:47 AM

    Heehee, I so envy you! Thanks for sharing! This was so awesome, except for the part that I got so green with envy, hahaha.

    What an awesome account!!

  29. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "Hey G"..."wussup"? you're one "Lucky girl" ... you should have a "warning" sign.. because of your "passion" for SS501 you have "unlock" other peoples hearts thru your blog...your "destiny" is to "find" other "coward" "lonely girl(S)" and bring them "here" for their handsome "snow prince(S)" and spend "only one day" to "unlock" our hearts and be "obsess" with S501's "love like this" and become "green pea" "fighter(S)"

    ..... anyways, you deserve these priceless moments with Leader^^ (A)

  30. hi liezle!'re one really lucky girl! being able to see leader up close and personal....whew!....nice fan account also...makes me envision what you actually experienced!...
    by the way....heard you are selling destination there still a way for me to buy one from you?...hope you can email me the details....thanks so much

  31. blackje9:41 PM

    Hi,Liezle!I was so lucky seeing leader in person too,with his smile, his angelic face and beautiful complexion.but still you are the luckiest person.Congratulations!Thanks for updating your blog everyday.

  32. Ellen9:39 PM

    Hi Liezle ... I have been a regular visitor here ..... I enjoyed reading your very detailed account. I am so happy for you ... you are one lucky lady ... I am all for Leader ..... I've watched the concert, I live near Crowne Plaza yet I missed all those chances to even see him up close...... Many factors hinder me to do so ..... but deep inside my heart is crying out for Leader .......... many of you are very lucky. Anyway, reading reports as detailed as yours is the next best thing for me ...... THANK YOU so much for sharing ........
