
Monday, June 14, 2010

[Fan Account] Jung Min shed buckets of tears

This translation of happiebb on LoveKimHyunJoong is something that I just have to share in my blog. While reading it I can't help not to cry as well. I've been wondering what made our tough man, Jung Min, cried a lot today. In Encore, he didn't cry at all. I am really worried and want to know what made him cry.

Alright, I confess I cried buckets of tears last Monday in Seoul. Won't tell why but something really made me cry. But after reading some of the things that the members of SS501 said today I think that I won't be crying that much again. Crossing my fingers and toes. But still I want to know what's troubling Jung Min.

Thanks to happiebb and to LoveKimHyunJoong for this translation.

Btw, if there's anyone who can share more fan accounts PLEASE PLEASE do share with us.

After reading this fan account I went to read Jung Min's last two messages he left on DSP webby. You may check them out HERE and HERE. After reading them, is it only me or do you also sense that there's something troubling Jung Min?


BY: ccfish0322 / BAIDU

original in chinese: ccfish0322 / BAIDU SS501 THREAD
translated into english: happiebb /

the first post of this thread...
dedicated to jung min, who has caused my heart to cry so achingly today,
and also dedicated to our mi-xiu sister...
i really didn't understand anything (from the fan meeting)
what the boys said and all that, i only heard from her on the way back.

the truth is... i really didn't know anything...
anyway~ hyung jun said they'd be making a comeback with their second (full) album.
mal was crying so hard, said he himself has many things and issues that are making him so tired.
kyu jong, too, cried, and appeared to have said something to the other members.
young saeng was his usual cool self, with reddened eyes.
hyun joong wiped away his tears at the beginning part of the (fans') VCR
and he said, '죄송합니다' (really sorry)

the boys all said sorry to everyone,
and also said I Love You's to everyone.

they'd played a video clip today.
perhaps you guys didn't know before, but i'm only a fan of seven months, starting from LLT.
and all this time, i've always felt that i've missed out so much about them over the past five years.

today, there was an edited footage and the members said much in the beginning.
as you all know, although i was there at the frontline,
i don't understand korean, so there's much that i didn't understand.
but the main gist of it was that the boys really really really feel sorry about the 5.01 album.

hyun joong didn't say much, but when he'd said the last 'sorry',
our leader, he wiped away tears~
and i cried for the first time, today.

as for what they'd sung, and also the interaction with the fans,
i shan't be writing much about those.

mal was crying the most today.
jyu jong was the first one to start crying,
and during that time, mal kept his back to us,
but we could see him wiping away tears.
fans kept shouting out to him not to cry,
but but but~ there seems to be much troubling mal today.
wuri mal... he's probably actually really all worn out...

hyung jun too was crying sadly.
when he was talking about kyu jong, even his tone changed~
he seemed to be saying.... if without you, then we're not SS501 no more~

the chief and young saeng were perpetually cool and unperturbed.

when mal was crying, hyung jun went over to hug him~
just like comforting a child, he was comforting mal~

anyway, i feel really sorry i wasn't able to walk with you guys the past five years.
regarding those feelings of waiting and anticipating, i'd only experienced once.
i've often wondered, what sort of willpower and strength could have made the TS persevere and press on,
could have have TS wait (for the boys) with such doggedness.

today, when i was watching (the clip of) leader when they'd won the Rookie Award, i had cried;
and watching mal cry, i'd cried;
and watching how hyung jun was sobbing so much, i'd cried.

you guys said, you'd make comeback with a second album,
and that you'd be together always,
then... if this is the case, then i'm willing to continue with the waiting,
to put up with the feelings of waiting, of anticipating.

have always thought i ain't the type to hold such fanatical thoughts
but just this once, just for one time,
i wanna be that teeny weeny bit fanatical and wild~

















  1. trippi3:28 AM

    i don't want to think about it. but i'm getting really scared these past few days. All the rumors, tears and little hints haven't been helping either.

    Five FOREVER as One, please?

    Seriously, SS501 is my first fandom and although I've only been a fan for less than a year (I first saw their solo collection drama MV), I've become so emotionally attached to them.

    I'm still wishing that one day, CATREL will be complete again and SS501 has become the last string of hope I'm holding on to.

    I believe that all five of them will do everything for Triple S. I just hope they won't let anything stand in their way.

    I just wanna know WHY they've been crying so much these past few days.

  2. tawashe4:12 AM

    whats really bugging me is that it is so so clear that the 5 boys wanna be together and want to continue as ss501 for a long long time, but they just arent sure about their own future cuz the people on whose hands their future depends on are leaving them literally hanging and clueless.

    ss501 boys actually wanna be together so why r other people causing problems for these 5 brothers and friends. this uncertainly is bugging me, but i know its bugging our 5 boys more than anyone else. i really hope will be offered a new contract by DSP soon. come on DSP hurry!!! like leader said always believe in 501, and not rumors. yes, leader!!

    reading this and watching the video really made me cry a lot.

  3. This rigth Liezle, i noticed there are some trouble with our mal,he was a little depressive on their two last messages... When he said this:
    "But, what's this heavy-hearted feeling pounding inside the heart?^^;;" and "I was relieving my chest pain and headache and also falling asleep so i woke up and write this post..."

    well, in the beginning i thought could be for all pressure the boys are going through for, but now i think could be bad news are coming
    oh no! i don't want not even think that... it's better wait and see..
    i don't want think ...

  4. yea, liezle .. remember i was telling when we're in seoul that something's not quite right with jung min's last msg...? wonder what on earth's wrong.

    and honestly, as much as i do like jung min, i did think it wasn't appropriate for him to be talking about how he's the real, effective influence in the group. yes, he does have his ways, his charisma, and he does handle the media probably alot more effectively than hyun joong, but it's still disrespectful and inappropriate to say it like that.

    besides, as irrelevant and spaced out as hyun joong can be sometimes, his dorkiness and 4D answers sometimes give the group 'flavour'.... instead of being like just anyone else dishing out politically correct and completely predictable answers to the media.

    anyway, whatever the case, i hope the boys stay together and have some more good years together. and yea, that'll give the fans a real good reason to go to seoul ^^

  5. Anonymous4:23 AM

    yes, I also want to know the reason behind all these. The boys have been crying so much lately, at Encore Persona and now. Is there happened to them that we fans don't know? Watching them like this make my heart hurt so much

    Anyway, I will always believe in what they say, never believe others, just believe in them.

    The video where Leader cried and wiped his tears

  6. Anonymous5:03 AM

    i agree with bb's comment

  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    well I agree with some parts of BB comment but not all of it...

    hehe I agree that leader's 4D personality gives that special flavor to SS501

    ...but I think there is a misunderstanding towards JM

    Also, the media kinda put the news in some malicious way, to create controversy among fans...

    as he said in this fanmeeting TripleS know JM personality, dont get him wrong...

    he might talk more than what he should somethimes, but I'm sure he respect leader...a lot

    we should stop making assumptions about the boys and the relashioship between them, cause I'm sure they love each other dispite their mistakes and their flaws...

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    well I agree with some parts of BB comment but not all of it...

    hehe I agree that leader's 4D personality gives that special flavor to SS501

    ...but I think there is a misunderstanding towards JM

    Also, the media kinda put the news in some malicious way, to create controversy among fans...

    as he said in this fanmeeting TripleS know JM personality, dont get him wrong...

    he might talk more than what he should somethimes, but I'm sure he respect leader...a lot

    we should stop making assumptions about the boys and the relashioship between them, cause I'm sure they love each other dispite their mistakes and their flaws...

  9. Anonymous5:42 AM

    btw, to avoid more misunderstanding, the las part f my post wasnt towards no one that has commented in here, I say is 'cause some things that I have read...

    Really thank you BB for the translation..really apreciate it

    f: mar

  10. Anonymous5:50 AM

    yes totally agreed with anonymous @ 5:29am -

    If one knows JM's personality well enough then won't misunderstand him as being disrepectful! In fact, he's a very kind, sweet and caring boy!

    All 5 boys each has their own unique personalitY which make them who they are - SPECIAL!

  11. Anonymous8:29 AM

    OMG!! i'm scared!! what's going on?!?!?! I feel like there's something going on behind me??!? What's wrong why are the boys so emotional lately?! And the rumours doesn't not actually make me feel calm!!! GOD!! seriously! hope nothing serious is wrong! I have only been TripleS for 1 year and for 1000000x yrs more!!! Please, i dont want (don't actualy want to say this) SS501 to disband! I need them! They make my life more colorful, joyful, happier, better...etc I know this may sound overreacting or unreal! but they're a big part of my life, and i need them so badly! This is my first singer/groups that i've ever liked. And honestly before i didn't understand how someone can like an artist/singer so much, but aftre knowing Ss501, the i understood why!

  12. Beatrice11:27 AM

    It's sad to see them like this. I hope DSP will give us, and the boys an answer soon. This kind of waiting period is not fair to any of the fans, and to SS501 especially. No matter how the outcome will be, in favored or not. It should be finalized for the sake of everybody. My full supports will be with all 5 of them no matter what.

    I'm strongly agree with Bb. I really hope that the media made things up to attract attention, rather than JM actually said that.

  13. Anonymous6:50 PM

    When i first read that news report about what Min said, i laughed and didn't think much of it. I didn't know it would become serious~~ but i guess that's because the media wants to stir up controversy-- which doesn't exist with our SS501 boys. -_-

    Anyhow, our Min has been so emotional. He's usually not like this and that's when i begin to feel uneasy. It must really be the combination of the large appreciation they have towards Triple S' support and dedication along with the uncertainty of the future. I agree with tawashe. It is certainly clear that all the members want to stay together as SS501, yet everyone's feeling low because of this uncertainty by DSP. It's so unfair to the boys and Triple S, but let's all try to remain calm and STRONG for our boys!!! We don't like seeing them hurt and they don't like seeing us hurt either. Let's keep our faith in them and show them that TRIPLE S will always be with them like we've always been in the past. There will be 501 more memories to make, and many many more. 울지마, 사랑해!

  14. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I agree with songielove. I spend almost my whole day reading fan account and watching videos. And I think that we should be calm and strong, let's hold on. When the patient is sick, his family has to be strong to make him feel safe. Now, we are not the patient, SS501 is, they are really tired, we have to be strong to be their stronghold. Show them our support by trying our best to help them win more awards on their goodbye stages.

  15. Jacqueline8:35 PM

    Gosh Liezle, I thought I was the only one who thought too much about Jungminnie's messages. These sentences: "But, what's this heavy-hearted feeling pounding inside the heart?^^;;" and "I was relieving my chest pain and headache and also falling asleep so i woke up and write this post..." totally freaked me out!!!

    It's like he has so much pent up inside of him which he has no outlet for which is totally unlike him since he's always been one to speak his mind whenever.

    I know that the logical thing to do until anything at all is announced is to stop worrying, but seriously, the constant news reports and the boys' crying is totally not helping. It's really starting to scare me..

    I really never though I could be so involved with people who probably don't even know I exist, but I really cannot help laughing and crying together with them. In a certain sense, I am taking comfort in the fact that they are really trying hard to assure the fans that they will continue to be SS501, and that they are til now, the same boys we've always loved and that will not change...
