
Friday, July 02, 2010


Not one of the post I really want to have in my blog. But again since news portals are reporting it I'll be posting this here as well.

Today is the funeral of Park Yong Ha who at the early age of 32 took his life. One of Park Yong Ha's closest friend, maknae of SS501, Kim Hyung Joon was there to send off his friend to his creator.

It must have been really a tough week for Maknae. We may hear him laugh on his Music High radio show but deep inside we all know that his heart bleeding.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    ohhh my maknae.. my heart is breaking seeing you crying like that.. :(

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    i wished one of his close friends, be it his hyungs from ss501 or not, were there to hug him. Its probably the worst we've seen him cry :( they must have been really close for him to attend the funeral everyday without fail...

    On the bright side, it may be good that at least the one hour spent on Music High each morning may help him relieve some of his stress and sorrows and laugh a little.

  3. it's so heartbreaking..
    Park Yong Ha is one of my fave actor! He's a really nice guy cos I've seen him and felt it for myself!
    And looking at all his good friends cry for him makes me even sadder..

    May he rest in peace and be free!

  4. it's really heart breaking to read the news of another korean star take his own's tough for the Korean entertainer....

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    i cant stop crying my heart is breaking seeing you crying like that
    oppa be strong for us
    love you

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    was it eru beside him...

    feel so sad for baby..
    he was suppose to see yongha the day before he dies right but it didnt happen...
    Gosh this is breaking my heart...
    he went everday for 3 days..
    first day he had his younger brother to support him..
    2nd day he had YS and kyu...
    ahh baby dont worry...
    your hyung will be in Good hands with the LORD...

  7. Blanca12:11 PM

    Feel very sad seeing this pictures. Hope the other boys will by his side at this moment. I hope leader will be there giving him a hug.

    But baby has to grow up. Hope he would go through all sadness. Pray for him.

  8. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Poor baby...he must have loved this friend of his dearly.

    Though i don't know who this actor is, i believe he must have had been a lovable character for so many to grieve over his departure. Pray that God will help the loved ones of this actor past this difficult time. Baby's already so upset, i cant imagine how grieved the parents will be at this moment...

    May the actor rest in peace too :)

  9. One very, very sad day....hope this was your last tear drop baby...

  10. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Omo maknae, it really pains me to see you like this... uljima T_T
