
Friday, July 02, 2010

KeyEast to give full support to SS501 activities

I'm not sure when exactly Bae Yong Joon started talking to Hyun Joong last year. But when we were in Seoul last month and went to KeyEast we're able to talk to one of the staff of KeyEast. Alright, first let me tell you that we went to KeyEast with a different purpose. As you know I'm a fan of BYJ as well as happiebb and it is not the 1st time we've been to KE. ^^ Anyway, we got confirmation on our visit that yes KE has been talking to Hyun Joong but he has not come to any decision yet. And we believe this. We thought that probably Leader was really trying to measure all the possibilities and I believe that one of the reasons is that he's trying to haggle with whoever he'll be signing with to put in to the terms 'working with SS501' and having the freedom to do what he wants.

Here's an articled posted on Quainte501 yesterday but i only had the chance of posting today talking about KE giving support to SS501 actitivies even if Hyun Joong has signed up with them. . Much thanks to xiaochu for this.


06/30 [news] Kim HyunJoong New Company “Gives Full Support to Group Activities”

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Kim HyunJoong new company “gives full support to group activities”
Possible to have ‘separate yet together’ activities even though with different management companies.

“Like Shinhwa... Separate and together?”

Kim HyunJoong has signed a new contract with Key East and focus is on the future of SS501 which he is a member of.

Kim HyunJoong who was the leader of the group, has moved to another management company and it is unclear on the future of SS501, whether they will continue on or disband. Their management company DSP Media said “It has not been decided yet. Park JungMin, Kim KyuJong, Kim HyungJun and Heo YoungSaeng has not re-signed their contract yet, however they will be deciding on their future direction while having a break.”

According to one source, they are searching for a new management company just like Kim HyunJoong, and are troubled over the few other ways. However, even if all the members move to different companies, it seems like it will be highly possible that they keep the group SS501.

Kim HyunJoong’s new management company Key East let out their mind “We will give full support to group activities.” The members also have great affection for the group and their stand is for the group not to disband.

SS501’s representative explained “The members hope that even if they are doing activities under other management companies, they can continue to have album activities as SS501. It is possible for them to have ‘separate yet together’ activities just like Shinhwa, members doing activities separately on their own and doing activities coming back together as a group.”


  1. I don't see why there has to be a conflict. KeyEast can represent KHJ in his modeling/acting efforts while he is still with his other manager for his singing endeavors with SS501.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I hope this will put a stop of blaming hyun joong
    He is such a pure n nice guy ...his dongseng in ss501 are lucky enough to have him as a leader...

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Right I am 100% sure that Leader did that... the if ever he signed in another co. he must have negotiated that he still can do activities with the group..Leader really love his brothers and we have seen it so many times. It's just that's it's sad that so many has insulted and criticize him thinking that's he just left them just like that..Leader ia a very smart person, his realtionship with others lasted for so long because he values them (other friends and 5 years is so long to just left them like that)..Thanks Keyeast for taking into consideration KHJ wish to be able to still do activities with his brothers and hope that the other 4 will also find good co. so that their wish to be together will come true. Goodluck KHJ and I will support you 100% ...go ..go..fighting KHJ & SS501

  4. Anonymous3:50 PM

    see, what leader did just to protect us. he loves his brothers than anything, he always wants the best for ss501 and triple s.
    im glad keyeast support ss501.
    if can, i really want the rest 4 can join leader in keyeast too.

    for some fans who blamed leader, pls stop it. he already think it seriously, he never leave his brothers, he wants to keep ss501 and he wont make us sad.
    just believe in him, believe in ss501.

    be strong and stay together, triple s.

  5. withss4:37 PM

    Have the possibility the rest of members to sign in Keyeast??

    I think the best way to keep smoothly in activity the group. I pray for them....

  6. Anonymous5:17 PM

    A lot of fans were bashing leader when news about him signing with KE first surfaced... some even calling him names. It is always better to get the full story first before making conclusions. It is possible that parts of this latest story may not be true. I think it will be fairer for all of us to wait for the rest of the boys to speak up and let us know what their plans are. I admire leader's fans who continue to give him support and who continue to trust him.

  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I think what the other SS501 members can do (can they really still use that name now that they have yet to renew ,if ever w/ DSP and if its true they are looking for another management company ?)is to speak up and say to fans that they are working on it and not to worry so KHJ do not get blamed .

    They are not little children ,my foot, they are adults !They should not let KHJ shoulder the public's criticism while they are on vacation .

    KHJ has long been the shock absorber of everyone. The thing is he is not made of stone !He is a person like you and me with feelings . He also has a future to protect and not protect everybody else's.

    Silence of the rest is very unproductive. That is why rumors and speculations fill that yawning gap .Can you blame people if they are looking for answers ?Rumors tend to put people temporarily at ease -at least they have something even if maybe untrue.

  8. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Well, they must have their reasons for keeping silent. Its difficult for us to understand as fans since we, as fans, have no idea of how the entertainment industry works behind the scenes. They have had left us assuring messages online previously, so i believe that they must have had reasons that are keeping them from doing so this time round.

    Judging by the unique bond they share, i doubt they are the kind who will let hjl face all the problems alone :)They don't seem to be irresponsible adults either, and i believe the other four to be as protective as hjl as he is of them.

    Its okay, i believe that they will stay strong in this period. We just have to trust in them and support them :)

  9. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Yes ,the remaining four might have a reason for their silence nowadays -but even a simple : yes fans ,do not worry, we are working on it.Is that too much to ask ?

    Yes ,we may know of their unique bond, but in this trying times they must reassure their fans.Don't they owe this much to us ,too-after all we are their lifeline .No fans -no idols .Be realistic.It is a give and take world.

  10. if anything happen 2 SS501, i hope the remaining members will be strong, n be like kara dat lost sunghee but, comeback again strongly wif new far, i think kara is da strongest dsp artist..they protect their grup well..

  11. Anonymous8:14 AM

    i agree with anonymous 12.18am & 1.02am..

    it seem like leader always get the blame & the other 4 members get the credit for being silent..

  12. Anonymous10:32 AM

    My wish is for them to remain together as a group for a long time, like japanese group 'SMAP' which remain successful till now even though members are in their
    But now that a member had left for another company,the ability to maintain the original group members in ss501 become questionable.

    Being in different companies means different activities,different set of rules and loyalty to different bosses. No matter how much they want to be together there are factors beyond their control at play.
    Right now the other 4 have not made a decision. If they sign with the same company,there's a chance for the group to remain but with a new member (like KARA and WONDER GIRLS).
    I kinda lost hope for Hyun joong to remain in the gp after seeing their body language in the X newton concert full edition. Was really sad after it. The signs were all there.

    Since I love their music and want them to continue producing albums and having concerts, i am willing to accept ss501 with a new member.

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    yes, i also not blame the leader but to see him at the x concert, it hurts me..leader seems to have a gap with the other members..

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    People have such little faith. Even with reassuring news like this there always seems to be those who have no faith in them what so ever. Makes me feel very sad for all the members. With fans like that who needs antis. And people need to quit reading so much in to the so called "body language". They didn't stand or act any different than they always do. The only difference is that they were crying and apologizing. Just be happy that so far it seems Hyun Joong's company is willing to help SS501 continue. It can work because we've seen it with other groups so quit being such 'Debbie Downers' and trust in SS501.

  15. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I guess right now its pointless to argue about who is right and who is wrong. The truth will come out eventually. Every fan have a right to their opinion. There will always be extremes. As long as we respect each other's opinion,I'm fine to people not agreeing with me. No need to resort to calling people names.

    I hope i don't have to wait too long for a decision from the remaining 4 members. Hope they will remain as a group being managed by one agency.

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM

    anonymous 11:37 AM- I was not calling anyone names. It is an expression and your first sentence is exactly the whole point. We don't know what is going so it is useless to look at every little action they made in the Newton thing and come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with their relationships. There is nothing wrong between the members and they were sure to let us know that. It just aggravates me that when it is good news some people are still all down and start in on Hyun Joong. We need to have faith and trust them to do what they can to keep SS501 going but if the fans are going to act like this then why would they even want to? Get my point? We have to support them all.

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    My oh my! All five members of SS501said believe in them and to continue supporting them. These so called TS are now willing to accept "new member"? Are you kidding me? How many of you knew of SS501 bec. of Kim Hyun Joong? Is it a crime for him to dream bigger? Pursue other life long dreams? Are they slaves to their fans that everything they do should be consulted with fans and get 100% approval? So caveman mentality and childish! If you truly love this group, their songs and what they stand for, just sit back and wait. Dont burden them with our greed. Gotta know it NOW. Must have the answers NOW. This is their life and livelihood, can we give them more time and space to think it through? Just a thought ... On a lighter note, I'm impressed that alot of TS are passionate abt SS501, that's good! But maybe, just maybe we can use this energy and make it a positive one. If we united, members effort to stay as a group will be stronger and will come back bigger! So, whatcha think? Positive energy every1?
