
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[Photo] Kyu Jong visiting his opthalmologist

Saw this photo posted on by 우린해 낼거야! which is also posted here. As the date on the photo says, it was taken last Friday, July 16. Could this be the day he had his Lasik surgery? Remember he left message on TOK on July 17 at 3:30am telling us the he's at home resting because he had Lasik. Could be, yah?

And could it also be the same day when he met with Ji Young, Kara's mankae, to have an ice cream since he's wearing the same shirt? Though the blogger said the he saw him on Sunday. Hee, you think that Kyu Jong has many shirt of the same style? Probably... because, I remember him saying before that he buys few number of shirts in same style in different color or vice versa. ^^

Nice to see new photos of Kyu Jong, right? I hope we'll get to see Young Saeng soon.

P.S. I checked the photo I posted last night and it seems the Kyu Jong was wearing black tee inside. ^_^ So, it's two different days... one was last Friday and the other one Sunday. ^^


  1. shirbogurl8:30 AM

    its different days. at lasik he is wearing a white tank top/shirt inside and w ji young, he is wearing a black shirt inside. =)

  2. i also noticed. i actually edited my post just now. i had to go back several times to my post last night to compare with this new photo. ^__^

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    so cute!!! i miss him!! oppa!!!
