
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photos of Hyun Joong @ GIK for a meeting with Oguri Shun

Finally photos are coming out from this afternoon's meeting of Hyun Joong with Oguri Shun at Gorilla in the Kitchen. ^_^

Geez, from what I see, they didn't use the other entrance going to the second floor. I wonder if GIK is open for business today. And it looks like too he's using Maybach. ^^ Click HERE or HERE if you are curious about Maybach.

I can see at the background CEO Yang
[I still prefer calling him Mgr. Yang ^^]

Btw, thanks to bb for this info. Bae Yong Joon just flew in from the US and went straight to Gorilla in the Kitchen. ^_^ Will strike this out first until we've verified. Seems like there's a bit of a confusion. ^^ As some fans thought that HJ is YJ. O_o


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    he had the Zhi Ju/It started with a kiss hair cut

  2. wow!!!!
    i felt messup with mixed feeling...!

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    leader looks so happy...and he is really prepared for the drama...well excited,..but hope they release news about the future of ss501 soon!!

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    really nice to see leader again looking as gorgeous as ever. but that other guy is oguri shun? he looks different.

  5. Anonymous8:06 PM

    saw one full body pic at e korean portal...

    was leader wearing e shoes which jungmin wore to taiwan's melody awards?? looked e same to me...

    wonder whether izzit both bought e same pair of shoes or r they sharing one pair....

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    he looks happy & relaxed! yes its a good feeling to see him again!

  7. Anonymous8:14 PM

    it feels weird to me...

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    His haircut looks gorgeous!! I was so afraid they were going to dye his hair like in BOF. I really like darker hair on him. He looks exremely relaxed. No swallow eyes, no big eyebags as usual. It looks like the new company takes good care of him.

  9. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I really happy to see him..

    Leader so cute anyway

  10. leader's new hair cut, suit him and look gorgeous! kakkoii!!

  11. Anonymous9:18 PM

    KHJ looks great, so cute! Keep it up and good luck in your career.

  12. Anonymous9:21 PM

    gorgeous leader! it feels good to see him again.. we missed you leader...

  13. Nikki9:24 PM

    OMG! He looks amazing in his new hair cut! Can't wait for the new drama!

  14. Anonymous9:33 PM

    i love his style. kim hyun joongv opp,i love you

  15. Anonymous9:45 PM

    i miss him..

  16. Anonymous9:47 PM

    always forever and ever support KHJ, even though this is his individual activities...LEADER FIGHTING!!!

  17. Anonymous9:53 PM

    i like leader with this hair style..imlooking forward for his drama.. i had seen ISWAK. taiwan versuion.. this is one of my favourite drtama ever

  18. Anonymous10:33 PM

    omg!! leader so handsome! love the new hair!! it suits him=D...i'm so glad but i wish there will be news about SS501 or other members soon! TriplS+SS501`= hwaiting!

  19. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Woahh.... finally, leader! He looks so cute and young. I love him in long hair, but he looks good in any style.

  20. Anonymous11:06 PM

    happy for leader..but i hope there's more news for the rest of the boys too :(

  21. Anonymous11:16 PM

    miss Leader so much...I must say he looking good and fine in his new sooo handsome...fighting KHJ...waiting & Goodluck for ISWAK...looking forward to it.

  22. Anonymous11:39 PM

    To sha filan & anonymous@8.14,

    I feel the same as both of you. Sigh.......otoke...

  23. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Wow so cool! Hyun Joong looks really good, Oguri looks ... different. He's sporting a 'director' look, i guess. Woahh... Mayback, so luxurious leader!

    How can fan mix up between BYJ and KHJ? They don't look that much alike though. Even if they do, Hyun Joong is way too young to be mistaken as BYJ.

  24. Jenna1:21 AM

    Wow Glad that Leader looks healthy. He needs his good health before he start a rigorous filming of his drama. Unlike in BOF. He was also busy with WGM & SS501 activities before & during the filming. Am I the only one that does not like his haircut. He have more gorgeous haircut in the past or just maybe it was not styled.
    But anyway love this meeting between them.
    Aaahhh Leader's gorgeousness & charm shone more even with a big star of Japan. Though I love Oguri too. This only show that he really is prettier than flower.

  25. Nice to see KHJ finally!
    Love his new haircut for MK and he looks like well rested
    Just got side track with his makeup coz it's too obvious
    Still gorgeous though especially next to Japan flower boy who has looked matured in these photos

  26. Anonymous1:48 AM

    KHJ makeup looks very natural to me. I love his new hairstyle. And yes he looks way younger than Oguri who is only 3 years older than him .Well, maybe he has the director look now .

    Its good to see both of them .I hope BYJ would have a photo with the two also .

  27. Anonymous6:45 AM

    @Anonymous 1:48 AM,
    Oguri 4 years older than oguri Shun, Shun '82 and Hyun Joong '86

  28. Anonymous 6:456:49 AM

    opps sorry, i mean Oguri 4 years older than Hyun joong, Shun '82 and Hyun Joong '86

  29. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I'm very proud and happy for HJL. At least he found a good company to depend on. At the same time, i'm worry for the other four, especially Kyu and Saeng. Hopefully, they can find a good company like HJL did.

  30. Anonymous8:15 AM

    hyun joong so handsome ... luv him so much .. cant get enough of him... i want more n more ...more news of him ...

  31. Anonymous10:18 AM

    hyun joong indeed very handsome with this new haircut..

  32. Anonymous1:41 PM

    wow! leader is so much handsome on his new haircut..mbe preparations for mischievous kiss drama..i miss him so much. gudluck khj! wish you all the best..khj & jsm are so cute couple now a days,hehehe

  33. Who is ceo Yang?
