
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[Article] Hyung Jun Searches for his News Online

Another article was translated by cloud0_o on the fourm of SgTripleS. Super thanks again for the hardwork during Maknae visit to your country and for doing the last three translations that I posted in my blog.

[2010.08.31] Kim Hyung Jun Often Seaches for His News Online

credits Chinese news @ + English Translation by cloud0_o @ SgTripleS

Please repost with full credits.

Pic: Korea band SS501 member Kim Hyung Jun disclosed that he felt lonely during solo activities, but will have bigger areas for development.

SS501 member Kim Hyung Jun just signed a new contract with new company and advancing on his individual career. He disclosed that he often searchs for his related news on the web, increasing viewing rates, in order to increase his popularity.

Kim Hyung Jun came to Singapore to hold a showcase and "Meet-and-Greet" session with fans yesterday. During the interview in the evening, he was asked if it is true that he will search for his related news online as per mentioned in some reports previously.

Hyper Hyung Jun smiled and spoke in English:"Yes that's true. Search me please!", after he heard the translated questions from his translator.

He continued through his translator:"i often search for my related news online, because i felt that it is required as an artiste, especially at the current state when i am doing individual activities. I hope will my fans will also do the same".

After the translator finished translating his words, Kim Hyung Jun naughtily added:"Please do!".

What is the most interesting news that he found when he is browsing through? "Once there was an article which is about my dog, Choco. The content is about how it grew from a puppy to a dog, but actually it is only a small matter".

Actually, Choco belongs to Hyung Jun and his brother, U-Kiss's Ki Bum. The two brothers are in the entertainment industry together, will there be rivalry between them?

Kim Hyung Jun smiled:"Recently i saw my brother being very active in many variety shows, even busier than me, did somehow make me felt threatened! Just kidding! He is a good brother, very happy to see him performed well in his work. Popularity also getting higher. Good boy!".

Wants to act in drama after his individual projects.

After signing with new agency, Kim Hyung Jun disclosed that his current most important project is the musical at the end of the year. He hopes that he will have the opportunity to participate in dramas in future.

This time round, he came alone from Seoul to Singapore, without his memberes, does he find it hard to get used to it?? "Definitely will miss the other members, and will also felt lonely. The most important thing in doing solo activities is have to make alot of decisions on my own, have to be mature in terms of mindset."

However, he said truthfully, solo activities has more freedom and space to development:"In SS501, once wanted to try out a certain genre of music, but it does not suit the other members. Solo projects enable me to go according to my own preference. Furthermore, during filming, i can get all the camera focus to myself. Haha. Just kidding!".


  1. white8:03 PM

    "Kim Hyung Jun disclosed that his current most important project is the musical at the end of the year. "

    wohhooooo! hyungjoon fighting!!!!! ;)
    (thanks for sharing!)

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Jun, keep moving!!!! don't worry we TS really search you 24/7 as well as to other boys member!!

    after seeing your Newton Concert completely and with local tranlation,i was criiiied..

    I think all true TS member should see and have local/own language translation so its help you understand the boys trully feeling and words....than got better perspective to the group process till current up date and can keep love them even more.

    SS501, fighting

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    5 yrs ago,you do the searching on related news on line with a few pc infront of you to increase the searching rate.Makae,don't bring out,just keep inside yr heart,people will laugh at you after 5 yrs you still have to repeat the same step.

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM


    I don't think so. His fans will never laugh at him, so does every supportive triple S.

    I just watch a MV SgTs made for Leader's birthday. One lyric is that we will laugh together with you but never at you when you done silly things. I think this sentence is great. And should stand true for our attitudes toward all 5 members.

    Besides, only Leader doesn't need to worried about media exposure because he has one of biggest manager company in Korean to back him up. Ever since Leader signed with Keyeast, there are his news on many Korean websites EVERYDAY. Keyeast's big boss Bae Yong Joon's goal is to make Leader next super star like him. But the other 4 members don't have such strong backing.

    So, Maknae is right to bring this out and ask for our help. Instead of criticizing him, you could search him and other members to help them out.
