
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All English! Hyung Jun saying 'bye to his SG Fans

I'm really surprise that Hyung Jun is speaking straight English in this interview of Ken at 1003!

'love it!

Thanks to autumn501kiss for uploading in YT. Thanks to crabby0707 for tweeting.


  1. white5:37 PM

    yeaaa hyungjoooon!!!
    come again soon!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 ^^
    we'll buy you chili crab & pepper crab everyday~~ XD hahahahah :)

    thanks for posting! :]

  2. Anonymous6:20 PM

    i wish all SS501 members could speak in English...

  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Oh My Geee..... this was my wish!... i wanna see him speaking straight english in a TV interview.... =) ^_^

    OMO.. that was fun to listen to,..... ^_^

  4. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Enjoyed watching the fancams fr the singapore showcase & there are so many out there :)

    Found the videos uploaded by marydewitt to be very clear.

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    why so cute?! I love it when he speaks in English >/////< thanks for sharing~

  6. Anonymous2:25 AM

    wow wow!!! this is so i really want him to pursue speaking english sounds so awesome...this is so fun to listen to..for the first time i can understand wat ma fave kpop star is saying without subs..wohoo..
    baby fighting!!

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    i am excited and happy to hear him speak english.

    Just a thought, if they want to pursue individual careers, why not study english and release an english song... just a thought.... but achopeful thought. if wonder girls can do it why not them..

    love it when Baby said his thanks to TripleS.... TripleS singapore- im proud you my sisters!

    and oh, oh,= dj ken called Maknae Baby (sighs) i guess it'll be a while before we all stop calling him baby and cute^^
