
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Photos from Prettyboy!

Finally finally was they've shared the photos!

Heaps of thanks to Prettyboy for sharing these photo ^_^. I just have to love this fan club's shutterbug and admis for always sharing with us.

Where is Jung Min?


  1. i really salute these people who still able to capture a wonderful photo!! haha

  2. hyung junnie is a duck apron! ahhh *squeals* hehe oh mann i can't wait to see pics of jungmin and hyung jun tgt. i'm feeling minjoon lovee today LOL

    on another note, the 3 of them looks kinda solemn in the last pic. wonder what he was talking about.

    thanks liezle!

  3. i can't see Jung Min

  4. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Really hope someone posts video

  5. wow Pretty Boy Shutterbuf is amazing... tnx liezle for posting this...
    when i saw the 3 of them in the picture, i can see the SS501 special unit member... hehehe
    well as liezle's post about the fanaccount, Jung Min made a surprise appearance, that Hyung Jun cried... (his partner attend the party) hehehe
    i hope somebody will upload a fancam of the event,,

  6. dunt tell me that im an anti or whatever it is that you are gonna call me, but i was sooo disappointed that hyun joong didnt come...
    if Jung Min came (and he is the one who NEVER comes to these sort of stuff) i have to say, Hyun Joong is reli..umm, *im speechless*.
    okay, he might've been busy filming but he still couldve made a call or summin like that (whtever it is, i hope he wont forget to call baby on his birthday)
    i wonder if he mentioned anything about their contracts...or atleast tell us to believe in SS501 again, thatd be enough for me at the moment. i jus need a reassurance. thats all im asking for..
    and i know this might be irrelevant but i find it sooo cute that the ukiss members say "God Bless" in their twitter. its awesome

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    OMOOOO they're all so handsome 8D It's nice to see at least the 4 of them together somewhere :)

    I feel happy:)

    Advance happy birthday Baby Joon :)

    Thanks you for sharing Shutterbug :D

  8. Anonymous9:41 PM

    where is hyunjoong? *sigh* ; (
    I hope he can join with the rest ss501 member next time!!
    Ss501 fighting! We believe you! We love you leader! We love you prince otter! We love you forever center! We love you sexy charisma! We love you magnae!!!

  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    that looks like mal's hand holding the mike next to the bday boy....and the aprons hehehe

  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Ahh..mis them so much!! I wish there is longer fancams.
    JM initially said he won't come, but then he appeared... Quite a nice surprise, at the same time he made some one looked bad. I wonder if leader knows about this.

  11. Anonymous10:42 PM

    So HJL's too caught up with his new career already?
    It's Baby's special dayyyyy! :(
    Everyone turned up except for HJL! Whyyyyy :(

    Can't wait to see more pictures and videos.

    SS501. Number One.

  12. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Yeah i was kinda disappointed when all turned up but leader. It's okay, i believe that leader does have his reasons for not being able to turn up. :l Still it's nice to see the 4 boys tgt :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! You're the cutest :D
    Love ya.

  13. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Happy Birthday BABY!!..You're so cute! YS does look like he lost some weight.
    Stop bashing or disappointing at the leader. How many time Triples have put false accusation on him? Lesson never learned? He must had a reason for not comming. Maybe, he's not back from Bali yet.

  14. Anonymous11:34 PM


    As we all are disappointed that Hyun Joong couldn't make it to Baby's birthday celebration but we also don't know his prior scheduled commitments before the birthday event was planned. Please give him the benefit of the doubt. How do you know if he didn't call Baby personally? It's ok to be dissapoinment but please don't start blamming him cause none of us know what's happening behind the scenes.

    Also, I read on that he was in Balli from July 28 to July 30 for a photo shoot. I'm sure after he returned, he had to make up the shooting time that he missed for the drama.

  15. Anonymous11:38 PM

    i hope leader could join them! i know kim hyunjoong actually really want to come! there must be a reason he can't come! ss501 figthing! we will waiting for you!

  16. Jenna4:57 AM

    Well said Anonymous 11:34. We donot know what is happening behid the scene. Like on Intimate Note, Baby said that HJL always treats him on his Birthday and we donot know that before and it does not come from Leader but from Baby's mouth. Leader does not do things as others do it. He hates being showy. He always wants to do things behind the scene. Baby is his favorite member. He actually baby him. He does not forget this things. Kyujong said Hyunjoong does not want to show people stuff and he handles it himself in silence or behind the scene. Of course they will not tell the public that they see each other or call each other often. Knowing Leader he would be drinking with his members that day or treating them for dinner (If time allowed it) He has drama to shoot remember guys.
    THINK FIRST How well do you know them personally and are YOU with them 24/7 ???? Are we asking too much of them or of HJL? It's been just over 1 month before he gave his message and then we are already losing our faith?? Wow... Do we have short memories???

  17. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I guess it isn't a surprise to see leader bashed because of not being able to attend baby's birthday event. Some can't seen to understand and accept that there must be a very good reason why he was not able to be there. I can't help but think too that if leader showed up, it is likely that the attention and focus will be on him and if these happens, people will bash him as well for taking away the spotlight from baby. Leader is in a no win situation sometimes. For all we know, maybe leader thought that not attending was the better option. He wants baby to have all the attention on his birthday. Why can't we just love leader unconditionally? Why do we have to be disappointed on everything that he does nowadays...why do we judge him so easily and without reason and thought? Does leader have to please everyone each time? Some people are just so hard to please.

  18. Anonymous9:19 AM

    to anony 5:10, no one is bashing leaderssi in this post, they are just expressing their frustrations and dissapointments for not seeing all 5 together on HJB's fan/bday celebration...because the expectation was high, everyone in TripleS kingdom was wishing to see them together, right?... so its just expressing how they feel... not blaming...since HJL is uber busy hence he couldn't attend...let's just enjoy what we have for the moment... its Maknae day and let's not ruin it

  19. Anonymous10:59 AM

    If Leader came that day, he might have overshadowed the birthday celebrant and also the members that came. Then he will or might be bashed again for doing so. Like damn if you do and damn if you don't.

    Let us just be happy at Baby's birthday celebration and also on what he said that the five of them (not 4) are always supportive and looking after each other. He also said that SS501 are always together.

  20. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I hope and wished for Baby's birthday a much brighter future and more success.

    I hope they will sign in a new company in the near future. Can they sign with Keyeast? Hwanhee is under Keyeast and he is releasing a mini album soon. So if SS501 will be under Keyeast they can do their album under the same management. Just a wistful thinking.

  21. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Anonymous 11:03 AM

    That would be wonderful if they can all be signed under KeyEast.

  22. Anonymous11:36 AM

    @anonymous 5:10 and 10:59 agree with both of u.
    @anonymous 9:19 lighten up. Ur being so defensive. I am sure u r aware of the amount of negativity thrown at leader since he signed up with KE. @5;10 and 10:59 may also be expressing their frustrations as well. Don't jump into conclusions as well.
    @11:03 and 11:43. I actually thought that KE managed actors only. But if they managed singers too then I too wish that KE will sign them up. Besides baby has dreams of acting too so he can pursue both music and acting with KE. That would be really cool. Let's not lose hope.
