
Sunday, August 01, 2010

[Vid & Trans] Maknae's D-Day with Fans 08.01.10

Again, loads of thanks to Prettyboy for uploading this video to be shared to all TS. ^_^ It is in but Daum you guys have to be patient if you want to view this. ^^ Hee, it's a short vid only... 44 secs.

I love what he said on his message and he also included SS501. 'love it to the max!

Translation of Maknae's message at the end as well as the outline of the event were lifted from s to Ode's blog. HUGE thanks for sharing!

And I really wanted to say thank you very much to everyone. Also SS501 the five of us, we always give support for one another, love one another, looking after one another, we gotta become the best ya. We're always together, let us, we -all of us- run to the end together. Thank you, Triple S.

*in order*
Mars Men, Venus Women (Solo)
Love duet with Park Sangmin
4Men stage
Cake cutting
UKISS stage
Sandwich making with JungMin (that explains apron)
I AM (Solo)
Reading aloud of letter prepared
Unit group appears -Hyungjun, Youngsaeng, Kyujong-
Because I'm Stupid --unit group--

Thanks to 3kimheopark3 for the upload.


  1. I cried.. mixed of feeling
    TripleS united!

  2. heartbreaking~
    thats all that comes to my mind right now

  3. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Baby got teary eyed :'-(
    Advance Happy Birthday Oppa! :)

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    i cried!!!
    i love you baby jun!
    i love you ss501!!
    we will running to the end with you!

  5. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Would have really been great if all five of them were there together. Happy Birthday oppa!

  6. YES!!!... I love what he said! SS501 forever!! Baby is SO ADORABLE.

    According to HJL's Japanese websites, He was in Bali for photo shooting. He's comming back on the 1st of August. I think that's why he couldn't be there at the party.

  7. Anonymous11:03 PM

    @Yuki. Ode's blog said that leader's back on the 30th ):

    Was kinda disappointed that leader didn't turn up.
    So sweet of baby to mention SS501 in his speech and so cute of jm to suprise baby. Can tell that his members are really v impt to him. This is one sentimental boy, cries over the sweetest things (: Love him ttm.

  8. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Gosh.. I wish i was there. Baby is forever an adorable baby, no matter how old he's. He's so handsome! Happy happy birthday, my dear!

    Above Anonymous - The Bali shooting was on 28-30th. The date of leader's back to Seoul is not confirmed but heardsay. I wouldn't jump into conclusion and be disappointed at anybody, since this has happened too many times before.

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Leader must be busy or something. May be he just wants the B-day boy got all the spotlight and they can celebrate toghether later. I just imagine if it's my B-day party but the attention was on other, I'm definately not happy.

    4Men came, they must be friend, remember leader went to their concert though he's very busy.

  10. Anonymous2:20 AM

    @the above 2 annonymous.

    Yeah true :D im just happy baby was happy on his birthday. Im the annoymous above these 2 annonymous, lol so confusing!

  11. Anonymous9:29 AM

    ?Also SS501 the five of us, we always give support for one another, love one another, looking after one another, we gotta become the best ya. We're always together...."

    this is reassurance for me.... it implies off camera that they still see each other, call each other....i mean, they're brothers who are extremely close...this is good enough for me...

    SS501 FOREVER 5 AS 1!!!!

  12. Anonymous10:50 AM

    What a reassuring words that came from our birthday boy "We SS501 the 5 of us always gives support for one another, looking for one another, we gotta be the best ya. We are always together."

    Although Leader is not there but I bet he called him and he will celebrate with him on the 3rd.

    Baby was on the phone in one of the pic. I wonder who he was talking to.

    The five of them gotta missed each other and being on stage or even practicing together or even fooling to one another. They have such great relationship. Brotherhood.
