
Thursday, October 28, 2010

[Fancam] Hyun Joong @ The Faceshop Fansigning Event 101028

Fancam from boysmom72 is out fast. Thanks Marvie for shoving this here.

Like photos there will be lots of fancams that will be shared later.

Credit :


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    i'm glad that leader still shines in korea inspite of his drama low ratings. sometimes i doubt the credibility of the rating polls

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Very glad that KHJL is still very popular but does he really need THAT many bodyguards? I think they were about 10 of them!?

  3. Anonymous11:03 PM

    the song for this vid reminds me of Leader's samsung card CF...hahah!!

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    looking at the crowd its a lucky thing they baricade the area if not leader may need more than 10 bodyguard. you can actually hear girls screaming his name... scary for leader safety...

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    the number of bodyguards is kinda overwhelming. but can you just imagine what would have happened if the organizers didn't employ that many? based on the crowd that gathered around the store, it would be chaotic!

    anyways, i'm super glad that so many fans went to the event.

    : )
