
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Priceless Photos of Young Saeng from HSScandal 10.06.10

I have shared earlier photos of Young Saeng playing baseball last October 6 from HSScandal HERE but they're only few.

Today, SusieSSS tweeted the following pix and some of them are priceless. Check them out and see for yourself.


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    lol! omo! not even caring about the prince image anymore!! haha..really love seeing him like that..he's having so much fun! its like when u see those pics of him laughing, all your problems will be gone in an instant! i really love this guy! there's no reason not to anyway..^^

  2. funny..the ever candid pics!!!!!

    well,i dun care if he not carry the prince image anymore,coz i want to see him like to do everything he wants..laughing so it^^

  3. love04885:42 PM

    Oh my God.. i can't believe I'm seeing him again with this lovely face.. We are so happy to see YS laughing around and happily doin a better easier and jolly life. Keep it up Saengie Hope to see you all with that dorky smiles hehehe

  4. so cute!!! > <
    he's really laughing.out.load!! ^ ^
    hahhaha thanks for sharing :)

  5. Anonymous12:39 AM

    so nice to see him having fun but i'd really want to see him busy with work one of these days. miss his angelic voice already.

  6. Anonymous1:05 AM

    lolololol so cute!! his kicking and stretching and bursting into loud laughter. it's wonderful! hope you're always this happy, young saeng! <3

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    absolutely priceless!

    stay happy wuri shy prince

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    seeing this picture really confirms that YS is flexible... he use to do martial arts like...i don't know if it was aikido or taekwando...

  9. Anonymous4:22 AM

    lol i'd bet a zillion dollars that wuri prince would scream if he saw these pictures of his. lol! Very cute, but he would have found them not so prince-like/cool bad-boy like. Even so, I like this natural side of him.

  10. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Your captions says it all :D

    thanks for sharing these priceless souvenirs to us (A)
