
Monday, October 25, 2010

[Pix & Vid] Hyun Joong Back in Kr from Beijing 10.25.10

Much thanks to SusieSSS for tweeting this photos. Likewise thanks to YES for sharing them.

According to fans who were at Incheon to welcome him back, he was in a good mood and jokingly answered them when asked what he did in Beijing. He said that he went to Beijing because he wants to eat jjangjangmyeong. ^^


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    he's always 4D! we can't expect his answer, what we can expect is something we don't usually think about.
    very nice of him to answer the fans back.

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    kekeke silly leader! XD

    btw, does anyone know the name of the song in that vid? it sounded so much like like this song i like, "Nae Sarang" by Tae Sa Bi Ae ft. MJ. look up SS501 Kim Hyung Jun Love Is You on YT. ^^

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    leader now a days is super handsome! i'm really curious what he did in beijing^ expect more speculations from fans hehe

    yeah silly and dorky leader.

  4. Anonymous11:15 PM

    hahaha leader so naughty!
