
Monday, October 25, 2010

Set of Pix of Hyung Jun from Tw FM from Tungstar

I found this set of photos posted on Baidu from the I Am SS501 Kim Hyung Jun Fan Meeting in Taiwan taken by the shutterbug of Tungstar.

Btw, I added another fan account below. Check it out! Thanks to Ominko & Gift and to iamsom for the translation.


FAN ACCOUNT : Kim Hyung Jun Fan Meet Tour in Taiwan by TS Thailand (by Ominko & Gift)
Thai to English translation by iamsom

19.30 "I AM" SS501 Kim Hyun Jun first international fan meeting tour started!
Junnie appeared on stage with navy blue suit and very low cut black top ^^ opened the perf with 'I AM'

Lucky draw : 10 lucky fans to played game
Rule : Shout "Wo Ai Ni" (i love u in chinese) who could shout loudest he'll give a hug

after that...junnie read 5 sentences on screen
Wo Ai Ni, I am JinHyungJun, Happy to come to Taiwan,Glad to have this fan meeting and Welcomed fan meeting
all in chinese language ... wow!! he's very smart can read all!!

and then junnie read 4 msg from TS
ps. one msg talked about marrying him so he said will you marry me? and ask how old are you? but she just 16 years old
Junnie said 'wait until she's older first' ...hahaha very cute

next game..who is he/she from his/her eyes in the posters
one picture's eyes looks like Jung Min's eyes but it's not jm .. hahaha

announcement oflucky fans to take photo with junnie ... not us, very sad

after short break ... Mars Men song started, this time he walk down from the stairs behide us
at the moment we suddenly run, I put out my hand and he touched our hands ^^
then the body guard came to block and made many TS fall down
Junnie said when the song is ended "sorry to make you fall down, i just want to close to fans" very cute!!

another game was played (really many games) lucky draw again this time 5 persons
rule : guess what's song that junnie sing
first and second song are chinese song .. junnie sang very random hahaha
but the last song vey easy it's 'Love ya' .. he's very pleased keke
the 3 winners can took photo with him TT

next game was dart game 1 lucky fan play with him.. result 5:2 junnie lost hahaha
he has to ate spicy food .. poor boy and when MC saw he's hot he gave bitter herbal drink to him .. very poor boy ><><

Ominko & Gift)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    thanks very much for the thorough fanaccount, tungstar! i wish i could be there and touch HJB's hand, too! :D
