
Monday, December 27, 2010

Jung Min @ Gimpo 12.24.10 by Harunohi

I have been waiting for Harunohi (501_dg) for her to post her pix of Jung Min when he arrived from Japan after a successful FM on the 24th of December and finally they've been posted. Much thanks!


  1. MinnieMe4PJM1:02 PM

    I will never forget seeing him walk through the arrival doors and it taking my brain a few seconds to process who I was seeing. I calmly tell SaengieMeNoona "Oh's him" then I had to remind myself to hit record on my camera. He nearly made me froze in my tracks and he totally made me speechless. The 1.5 minutes he was there is all a blur so I'm glad people posted vids and pix.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    He is so handsome!
    I'm really in love with this guy.
    He always has a smile for the fans and is always so kind.
    I wish more people would be like him!

  3. Oh MinnieMe4PJM it's okay if you weren't able to record him but you should have been more focused. I wouldn't have missed the chance of seeing him up close. Geez, it makes me remember my moment with him at Persona. ^^ Anyway, hope you'll get to see him better the next time.

