
Monday, December 27, 2010

[Vid & Trans] PJM - 2011 Celebrities born in year of "Rabbit"

I was on Love501 checking on the forum if there's anything new and I found this video of lovedream228 posted on YT and the translation of honeyeee on Love501. Much thanks ladies for sharing on your forum.


[2010.12.25] PJM - 2011 Celebrities born in year of "Rabbit"

Source:The Star
Chinese translation:justhought @YOYO501
Chinese subs:lovedream228 @YOYO501
Credit:【YOYO501】 + lovedream228

Heres a brief translation for the video above!
(Chinese to English translation: Honeyeee @

Rabbit~ Rabbit~
Hello The Star viewers, i am Park Jung Min
Recently i have been preparing my Solo album as well as for my Fan Meeting in Japan
On top of that, i have also been preparing for my Seoul Fan Meeting
and have been coming up with a fews ideas on how to interact better with fans.
Have been thinking while living busily
The Star Year 2011, shining celebrity born in the year of 87, the Year of Rabbit
is currently doing activities
Oh, this is a little embarrassing,
but i cannot lose, right?
Everyone please vote for me!
The Star viewers, Year 2010 is coming to an end
How was your Year 2010?
I'm curious if you have achieved your resolutions
If you did, year 2011 is approaching.
It will be great if everyone can keep to your new year resolution for year 2011 too
And your health, because health is the most important thing
So i hope that everyone will have a healthy year 2011!
In Year 2010, I will become a even more hardworking Park Jung Min,
and i hope that everyone will keep a lookout for me and give me more love
Fighting! Bye bye~
The Star is the best!

1 comment:

  1. DORIS6:54 PM

    HE'S SO CUTE!! <3
    Watched this video..smiling like idiot and eyes with heart-shaped...HAHAHA
