
Monday, January 31, 2011

Jung Min Greeting You Happy New Year in Mandarin (plus more video greetings)

Here's Jung Min greeting you happy new year. Thanks to SonyMusicTaiwan and to blancbelle for the tip!

Jung Min : Da Jia How, Wor shi Park Jung Min. Taiwan friends, Happy New Year. Please Give me Ang Pow. Quickly Quickly!

He is sooooo cute to demand ang poa. ^^ According to my friend his Mandarin is precise.

And I am adding more Mandarin greetings from Jung Min which I failed to post when posted by SonyMusicTaiwan. Thanks to veggiedelight for letting me know about this.

Jung Min : Hello everybody! I am Park Jung Min. I hope to see you all soon, I love you! Thank you!

Jung Min : Taiwanese friends, hello, I'm Park Jung Min, I hope you like my new album "Not Alone"!


This one I am posting below is the newest video that came out last night of It's a video wherein Jung Min is clarifying his official Chinese name. I do not understand Chinese so I am hoping that there is someone who could tell us what JM is saying it'll be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Thanks too to oloverbobo for uploading this video in YT.


  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I don't understand korean too... But clarification is needed'cos there are diff ways of writing his name but with similar pronounciation...

    Esp the last word of his name... HK people tend to use another word which is not correct...but in cantonese both words have the same prounounciation, that's why there is confusion...

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    mal's madarin has definitely improved
    kekekke love the way he "demanded" for the lucky red packet $ it's so mal

  3. sinthia7:47 AM

    It's so funny the way he speaks! LOL
    His voice became so low!
    I hope he improves his chinese and we can see him in Taiwanese dramas soon. ^^
