
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

[Vids] Hyung Jun's Music High with Jung Min 02.01.11

Music High with Park Jung Min as guest just finished and it was a blast! I had a great time watching Hyung Jun and Jung Min making fun of each other. Missed them so much! Geez, I just tweeted that 2AM never been this lively before! One hour of them is not enough. From start to finish they made me smile.

During the one hour show, Jung Min's all three songs from his new album were played. It started with Not Alone which is soooo funny because the two were dancing. Then Do You Know and the goodbye song was Everyday is Christmas. As for ohguelsong, they did Love Yah! Uh uh sooo funny!

I won't be posting yet the whole show as they're still being downloaded/uploaded/processed by vid owners. What I am going to post now are bits and pieces of clips from the show by hl2412 aka poohmuhigh. She is so great as she uploads fast! Her only request is not to re-upload, k? Thanks!


And here are screencaps tweeted by ominko. Thanks much!

Hyung Jun showing Jung Min's album
while JM explains the content

Dancing to Not Alone as the music in being played.
Both were so funny! It was a priceless moment!


  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    love tom and jerry..they r so much fun to watch!
    thanks for sharing

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Love them! And miss so much!

  3. tetsu girl4:53 AM

    wow JM has been on so many radio show webcasts lately! TenTen, Shimshimtapa (liezle, i think you forgot to post the vids from his Jan 26 webcast w/ Younha, from iZomZaa's channel ;), Youngstreet, and now MusicHigh. love it! love listening to his voice and just watching him chat. sometimes radio guesting is better than variety show since there's more focus on him than numerous guests, you know? ^^
    anyway, thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    these two are just too funny and adorable together

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    love ya cover was perfect.these two should participate shows and radio programs more frequently.
    tom&jerry.watching them is even more enjoyable than watching tv series.i want to understand what are they talking about.i hope we will see subbed and full version of that soon.

  6. sinthia11:05 AM

    ownnn, I wanna see the full version!!
    I hope someone can sub this, it's really funny to see them having fun together. ^^
    I think a radio program with this two would be great!I wish it could be some day...
    Thanks for sharing!
