
Monday, March 21, 2011

[Article] Jung Min Electrified SG Fans for 3 Days!

Super thanks to 90anne of Love501 for translating this article from Lian He Wan Bao, Omy. This article summarizes how Jung Min made many happy during his 3 day activities in Singaprore.

See the photos below? I wonder how the ladies were able to sleep after the event? If any of you ladies visit my blog, can you please share with us how you felt when Jung Min was carrying you, feeding you and giving you a back hug? We want to know. Can you please tell us how Jung Min smells? How nice he is and how charming? Geez.... i am really getting envious. You ladies are the luckiest!

Btw, I like how the writer described Jung Min like a 'parrot' whenever he repeats a phrase that the translator and host say. I find this really cute in the video from XIN. ^^


[2011.03.21] Park Jung Min electrified fans in Singapore!
Credits: Lian He Wan Bao, Omy
Translation: 9oanne @
Please repost with full credits.

"Princess Hug", Cake feeding, Back hug, Korean Star Park JungMin's actions have electrified his 500 fans!

Korean Idol Group SS501 member, Park Jung Min, came Singapore last friday to promote his First Solo EP "Not Alone", and has shown a very warm side of him. During yesterday's Fan meeting, Park Jung Min carried fans, feed lucky fan with cake, and also back hug fan, almost fulfilling every requests, which results in non-stop screaming from fans. Those fans who got picked to go up on stage, were even luckier to have close contact with him!

Park Jung Min performed four songs during his Fan Meeting, including a Mandarin song, "Forever Love" which was originally sang by Wang Lee Hom. Beside practicing hard on Mandarin songs, Park Jungmin, who is very keen in learning Mandarin, also tried to answer questions in Chinese. Moreover, he will make fans happy by saying some sweet talks such as, " I miss you all", "You all are my girlfriends", "You all are so cute", "I will come back again" in Mandarin.

Beside giving eye contacts with his fans down the stage, Park Jung Min is even more generous to the fans on stage, in a way of giving hugs. Fans not only can get his back hug, one of the fans were being carried by Park Jung Min in a princess way, which made a lot of fans screamed and envy.

Park Jung Min do have those formality of other Korean celebrities. During game session, he will make fun of the fans by acting like he's angry and said, "Faster! Faster!" in mandarin to those fans who walked slowly, and this created so much laughter among the fans. Park Jung Min treated his fans so nicely, fans has also recorded a MV for him. In additions, fans almost personally bake a cake for his birthday celebration, which made him very touched.

During the Press Conference, Park Jung Min shown a playful side of him, and even behaved like a "parrot" by copying what the translator and host said. He will also make some funny expression during the Press Conference, like pouting.

Park Jung Min was very comfortable during the Press Conference, and his playful image was very adorable. When the host ask questions, he will copy her tone, and when reporter ask questions, he will asked, "Who are you?" in Mandarin. Upon hearing the reporter's name, he will then repeat his name by adding a "Little" in front of their name in mandarin, which create so much laughter. When the reporter asked two questions at a time, Park Jung Min will purposely give a expression that "blame" the reporter for being too greedy. However, when the translator forgets to translate the 2nd question, he will remind her that there's another question. These caring actions has created a very good impression of him in other people's mind.


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    thanks so much, 9oanne@Love501 & liezle! great article!
    my goodness, those are some lucky fans! *green w/ envy* i love how handsome and sweet he is, he comforted the crying fan and hugged them all tenderly, totally ideal boyfriend material! <333
    i was kinda surprised JM didn't perform "Not Alone", the title track. @_@ is it because he didn't bring his dancers? it would've been cool if he'd adapted it into a one-man stage. hope it's not because he's feeling tired/sick. but i love his beautiful, sincere gift "Forever Love"! <3
    lol @ JM "scolding" the slow fans and "greedy" reporters. i like that this reporter noticed that JM was playful but attentive (with the 2nd question). that's our JM!

  2. oh they are really lucky fans. Jung Min, as always, brings us a best fan service. Love JM like this. And do U guys see this, JM's style in this event, his outfit is much more simple than before, I think he looks more manly and mature in this style. :D

    Oh, last thing I want to share is I know the lucky girl who have cake fr Min, she is Emizm, Moderator of, she is one of 4 Triple S from Viet Nam joining this time with Min in Singapore :D
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky, right ???

  3. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Thanks for the post! Really enjoyed reading it! :)

    Just want to share a little here :) Jung min was featured in one of the newspapers in Singapore today (title of the paper is “My paper”) and the reporter commented that Jung min was very gentlemanly. She wrote that at the start of the press conference, once he was seated, Jung min first poured a glass of water for the MC of the press conference as well as the translator lady before pouring one for himself. Awww our jung min is such a gentleman!

  4. Anonymous12:16 AM

    thanks for the info!! :) thoughtful of you to post it! Indeed, our jungminnie is such a gentleman!
