
Monday, March 21, 2011

Jung Min Went Shopping on 03.19.11

Heaps of thanks to veggiedelight for sending this photos of Jung Min shopping inside D&G at ION in Orchard. Of course loads of thanks as well to babyvfan for capturing this moment on her camera and posting on her blog.

Jung Min is looking cute in what he's wearing, yah? Go and enlarge the photo it's better viewed enlarge. ^^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    thanks for sharing, babyvfan & veggiedelight & liezle!
    JM does indeed look cute, but also cuts a fine figure. somebody get this man an endorsement deal already! XO
    good to know JM likes D&G; Quainte501 just gave him a D&G bracelet for his birthday! ;D
