
Monday, March 21, 2011

[Article & Pix] Interview of Hyung Jun from No Cut

Here is another set of interview pix of Hyung Jun this time from No Cut. Same with the article in The Daily Focus, the article in No Cut also talks about Hyung Jun's 1st solo album, HJB going solo, his goals and a follow up album in May.

Below the photos, you will see the translated article which I lifted from Ode's blog. Much much thanks Ode for doing it again. I have actually been looking for the translation.


[Trans] No-cut News Interview 03.21

Source : NoCutNews
Korean to English translation by Ode /

"I want to become somewhat of a comfort to Japanese fans"

SS501's maknae Kim Hyungjun has thrown aside his 'maknae border' and has stood forth solely on his own.

Kim Hyungjun has released his first mini album [My Girl] and has returned to his fans' sides with title track 'oH aH'.

With this being his first challenge, he's poured his very ecstatic feelings from the heart in this interview.

It has always been 5 of them doing activities but now that he's all alone, he feels lonely and worried alot if he 'can do well or not'. "However when the album with my name is given to me and placed into my hands, I feel excited and happy. SS501 colleagues have given me advices and been also monitoring me regularly, and that makes me feel reassured much".

Especially through this time's album, Kim Hyungjun will also show the different charms of himself. Not only did he have dance songs, of course, but also ballads, and also challenged writing the lyrics himself.

"Though it's the first album, but because I'm doing this myself, music has turned out well to become 'Kim Hyungjun's trademark' in a way. Especially on the part in the music where it's about protecting the girl whom you like, it's very similar to the distinctive cheerful profile of mine. And also I participated in writing the lyrics, I basically visualized by listening to the main outline melody. Half of my experience, half of my imagination ; by putting these together is my secret formula as a lyricist (laughs)".

At the same time when he released his new album, Kim Hyungjun also attempted at his invadement into Asia and Japan. He who is expected to pick up his status as a 'hanryu star' has met with another standstill for the moment.

And this is because of the huge earthquake that happened in Japan. With this, a part of his invadement plans into Japan has to be re-discussed.

However, his priority at firsthand is his worry for his Japanese fans rather than his activity plans.

"During my solo album showcase too, many Japanese fans had made their way here... I feel a pity that such a huge tragedy happened. I'm perplexing over how I should give my condolences. First of all because I'm a singer, should there be any chances in future, I want to do a memorial concert. Music-wise that I could do, and the help that I'm able to give. If there are such chances, I will participate in them actively".

Target is the Bonsang award at end of year award ceremonies

All these while, besides his main profession as a singer, he also parallels diversified activities like radio DJ, musicals etc,

He also divulged about his aspirations to challenge acting if there will be any chance.

"Whether it be a sitcom or an official drama, I want to challenge them. I want to receive acknowledgment in many different areas, so that people will start to carve their impression of me as 'the lad who can do well in anything he does'. In fact I'm the kind who worried alot before my new challenge because I'll be alone, but after I finish my worries and go on to find my answers, I will then be able to eventually stand in front of everyone. I want to show my bright and confident side in front of all, anytime and anywhere at all".

In addition, he is also slated for another challenge in time to come. After 'My Girl' promotions, he will be having a follow-up album in upcoming May where he will show his brand new side once again.

"Digital single album is slated for release at around May. There are parts where it will be like a continuation/link-up from oH aH's content. In the next album, I will show to you 'the charms of a man who can't get to sleep because he's fallen in love' (laughs). Also, I will be releasing my first official album at around Fall. I want to receive the Bonsang award at the year-end music award ceremonies".


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    hyungjun fighting!!
    i am sure that his follow up album in may will do great..i will pray for his success.!

  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Another album in May! That's such good news, I'm looking forward to it. Will he be promoting the same time as Leader? Double HJ promoting at the same time would be awesome.

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    This is great news. A digital dingle in May and a full album in the Fall. I know he'll just get better and better. Hyung Jun just don't overwork yourself, okay?

  4. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Leader's upcoming album in May and Baby's new album in May? How came this be..??? =/ I have a bad feeling about this...

  5. Anonymous5:11 AM

    anon@4:37 Don't feel bad about this. They could be coming out at different ends of the month so their won't be any real competition between them. Plus there's no finalized date given yet. This is just an estimated time frame.

  6. wonderbee6:41 AM

    @anon 4:37 yea, just take it easy.. I'm sure it's not gonna be any harm if he'll promote the next single around the same time as leader.. They're brothers all the way.. I bet they still gonna support each other, plus we'll get to see more 2hj interaction even more! Dunno, I'm just kinda bored with Tom & Jerry moment all the time nowadays, haha.

  7. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "SS501 colleagues have given me advices and been also monitoring me regularly, and that makes me feel reassured much".

    good to hear that HJB, Your brothers really loves you. Especially at times of this situation. Awesome!

    SS501 Daebak!:-)
