
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Screencaps from MuHigh Triple Treat 04.14.11

In today's Music High we were treated by Hyung Jun on his radio show's 2nd Birthday with two special guests, Kim Kyu Jong and Park Jung Min.

For those who missed the show, you guys better not fail to watch it when the vid is already up on YT because from beginning to end, the show will make you laugh. Hyung Jun together with Jung Min and Kyu Jong are so funny. Whatever they do in the show, no matter how small the movement/gesture they make, if you are a fan of them, each moment is precious.

Before the show started Hyung Jun tweeted this photo of him and Kyu Jong.

The pose looks familiar, right? It is because it's from their Persona media pose. Remember the tweet of Kyu Jong recently? Remember now? Cute, right? Jung Min wasn't around yet when this was taken as I think he was late. The show has already started when he arrived. He brought in a lot of goodies such as bunny ears headband and assorted drinks for them.

Anyway, won't give the details just few bits and pieces of what's to look forward to. They did 'It's Raining' in the ohgeulsong portion. Kyu Jong was laughing so hard that he fell off his chair. Jung Min's 'Like Tears are Falling' and Kyu Jong's 'Wuss Up' were played. Interesting convo between them and their being adorkable. The ending as I tweeted is perfect to cap the night. It made me laugh at 2AM (my time) and made me wide awake until this writing because my brain up to now is full of them. ^_^

Sigh... Hyung Jun, Jung Min and Kyu Jong made me crazily happy tonight. It's already less than three hours before I get up and go to work. I will be ending this post now and will try to sleep. But before I end here are screepcaps which I lifted from the post of 아이러브현 on SS601.

Yah, it was a great special triple treat. Hee, I am so looking forward to the day that we will be getting our super special treat from them.


  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    omg!! i am so annoyed that i missed it..i hope someone uploads the vids..just watching the screencaps has made me so excited..they all look so adorkable!!love them so much..seeing this made me miss them more!
    thanks for wont be able to sleep tonight!

  2. i love it that baby mentioned SS501 quite a no. of times and they played wandukong. totally heartwarming! :') but for some reason the gorealra app on my iphone didnt stream the webcam. i could hear the radio but i keep getting a black screen with the quicktime logo :( not sure why, so sad. i wanted to see them having fun and fooling around with the rabbit ears!

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    thank you!
    I can't explain how happy this makes me feel. I wish for more of these kind of moments...

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I'm trying to wait patiently for the video to be uploaded but its becoming so hard to do. I was already so excited to watch this and these screen caps have increased that 501%. They seemed like they had so much fun and even though I won't understand a word they say I already know I won't stop smiling from watching them. :)

  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    OMG. I was waiting for it. Unfortunately, I fell asleep! :( I'm so pissed off with myself! Anyway, all that's left for me are the videos in YT. I really hope that there's going to be an upload soon. :) Just seeing the three of the together makes me feel good. They're so cute in the screencaps. :D

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    thanks for this special happy moment with the 3 members.....i hope this will be uploaded in YT (with eng trans... fingers crossed)..... and tomorrow will be YS with Mal and Baby Joon ( possibly Kyu again.. please) such a very rare, special gathering of the majority of SS501 members.....this pictures shared here is so heartwarming - all i can say is that the members have an amazing solid friendship and i commend them for that:).... (A)

  7. Jennifer2:26 PM

    I was able to see the screepshots posted by some of u on twitter. The 3 of them are really happy together. Seeing them laughing and playing with one another makes me miss the 5 of them even more.

    Thanks for posting the videos and I really enjoyed it too. :)

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Thanks for posting them..!! ^^ all my favorite members had fun together..
