
Monday, July 04, 2011

[Article] Jung Min to Star in a Japanese Drama in August

Now we know why Jung Min has been secretly going to Japan lately. Much thanks to one Anonymous tipster for the news earlier and to iamsom for the tip on where to get the English news about this.


[News] Sakai Miki, Park Jung Min co-star in mobile drama “8 Gatsu no Love Song”
Posted on July 3, 2011 by tokyograph

Actress Sakai Miki (33) will soon star in her first drama since she became a mother in March of last year. The show is a mobile drama titled “8 Gatsu no Love Song,” which will begin distribution through au’s LISMO service on August 5. Sakai’s co-star is Park Jung Min (24) of the Korean boy band SS501.

“8 Gatsu no Love Song” is about a Korean pop star and a Japanese housewife, who have a dangerous one-night romance. This is the first time that Sakai has played a role involving a relationship with a younger man. She commented that in the scene where Park Jung Min confesses his love and holds her hand, she was so nervous that her hands were sweating.

Sakai also just released her first essay today, titled “Sakai Miki no Baai – Shiawase Mikipedia.”


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I'm doing some analysis from a neutral perspective, please skip if you don't want to read. Notice I'm NOT talking about their singing career.

    When I read this I had the same feeling I had when JM announced that he's going to open his clothing stores in several countries. I think he's loosing his focus again.

    I hope for his success and I hope that I'm wrong. But talking drama wise, he should really focus and become strong in one country, preferably Korea, first before going to Taiwan and Japan. He tries to go too far too fast. I don't want this to become like his stores.

    Baby also takes on many projects, but I feel like Baby is focused on what he is doing. With his Piro Piro business, he started off slow and now it's growing and going steady. He's also keep up with his MC jobs that now he can expand his expertise on it.

    However, this is entertainment business where anything can happen.
    Hope for successful career of all SS501 members.

  2. One-night romance = one-night stand ?

    Agree with the comment above, I prefer him in a Korean drama as well == At least Korean actresses look better.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    i tot hes gonna do a drama in taiwan, why suddenly its japan now? theres just too much competition in korea so perhaps its better to take it elsewhere?

  4. slimz18082:05 PM

    We never know what went on their minds when they make those decisions and being signed on artists, they probably don't get to choose much?
    I rem min did musical in Jap too but it was a one shot thingy (?).

    I suppose these are short-term engagements taken up to (1) test market; (2) probably to maintain good r'ships; (3) or any other biz reasons.... and perhaps min wanted to do some form of activities in Japan to repay his japanese fans (i'm assuming he has quite a bit of jap fans given his spoken jap expertise)...

    His clothing biz .. haa .. if u watch SS on one of the variety shows, he ever mentioned abt this problem of his, guess he is still learning from mistakes ^^ but who isn't ... =D

  5. I think there's nothing wrong with him trying on other countries since Korea's showbiz is one hell of a tough industry. Especially now that a lot of artists have debuted. Why would PJM wait for opportunities in his own country when Japan & Taiwan is giving him projects?

    It would be a waste of talent if he wouldn't grab it and focus in Korea.

    As for his clothing stores, I don't have anything to say since I do not have enough info about it.

    But I really wish him all the best in his career coz he deserves more than what he's getting right now. :)

    SUCCESS TO ALL SS501 members while they're on solo! <3

  6. I am happy that he has taken a project in Japan. With his talent and his advantage of speaking the language , I think Jung Min will do good on this one.

    Jung Min and SS501 are just few of the Korean idols who are very successful in Japan. As you very well know, Japan is a huge market and many Korean artists (and other international artists) are trying to penetrated Japan market. But if not armed with the right mechanics some failed.

    Jung Min's Taiwan project, I believe is just a bonus. Like I said, he is very talented in learning languages and it's an advantage for him. I couldn't think of any other artists (right now) doing Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese drama like Jung Min.

    We all know that JM is quite popular in Taiwan, he has his followings in Japan and Korea. Fans in these countries never failed him so far. His company i believe is taking advantage of this. As we say, 'strike while the iron is hot'. If not now, when?

    As for his store, I guess Jung Min is not the entrepreneur type of a person. He needs someone with experience and skills to manage this for him. From what I know, his store is currently being managed by his sister.


  7. i believe and trust Jungmin and everything that he does...whatever and wherever, i love and support him with all my heart, mind and..errr money!...hehe...God bless Jungmin! =D

  8. Anonymous4:44 AM

    i like the gist of the story, hope JM and the actress will do well but most importantly even if its a short or mini drama, the Japan crew should do a good marketing of it for it to sell well....

    I too am wondering how Mal/Minnie can handle everything at the same time... he has too many things going on... my concern always is that he could juggle his time, energy and money and gain something from each of his many activities....

  9. Anonymous11:42 PM

    JM seems to go fast, but ...
    News about him is not much.

  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    It is strange that both Hyung Jun and Jung Min both take on a lot of projects but, for some reason I don't worry about Hyung Jun as I do for Jung Min. Maybe because Hyung Jun seems to start small and spend a lot of time considering all angles before making a decision. Also being the sole supporter of his family and knowing how seriously he takes that responsibility means he won't take unnecessary risks. Jung Min I feel is too trusting and relies on other people too much to help him make his decisions. He seems to start projects on a big scale and thankfully they seem to be working out so far. I don't think doing projects in different countries is a bad thing. Many artists do this and is considered normal. I just hope that the direction his career is going is what he wants. I'm going to assume it is since he's always wanted to go into acting and his career reflects this.

    I'm curious since so many people brought up his business. Is his store not doing well? I remember reading an announcement that his store was going to be closed for two weeks for remodeling and I haven't heard anything since.

    Sorry for the long post.

  11. Anonymous8:34 AM

    This came as a bit of surprise. Instead of Taiwan drama, Jung Min is doing a Japanese drama, no wonder Jung Min has been going to Japan quite frequently.

    For some unknown reasons, JM's agency has been quite "secret" about Jung Min's schedules and activities. I personally think his co. did not do a good job in marketing Jung Min. I think Jung Min should start with Korea, get a big name before going full force into Taiwan first, then Japan, then other Asian countries. The way things are going, Jung Min isn't doing well at all in Korea. I think he should put his efforts in Taiwan where his popularity is immense, then Japan.........

    "You are Beautiful" made Jang Guen Suk a super star, he then recorded a new album which got to no. 1 on the Japanese charts in no time. Jung Min did not do very well on music charts even though he sings much better. It is very difficult for Jung Min to beat JGS or KHJL.

    I am worried, not because Jung Min is not good enough, its because I don't have faith in his companies and agency. Plus, competition is really big, in Korea, as well as in Asia. Perhaps a good Korean drama can do wonders, such as BOF, You are Beautiful, City Hunter etc.

    I am a die hard fan of Jung Min; as long as Jung Min is happy, I am happy. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope Jung Min can achieve his goals. I will support and love Jung Min forever.
