
Sunday, July 03, 2011

[Pix] Jung Min Silently Flew to Japan on 06.27.11

Photos of Jung Min flying to Japan on the 27th of June are starting to come out. After JN Neotoric fan signing on the 26th in Seoul, he again zipped off (secretly) to Japan and returned only today July 3 (photos will be out later).

Seems like Jung Min has been flying to Japan more often lately, I remember that he just left for Japan secretly on the week of June 19 to 24 and only to return on the 25th of June.

Here are photos from tea_w_sugar blog. Looks like Jung Min left Seoul with a new hair cut. Well thanks to the owner of tea_w_sugar blog for sharing the photos, if not for this set of photos and tweet of yangyang0402, we wouldn't have known that Jung Min left and arrived Seoul. ^^ Thanks as well to iamsom and OnlyMin for the info.

And here's a teaser photo from of today arrival of Jung Min taken at Gimpo which was tweeted by yangyang0403 and p_jungmin43 . I am looking forward to the photos taken by their shutterbug of Jung Min's departure and arrival.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    the reason he's been flying off to Japan so much may have something to do with the japanese news released today. it mentioned that he'd been starring with Miki Sakai in August's Love Song. the drama is schedule to be broadcast on August 5th. here's the link to the article

  2. Hello 8:40. Thank you so much for the info you provided. This is something to look forward too. Hmm, wonder what happened to the drama that he's supposed to start in Taiwan?

