
Sunday, June 10, 2012

[Article] Young Saeng on Going Solo

I am shoving here this interesting article fro No Cut News of Young Saeng who talked about being a solo artist.  Much thanks to VITALSIGN of AllKPop for sharing this translation.


[News] Heo Young Saeng tells ‘No Cut News’ what it’s like as a soloist without SS501
Source + Photos: No Cut News via Naver

SS501‘s Heo Young Saeng recently sat down with ‘No Cut News‘ for an interview discussing not only his “Crying” comeback, but his efforts to make his mark as a soloist after having already reached the top with SS501.

Heo Young Saeng began, “SS501′s music style was completely different to the style that I had wanted so it wasn’t as difficult as I thought to shed the group colors out of my music. Although it’s my second album now, I tried to put out music that I personally wanted.”

He participated in the album’s overall production starting from the planning to the final concepts. Not only did he personally collect each song included in the album, but was also involved with the production and lyric writing process as well. Although he wanted to go with “Intimidated” as his title track, he ended up picking the medium pop R&B track “Crying”.

“I deliberated over the two for a long while, but I just chose ‘Crying’ as the title track because I liked the melody. I think my one year long hiatus played a large part because my last album was melody-centered and I felt that the change would be too big if I came out with such transformation with ‘Intimidated’ the following year. I tried not to be stubborn with it since a lot of people said they liked ‘Crying’ better as well (laughter).”

As he felt that he could’ve improved the performance aspect of his promotions last time, he focused on just that with “Crying”, jumping and shouting right along with the crowd.

On the prospect of a concert, he continued, “When I was promoting with SS501, I stood before a larger crowd on a larger stage. Now that I know that the numbers have decreased, I can’t just go ahead and plan one. I also don’t have much solo tracks yet (laughter). I want to release more albums and build myself up more.”

Concluding the interview, he stated, “Someone told me that if you’re not able to come out from the past, you’ll never be able to stand on your own. That you need to throw away your previous feelings and start over as if you’re making a new start. Fortunately, I was able to let go of all of that quickly. Although there are disappointing aspects, I feel more satisfied with having my opinions reflected in my music. I won’t focus on the past and instead fulfill myself.”


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Good point. Start afresh. Don't let SS501 define you.

    I love that they are now on their way to superstardom individually.  The long hiatus will produce 5 superstars before they will gather as one. They have to be strong and clear in what they want. 

    Going solo was the best decision of the group. 

  2. His interview is getting more in-depth. Enjoy reading them. But his promos are still very little and weak.

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Hope YS works more hard to dance better and can conduct energetic FM like HJL.

  4. kjneth0512:30 AM

    YS needs to build up more confidence. I believe that he's very talented and can do well. But he needs to believe in himself more. I hope he realise that soon. I hope he would have a concert or fan meeting of his own soon. Heo Young Saeng FIGHTING!!!

  5. I think now a great time for them..tq for DSP cause let all our boys realise they own dream n be a star n will comeback as 5 a superstar..wait n c..

  6. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I love YS dance the most and his performance is perfect. He really has his own style and very talented. The more he talks about himself, the more I like him. But I feel his agency needs to give him more promotion. So far I haven't seen him appear in any TV shows (like last time) and the promotion started only after the album came out and the announcement was just 12 days in advance. Also, he doesn't need to be perfect to have concert or fan meeting. He needs to keep contact with his own fans and increase visibility more frequently. Not just to appear when there's new album, it's a bit late by that time. Anyway, as your die hard fans and along with many others, we always support you Saengie^^

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I guess he feels apologetic if he feels the fans don't get their money worth in a fan meeting or concert. He did not realise how much his fans wanted to see him perform live to worry so much about that.

    And I really hope his company get him fly off to somewhere further this time, and not just limit to Japan.


  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    YS needa someone to push him.
    Wish YS to be more mature.

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    YS is mature but he's a perfectionist. What he needs is a good agency to do solid promotion while he can concentrate on his music. To me, he has the best album, exactly what I want and love. All others have showcase/mini concerts when releasing albums, except for the main vocal - that can't be true!! YS fan, I'm really desperate to hear his music and singing much more often than 1 year 4 songs. I feel very blissful now seeing/hearing him daily either from performance or news and know that he's fine...much more important than getting #1 (we all know he is #1 whether he gets it officially or not).
