
Sunday, June 10, 2012

[Pix & Highlights] Hyun Joong @ Shanghai Fan Meeting 06.09.12 by MurdererQ

A few hours after the Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 in Shanghai held at Shanghai Gymnasium, one of my favorite shutterbugs, MurdererQ, shared photos she had taken at tonight's fan meeting.

Here are the photos that I lifted from MurdererQ's Baidu blog with a short reminder from fans viewing her photos.

※재업로드,2차 변형 금지!!!

I came home late tonight so I failed to get the chance to read all the live updates from the fan meeting. But thanks to the SNS  I get to read them.

As promised by the man himself, he gave a good fan meeting/mini concert in Shanghai. He sang 15 songs, gave out wonderful gifts, interacted with fans and made them giddy and happy. With his high energy and probably the hot reception of the fans Hyun Joong sweated a lot in the early part of his performance. At the talk section, I am sharing here interesting answers to questions to Hyun Joong (not in chronological order). Much thanks to @baebb and @LoveKHJ for the tweets.
  • After performing 3 songs, he said that he is already sweating bullets. He also said that he has never been like this. Then he added 'Let's see if he collapses first or the fans.'
  • When asked which season he prefers to get married, Hyun Joong said winter because there aren't mosquitoes in winter. He also mentioned that he originally wanted to get married at 30 but he said that there isn't that many years left until he is 30. Likewise he is not matured enough yet. He finished this question by saying 'Let's talk about it 8 years later.'
  • He also said that he'd even wondered what it is like to marry a fan, then he concluded, it would turn boring in 5 years.
  • MC asked him what he did for his birthday. He said that though he is afraid of sea, he went diving. Then he said that fans should not let their imagination too wild because he was fully clothed. ^_^ He said that he will share photos to prove so.
  • With regard to Shanghai girls, he said that they seem mature, very feminine and attractive. He also said that he'd specially brought beauty products to make them prettier.
  • During encore, Hyun Joong said he will work hard to become a good actor, a good singer, a good man. He want to be a better Kim Hyun Joong.
Last leg of the Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 will be tomorrow in Beijing at Beijing Mastercard Center at 8PM.


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Congrats to Hyun Joong.
    Good luck for his last FM in BK.

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    OMOOOOOOO 1st photo >______<

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    OMG funny 4d hj always, luckily no one is collapses ^^
    the weather is hot in shanHai, the place must be like a warm stove without AC.
    no doubt the fans were very passion following your hot music & dancing. you should give them ice water instead of adding fire to the stove **
    just by looking at your 1st pic here already feel the heat rising, do you think the fans there were easy while your sexy hot chest was being seen. hj ssi please be nice to all of us (*_^)
    ...... :) hope the weather will be cool a bit in BJ today, hope your FM in BJ will run smoothly. wish you a successful FM in BJ today.
    all the best. love U khjL ^^

  4. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Dear Hyun Joong,
    Please rest some days before the new drama.
    Love you forever.

  5. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I always love khj' answers. It's so witty is a smart way. Good luck Kim Hyun Joong

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    the same leader as straightforward and honest as usual.
    leader, do you best and enjoy the stage. you are a good actor, singer and dance. you are doing just fine!!
    with your enthusiasm toward your life dreams & the 100% effects, you will be ever better and better in all the domains you are working on.
    go leader, walk up and steady, you are closer to your goals step by step !!
    looking forward to your next projects ......

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    did he sing "if you feel the same" @ 3rd photo.
    i really want to wipe the sadness off from his eyes.
    hjL, be happy and healthy, love ~~
