
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Female Lead for 'City Conquest' Goes to Jung Yu Min

First to be revealed to be one of the casts in the upcoming drama of Kim Hyun Joong 'City Conquest' is Nam Gung Min, as Cha Ji-ryong followed by Kim Seung Woo as Baek Seung Hyun (father of Baek Mi Reu played by Hyun Joong).

Today, the female lead for the upcoming drama according to the representative of Neos Entertainment  is the 28 years old  Jung Yu Mi who will be  playing the role of Lee Dan Bi, a jewelry designer.

Jung Yu Mi was earlier seen in the 20 episodes 'Rooftop Prince' with Park Yoo Chun and Han Ji Min. She played the role of Hong Se Na.

In 'Rooftop Prince', I really detest Jung Yu Mi's character. For me  I find her acting 'so-so' and her fashion not that favorable. Compared to her appearance in Joseon time as the Crown Princess, she is more beautiful in period costumes.

Anyway, I hope that her role in 'City Conquest' will be a breakthrough for her.


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I don't like her in rooftop prince too. But that probably says she acted pretty well then. The other reason was she resembles very much a Taiwanese actress who acted as a very bad person in one of the drama and I just cannot get that role of my head. I think this role will help her shake off that rooftop image.


  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    huh SHE? the one who acted in dong yi right? she's super blah.

  3. Anonymous11:35 PM

    oh darn dont have good feeling bout the drama but because of uri hyunjoong im gonna swallow those doubt away.....its the girl i think thats bothering my mind or all the hype thats going on.....whatever dont mind me just passing through

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM

    she is ugly and his is a terrible actor

  5. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Oh I'm sad I really had high expectation for Kim hyun joongs leading lady.but why she....:(

  6. Anonymous12:00 AM

    @12.30 AM My dear, no one's forcing or even asking you to watch hyunjoong-ssi or his drama ^^ Typical people who love to 'count the chickens before they are hatched' syndrome....only this time the other way around! Why not wish him the best and support him with encouraging words instead of being so pessimistic? Are you sure you are his true fans or are you in fact gleefully wishing him failure? Wishing someone nasty/bad luck, will only come back to you or your loved ones one day, cuz afterall God is All-Knowing and Compassionate.....especialy to those who are deliberately maligned ~
