
Thursday, June 28, 2012

S/Tweet Treat from Hyung Jun 06.28.12

Hyung Jun just tweeted and his tweet is making us to anticipate more the showcase/mini-concert and release of his MV and 2nd mini album 'ESCAPE'.

Here is the latest tweet of Hyung Jun courtesy of @xiaochu1004's translation in Twitter.

HyungJun87 : see u tomorrow~ we are the fugitives

Meanwhile, before Hyung Jun tweeted, stillshots from  his soon to be released  MV  together with Kang Ji Hwan and Lee Ki Woo are posted in many entertainment portals in Korea. The articles are highlighting the rain scene of the three protagonist in the 25 minutes MV which is directed by a well known MV maker in Korea.

Honestly, I cannot wait for the new MV not only because of Hyung Jun but also because of Kang Ji Hwan. Whenever I see him I always reminded and tickled pink of the 'cola kiss' he and Eun Hye shared in 'Lie To Me' which I think it is one of the sweetest kiss scene I've seen on TV. ^__^


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    good luck to him i'm waiting to see this<3

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    When is the video going to be released? Is it on the 29th of June or on the 7th of july

  3. Liezle, I totally agree with you about KJW--that scene from 'Lie To Me' was sweet and very well done! But I remember wishing the sun in the background wasn't so bright. =)
