
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[Pix] 'City Conquest' Welcome Reception 07.10.12

Yesterday was the first shooting day of 'City Conquest' within the facility of Edo Wonderland Nikko Edo Mura.

In the evening, Hyun Joong with some of the actors and production staff had a Welcome Reception in a hotel attended by  Vice Governor of Tochigi Prefecture, Mr. Fumio Saito the Mayor, Mr. Baek Jindon of program production company representative and others.

Here are photos that I lifted from HERE as well as tweets from  @fukupiyo6_6 and @chocolatdaleKHJ.  Much thanks to everyone's tip (you know who you are ^_^).

Btw, as most of you very well know, there was a shooting also today and some of you might have already seen the photo of Hyun Joong as geisha.  I will not be  sharing them here as the drama is currently filming and there are fans who do not want the photos to be shared.  Let's all wait for KeyEast to share with us the official photos of Hyun Joong in kimono and geisha costume.


  1. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Welcome reception means the city is appreciative of HJ and company's presence and activities.Edo Wonderland if it looks very familiar has been used as location site for many Jmovies and dramas.Now we don't only have a drama we are going to see beautiful places as well.

  2. Anonymous4:07 AM

    The reception, how nice!

    But, why did he wear something like that to an event with so many important guess. The wardrobe coordinator didn't do a good job there.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm really excited to see pics Hyun Joong in Geisha costume and his shying, so cute.
