
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

S/Tweet Treats from Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun 07.11.12

News about SS501 sub-unit [Young Saeng, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun] getting together to shoot 'God of Cookery' made Triple S excited.  This  was when fans saw from Hyung Jun's webby [] his schedule on the 13th of July.  It says : [Sched] 120713 (Fri) Y-STAR Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Jun.

This news got even more excited when Hyung Jun replied to one Kyu Jong's tweet earlier.

I am shoving here the tweets of Kyu Jong courtesy of xiaochu's translation on Twitter before Hyung Jun replied to him.


[Trans] S/Tweet Treats 07.11.12
English Translation by xiaochu1004/ Twitter &

Re-post with full credit please.

2kjdream: Pretties~~ You are the most!!!! ♥♥ person to me~~

2kjdream: Jjunijjuni Jjuni whom I missed~ Busy Jjuni~~ Cute magnae~~ Jjuni whose singing is totally awesome~~

2kjdream Love ya a a ~~ ya a a a a a love ya a a~~!!!! Gift that pretties gave me last time heehee time flies and (memories) kept comingggggg~~ remembrance and memories are forever so that's great!!!^^

HyungJun87: @2kjdream meet soon^^


  1. Sweet, but kind of heartbreaking at the same time.

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    it's so sweet..i really can't wait to watch god of cookery with the three of them..^^ pretties gonna miss u kyu.

  3. Anonymous6:42 PM

    cute kyu....i want to meet kyu jong in real life....
