
Monday, September 03, 2012

[Vid] Hyun Joong Photo Shoot for Hang Ten 2012 F/W

Much thanks to Unknown for sharing the link on the sidebar and to for uploading this video on her YouTube channel.

Check out the latest wear of Hang Ten for 2012 Fall and Winter as modeled by Hyun Joong in this photo shoot for the casual brand wear.

I pretty much like the long sleeves denim shirt that he is wearing. He look sexy on it.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    HJ's face and body proportions is ideal for print modelling

    dar Liezle,

    I should have said this along time ago. why make commenting here hard -can't understand what the machine prints out.Have to repeat many times.It's a waste of time. Please make your comment box user friendly.If there are commentors who would like to mess up your blog,they are going to do it anyway w/or w/o it.

    Don't penalize everyone who comes here.

    Thank you

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I really appreciate what you have been doing for us liezle. Keep it up.

  3. Anonymous12:30 AM

    He is so handsome as always.
    Thank you so much liezle ^^

    @11:06 PM
    machine prints out?...u mean "Please prove you're not a robot"thingy?
    I think liezle just want us to prove that we are not robot but ALIEN...kekeke

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    At last, something about KHJ. Been quiet for the past days.

  5. Raven6:55 PM

    I agree with 11:06pm regarding how hard it is to post. I have very poor eyesight and it's really hard for me to see what is printed there. That's why I don't post more often. Can you make it a little easier. I love your blog but feel like I can't join in the fun. Thanx...

  6. Raven7:09 PM

    Hyunnie is prettier than she is. He has no "bad side". He is aware of where his lighting is at all times. I love watching him move from pose to pose. He is gorgeous from head to toe...front to back...I can't wait to meet Baek Mir. He is going to be marvelous in City Conquest. I can't wait for the love scenes. Can you?

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    HJL looks good in just about everything, and he does what good models do....look beyond the camera, the wall, whichever direction he is looking, so the gaze becomes intense.

    Yes, he looks absolutely great in that denim shirt. Even while he is seated... there was a photo of that in one of Liezle's earlier posts. That was my fave pix in this Hang Ten series.

  8. Rosseane10:46 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    I have to agree with Raven as well on difficulty to post a comment. I like coming to this blog but i too have a poor eyesight that I could not figure out what was written (the code) sometimes and had to try several times. And just like anon 11.06 said, if someone has the intention to mess around, they would do it anyways, with or without the code.

    With regards to the video of the photo shoot, I love it. Didnt see it anywhere else. He is born to be a model. He looks good even when he is not modelling. never fails to amaze. That's HJL.

  9. Hi everyone!

    In reply to your request, I am sorry that I cannot grant this.

    As I average 2.5K to 3K visits a day, i encounter spam quite a lot that is done automatically by software which can't pass the word verification. In order for me to prevent this, enabling the word verification option is a good way to prevent many such unwanted comments (but honestly I wish the blogger would make it easier to read)

    For everyone's info, I enabled this option not to prevent those unwanted visitors to mess around but solely for spam comments.

    If and when I decide to prevent unwanted posts, I will probably take one of the following options to choose on who to comment only:

    Registered User only - includes OpenID,
    User with Google Accounts only,
    Only members of this blog only, OR
    Moderate ALL comments (which again I really hate doing)

    For now I don't find any of the options above necessary to use since I still can manage the comment box well.

    But if you guys noticed, I have used a number of time option to close comment box due to malicious, vicious and unpleasant comments from visitors. Much as I hate doing this, I have to keep this blog at peace.

    Thank you.


  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Hyun Joongah!! I miss you so much!
