
Friday, December 14, 2012

[Pix] Hyung Jun at 2012 Malaysia Model Festival Awards 12.12.12

Following are photos of Hyung Jun taken by the shutterbug of MyKpopHuntress that I lifted from the post of DoubleS小狮子 in Baidu.

Hyung Jun was in Malaysia on the 12th of December as a Korean representative an the 2012 Malaysia Model Festival Awards. Aside from the awards night, Hyung Jun will also take part in interviews with local media outlets.

 With renowned shoe designer Jimmy Choo

Another photos of Hyung Jun with Jimmy Choo

One more with Jimmy Choo


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I hope he is feeling better now. I've heard that he was not feeling well at the party and still managed to smile, poor baby =(, take care please and keep up the good work !!!

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    yea baby looks unwell, what happened to him?

  3. OMG. I didn't know Baby came to KL. If not I will definately wait for him at the airport and escort his entourage to the location. I'm so regret
