
Saturday, December 15, 2012

[Pix] Hyung Jun at 2012 Thailand-Korea Friendship Festival 12.14.12

Shoving here photos taken by OnlyMin's shutterbug K-xeiti of Hyung Jun taken yesterday, 14th of December at Central World, Thailand.  

Hyung Jun went to Central World for the press conference of the 2012 Thailand-Korea Friendship Festival 2012.

Here are the photos for your enjoyment.  Btw, I like this kind of hair and color for Hyung Jun.


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    he look so cute and handsome.

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    is it just me or does he look a little weird these days? his lips are far too thin compared to the past and his mouth is kinda slanted(?). is it because he's not feeling well hence he's looking like this?

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    its scary, do you think he had some plastic surgery or something?? see this old photo of his and now!

    the difference is obvious!

  4. Anonymous9:32 PM

    i heard that he doesn't feel very well. when he went malaysia he became sick because of the weather.. korea was cold and malaysia was very hot! poor baby:( but i am happy that he look more healty now.

  5. Anonymous3:04 AM

    HJB should retain this hairstyle cuz it suits him, really! Didn't at all like the one he had in M'sia. It made him looked old & a bit weird? Not bashing, just a li'l observation & had quite a pleasant surprise with this one ^^^

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Loving Junnie, not only his looks, but his personality too. He seems to always have a smile on on his face for fans and shows them his gratitude dearly even though sometimes he might not feel well.

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong is the one who had plastic surgery, not Junnie Baby. I also heard he was not feeling well too, however, he is still PrettyBoy, handsome and cute keke!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      @ 5:38 PM
      Kim Hyung Jun admitted his plastic surgery at radio star with Gwang Hee who is famous for plastic surgery at radio star. You don't need to say lie.

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I agree, this hairstyle and colour suits him best =)

  9. Anonymous8:20 PM

    OMG!! What happen to his face?? Also his eyes seems getting more closer. I think they can meet someday!!

  10. Anonymous8:51 PM

    baby didn't get plastic surgery but he only fixed his teeth. people who don't know him well ,think that he did plastic surgery but to me he always the same even before ss501 debut. his family all look alike.and it was leder who admitted not baby.

  11. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Oh poor girl. Why you don't trust your baby? Kim Hyung Jun admitted his plastic surgery at famous TV program. You should accept reality.

  12. Anonymous9:11 PM

    It was Kim Hyun Joong (Leader) who admitted he had plastic surgery on his nose on MBC Radio Star, NOT Junnie lol...

  13. Anonymous9:15 PM

    @8:15 oh please! kim hyung jun never had plastic surgery...during his guesting in radio star with kwanghee,the MC said that they both seem to have similar nose and teased whether they had plastic surgery from the same place...but kwanghee told that his friends said he kinda looked like hyungjun(which he doesnot at all) so he decided to get his nose done like that of was all meant as a joke!! first get your facts straight before posting nonsensical for kim hyun joong @5:38 is not lying...he himself openly accepted it in a show called Knee Drop guru....coming back to hyung junnie he looks gorgeous as always!! he was not that sick just a little...had mouth ulcer from eating too much BBQ during MMFA event kekeke...

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      @ 9:15 PM
      How childish HJB bias. It's sure that we watch same program? He accepted that is true and i advice you to watch one more time. Why are you think they had a joke? Radio star is a famous program for searching truth by means of a joke. How can you explain HJB's constant changing face? But he always failed. More surgery, more ugly.

  14. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Moreover, he ever showed his IC photo .....

  15. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The reality is Kim Hyung Jun never had plastic surgery nor admitted to have plastic surgery. He is just a natural good looking guy unlike a lot others.... I am just green with envy keke =)

    1. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Hahaha poor you in the world!!! I can show you picture of HJB taken with staff of plastic surgery hospital.

  16. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Ouch, no wonder he was touching his face in one of the videos, poor baby, he still very handsome regardless *.*

  17. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I don't understand how some fans sure that their bias didn't had plastic surgery. I'm sure HJB had many many plastic surgery. Difference is honest or not. Ppl only see what they want to see.

  18. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Nice photos, he looks great in that white shirt =)

  19. Anonymous9:50 PM

    can you give us the link that you saw baby saying i had plastic surgery. i study korean even have a korean friend who can translate to me.i wanna hear what this girl heard baby saying too. before i didn't belived when i heard rumors about leder had plastic surgery but when i saw him seing i belived. so i belive when i see baby saying i did! and don't call our baby ugly you are just jelous that he is so handsome.

  20. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I agree with you @9.49. Looks like we have trolls here and their job is to start unfounded rumours. Btw HJB looks great, as always.

  21. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Why are people here debating about whether your favorite idols have gotten plastic surgery? Frankly, does it even matter that much? If you really ask me, I would say most of the SS501 members had plastic surgery. But at the end of the day, I don't understand why are people so insistent on finding out whether their idols have gotten plastic surgery.

    If you realised that they had plastic surgery, would you leave them? Do you love them simply because they are naturally good looking? I doubt so right? There must be several other factors as to why you would like a idol and not just about appearance. And I don't see anything wrong with them getting plastic surgery in the first place. Truth to be told, regardless of gender, we are all visual animals. And in order to stand out in the kpop world, being talented isn't sufficient. It is necessary, but not sufficient. Looks play a really important part too. There is nothing wrong in getting plastic surgery for their career. Furthermore, I strongly believe that it gives individual more confidence in themselves. And why are people sound like they are condemning idols who have gotten plastic surgery? Can you imagine the amount of pain and sacrifice they have to go through?

    I am not pretty and I yearn to be pretty too. However, I would never resort to plastic surgery not because I look down at people who aren't natural beauty. Rather, I cannot imagine undergoing the pains and side effects of plastic surgery. In fact, I look up to them for being so courageous.

    So, does it really matter whether your idols have gotten plastic surgery? To me, it is never an issue and will never be. I am contented with staring at their pictures and exclaiming how handsome they are. Why bother yourself with such questions when at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter? Why debate about such things and become hostile with one another, when at the end of the day, it wouldn't affect how much you love for your idols?

  22. Anonymous1:02 AM

    @11:27 i understand what you r trying to say but its your opinion.of course anyone can go for surgery it's their face whatsoever.but why bring down someone who is a natural does not mean every other good looking idol opted for sugery unlike some.u ask why are people so insistent on finding out whether their idols have gotten plastic's cuz people prefer to see someone who is naturally good looking rathar than being made look good by artificial means.we love our idol regardless cuz our love overcomes everything but its not wise to say someone got surgery(which is completely untrue for jjuun) just because its no big deal to you or for any other reason.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      @ 1:02 AM
      I don't understand ppl like you. How do you completely sure your JJUUN had no plastic surgery? Do you have any perfect evidence? I agree above comments which said most of ss501members got. Then will you leave your jjuun? I think it's not sincere fan and i truly sympathize with your jjuun who has fan like you.

  23. Anonymous1:16 AM

    @9:34 i know what show i watched alright.i would rather have u watch it again cuz u seem to be mistaken my i explain his changing face?? not much of a change i see anyways the answer would be cuz he grows...he ain't no vampire to look same forever. i guess u r the childish one here. him ugly? u must be blind!

  24. Anonymous1:31 AM

    ugly or not he was born this way and that's why we love him.don't be a drug just be a queen.

  25. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Hyun Joong may be the only one who admitted to plastic surgery but that doesn't mean that he was the only one who had work done. Hyun Joong wasn't ugly to begin with, he was very good looking and is still very good looking. Can we not make him the poster child for plastic surgery, please?

  26. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I'm sure it's common thing to k-pop stars had a plastic surgery. SJ, SNSD, BIGBANG, BEAST, KARA, 4minute, 2ne1, dbsk and ss501. In entertainment industry, not south korea stars but hollywood stars and taiwan, china, many japanese stars have same issues. Their only difference is honest or not. Honest man is confident and strong he makes his way by himself but others just follow him.

  27. Anonymous1:02 PM

    we don't need you to write that he had plastic surgery, he kan say by himself. do you work for him ? are you a fan? no! so why wasting your time? i understand you wanted to give a honest opinion don't you? but did you needed to ad ugly? no! so that show us that you wanted to star a fight and butt down kim hyung jun! stop1 hating people because it doesn't make you feel good about your self. you will hate you self of that then. just love the one you want to love and leve the one force you to love the one you love so don't force the other to hate the one you hate.

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    @10:23 people like you make me laugh. the more you comment the more stupid you get.its obvious that you are not a fan of "my jjun".then why comment on him with unfounded rumour.leave him alone.go love your idol.if u have nothing good to say then dont say at all.i am not a sincere fan?? u must not be even a fan to begin pathetic r u!!

  29. Baby looks dapper and fantastic. He has matured and tunr into a confident, charming and sweet guy.
