
Sunday, December 16, 2012

[Vid] Hyun Joong at Centerpole Busan Signing Event 12.15.12

Hyun Joong had a fan signing even for Centerpole  in Busan.  The event happened yesterday and I am shoving this video here by HollisHyun that was shared on YouTube. According the the owner of the video, Hyun Joong had a relaxing fan signing event and enjoyed it.

Here is the video for your enjoyment. Please DO NOT edit and/or re-upload video in any other streaming sites including YouTube.

Btw, read that 'City Conquest' still hasn't gotten the timeslot in KBS. Though this is still unclear but some reports say that production is still continuing negotiating with KBS. The supposed slot that 'City Conquest' production team is looking at is the Monday-Tuesday slot after 'School 2013' but KBS I read is favoring Yi Soon-shin drama.

Whatever it's going to be I hope that we can hear good news soon.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hyunjoong love looks so adorable with those melting smiles. Keep smiling love and know that your fans are always behind you%!

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Video by HollisHyun is always good!

  3. Anonymous1:36 AM

    I wish they didn't have to air their issues in public inviting a lot of speculations or did the station fuel the fire? But then for what? Are they saying they are now strict choosers because of the so many dramas falling in a long line for a slot specially prime time slot. Then they could have said so early on.

    I'm not from SK so I don't really care whether it is shown there or not.If they are driving their talented performers'show elsewhere like Japan or China -then so be it. CC for sure has its playdate in Japan's DATV,March 2013. CC is not the first drama that will premiere outside SK
