
Thursday, January 07, 2010

More about SS501 holiday

Seems like we will not really know the truth whether the boys were in Seoul, China or somewhere during the holidays. Well, probably except for Hyun Joong and probably Young Saeng [?] as there were photos . ^_^

I'm sure you've already seen the links that PRIS shared yesterday. Especially the link where you could see as what some said to be Young Saeng. Do you know that according to someone in TS TW that guy in short jacket didn't get in the car when Hyun Joong was picked up? Also Hyun Joong was with a Chinese friend then who was taking their photo. But like what I wrote earlier, it was said that Young Saeng was in Macau with Leader. So it could be that YS was the one in the photo. *liezle scratching head*

A man who is not a fan claims that he saw HJL and YS in Macau during the holiday.

A Chinese fan said that her sister met Korean F4 including leader in Macau Airport on Jan 1. According to her, they had a special event in Venetian Macau and her sister's colleague took the same flight with F4 from Macau to Seoul on Jan 2. [not really sure the authenticity of this one though because on Jan 2 MinHo, Kim Bum and Kim Joon attendded the wedding of Group8 representative Song Byung Jun ]

Now, I will tell you more that might just make you scratch your head again like what I did when I learned of these.

I posted yesterday morning a video and photo of Young Saeng at Lucia Dental Clinic that was dated December 28 HERE. Last night I again posted a video greeting of Young Saeng and Maknae taken at Lucia Dental Clinic HERE. I learned tonight that Maknae's video was taken on the same day, December 28. Also on the same day, though there was no video or photo to support, Hyun Joong was with them. ^^

So it means that both Hyun Joong, Young Saeng and Maknae were in Seoul [to be exact in Cheongdam-dong] on that day.

On January 1, it was said that Kyu Jong and Jung Min were together in Jongro [not sure if this is the exact place]. Which means that both were in Seoul during the holidays.

Remember I wrote that Leader was seen last Monday coming from the airport? Well, apparently, it was not Leader who was seen at the airport coming from somewhere. In fact on January 3, TVXQ's stalkers saw Leader entering into Mickey Yoochun's house with Hero Jaejoong and Xiah Joonsu. ^_^ [on the same day, TVXQ went to Australia. Flight going to Brisbane or Sydney from Incheon is in the evening]

On January 4, Young Saeng was seen in Gangnam.

Then we already all know that on January 4 Leader had a photo shoot for MVIO. Then on January 5 he recorded a CM song [commercial message song].

As for Maknae's whereabout, I have no idea. Probably he celebrated KiBum's birtrhday with their family on December 29. As for the rest of the holiday, he probably got busy composing and hanging out with his hallyu star friends. [hee, according to the other members in Intimate Note]

Btw, before the rumor that SS501 are in China, DSP already denied that they will be going to China and participate in the countdown.

Alright this is my guess... between Dec 29 to Jan 2 Hyun Joong and probably Young Saeng were in Macau enjoying the holiday that DSP gave to them. ^_^


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Thanks Liezle.
    I'm curious, how did the rumor
    of SS501 going to China started?
    If they went out of Korea it will
    be impossible if all 5 of them will not to be noticed in any airports.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Wow the reports are so conflicting. But I tot JaeChunSu was not in Korea on Jan 3..

  3. Hello Anonymous #1! I think it all started when a fan posted a flight sked saying that SS501 will be arriving in Shenzhen on the 27th. ^^

    Yeah I find it hard to believe too that no one saw them at the airport when it's not difficult not to notice any of them especially if they all go together.


  4. hello Anonymous #2. I think that Xian together with JaeJoong and YooChun left Seoul on the 5th to go to Brisbane.


  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Lol now we became an agent. Thx to SS501
    Jaechunsu definitely in korea in januari 3.
    They just departed to aussie in januari 5. There is photo in sydney airport about their arrival.
    I have guessed in cagalli's blog, that guy maybe isnt youngsaeng or hyun joong's friend. Dunno.. Just my feeling.

    Now, browsing diligently tvxq fandom.

  6. Oppsie, i think that they left on the 3rd. But probably Leader went to the house of Mickey to bid them goodbye before departing. ^_^

    Remember the time when Leader and Hero also where seen at the wee hour in the morning before Hero together with the rest of TVXQ left for where also? There were even photos of Hero looking so sleepy after going out with Leader. ^^


  7. Anonymous10:24 PM

    leader indeed in macao, but still blur when he back to korea..
    i recalled read in bb's blog here

    there is another fan account saw him in macao airport in 100102. When u post about he arrived in korea in 3rd morning, i more believe TS korea fan account then.
    But bcoz now u said its not him, and there is fan account about him with jaechunsu in 3rd night and yes jaechunsu still in korea at that time. So now everything maybe matched.
    Maybe he comeback to korea in 2nd.
    And yes he with jaechunsu in 3rd, say goodbye. Lol.. I bet he really really want to join them, but he couldnt kekekekeke..

  8. Hi Anonymous #3!

    I think Leader came back to Korea from Macau on the 2nd.

    I reported that he was see at the airport on Jan 4 and i'm retracting that one as he was seen on the 3rd with Hero,Micky and Xian before the 3 left for Australia.


  9. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Ah typo ><
    i mean bcoz you posted b4 he arrived in 4th morning (i wrote 3rd b4)

  10. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Ah so everything is matched now, yup he back to korea in 2nd.

    Next mystery is for what activity he was in macao. Just holiday?
    I think not, bcause he said in his greeting, he has SCHEDULE in china during new year. Schedule means work. Yeah work and holiday at the same time.
    Hem i do believe its maybe just 'individual activities' maybe CF syut? not SS501 activities.
    Becos i am sure at least jungmin and kyu jong in korea during new year holiday. I am became more sure, bcoz these 2 left messages too, maybe they are pretty free at that time (?). If activity in china is really group activity, so the rest should be with hyun joong too. And not just youngsaeng(?)

  11. Well, Macau is under the administrative region of China so I Leader is not lying when he said that he will be seeing the sunrise in China [Macau] ^_^

    Hmm not sure about activities, but i've a feeling the he was there for a holiday. Probably DSP gave the boys their much needed break.

    As for Young Saeng being with Leader or not. I'm not sure.

  12. thanks for sharing this liezle. Now somehow I am scratching my head and at the same time trying to fit the pieces of the boys' whereabouts. But I agree.

    I think they were given their well deserved break. 2010 is another big year for them, as a group and as solo artists as well.

    All the best for them this year :)

  13. Anonymous11:35 PM


  14. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Omo!! I just lost a whole bunch of my hair due to all the scratching.
    It's funny how us fans turned into agents because of SS501. All this remind of this vid
    Truely 'mission impossible'!

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    agentS! StalkerS! addictS! that's what S501 caused us to be^^and am lovin it... just can't keep track of their invidiual schedules since they are soo dynamic and they are everywhere/anywhere... any news is good since (i feel) so deprived of their "presence" these past days

    and as always Liezle, thanks for letting the kingdom of TripleS/Green peas princesses aware


  16. Anonymous4:38 PM

    hmm.. im just wondering.. why is leader keep on going to macau, china and hongkong? is he really in a relationship with a Chinese girl? last year, 2009, he went there for a couple of times. i think leader is meeting someone there.. watcha think liezle?

    - jas

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Maybe he is.... dun be surprised
    Of course I hope its not.

  18. aeroplane3:35 PM

    bof left him deep memories for Macau if you I'm not surprised tt he wants to go back there so often because it's a really beautiful place...i personally do not think is because of any 'girl' issue though.

  19. aeroplane3:37 PM

    Macau is a peaceful and serenade place. I love it myself too. Would place it on my holiday Top 3 ideal choices if I have the money. Just imagine those hectic work schedule...Macau is a really ideal location, with everything fitting into place; I'm not surprised though.
