Wednesday, January 06, 2010

who takes care of young saeng's teeth? [added vid]

Young Saeng came to visit his dentist (Lucia Dent) last December 28 and left this singed photo.

Cute ^_^

Hmm, with this signed photo, this means that on December 28, SS501 was in Seoul. They didn’t leave for China as earlier rumored [Dec 27]. ^_^ Hee, that trip of them to China still remains to be a mystery to everyone, right?

P.S. hee, can't think of a good title for this post. ^^

P.P.S. This video link was just posted on It's YS vid i think with a message inside Lucia Dent. ^^ Clich HERE to watch.


Anonymous said...

well, at least badboy prince had time to go see his dentist so he could flash those pearly white teeth of his (and i'd faint over and over...^^) on a side note: was he realy with HJL in Macau during new year? news, pictures or videos please

awaiting updates.. and thank you liezle... (A)

Sudal said...

Thank Liezle, I miss him so much. Since 20th Dec 2009, I haven't heard anything about him :(( and SS501. I miss them....Wonder when they would comeback TT-TT

Anonymous said... last i can hear his news too...
really miss him

TripleS - Malaysia said...

ahh..he so cute!
Glad to see him...

Thanks Liezle.

Anonymous said...

i really care everything about him!!!!love his cuuuteness<3333

Anonymous said...

tnx! i really miss this guy!!!!