But lo and behold! There was an activity in Quilt...and this made me freeze and I almost fainted

My #1 man with my #2 man walking behind. I thought that i was a photo taken from Gorilla but found out that it was not. Then I started to get dizzy, my fingers were shaking, sweating, having flushes. Sigh...and then photos kept on coming...
Until today, I still cannot get over the excitement of last Sunday. Yong Joon keeps on occupying a very large portion of my brain. There is something about him that made me feel this way.
For the past days, I've been planning on updating my blog but Soompi kept me from doing so. So instead of writing new stuff, I will just then post here the stuff that I've posted in Soompi.
April 23 ~
My most awaited photo of the 2!!!!

Look at his hair, it has grown so long! He is much slimmer than that last time we saw him. Yong Joon never ceases to surprise all of us everytime he makes a public appearance.
I guess most of you didn't know that BYJ and SSH are friends until now I've known that the 2 are friends but I was surprised today to discover what bb wrote in her blog...they both have Ms. Hong as their stylist Here let me share part of what bb wrote ~

hello atreyu112! glad that you like Yong Joon's new look he always surprises us with new look everytime he makes a public appearance. we are all awaiting for him to start filming his new drama. can't wait for GKFG too.
i hope to see all of them in one photo soon
...and it did came true

Yong Joon's public appearance today made my day . Need to go to bed now ladies and will be back again later. Hopefully will still have much news. I believe everyone will be going to bed with a big 'night!
A smaller version of the photo below was posted earlier. Here' bigger version from www.innolife.net
...and here's my favorite

April 24 ~
Sara i didn't know you were around yesterday! Been looking for you guys i was like a maniac on the loose posting all the wonderful photos of Yong Joon. You should have seen all my typo errors in soompi and quilt while posting. My fingers were shaking and everytime new photos come out my heart beats so fast Yong Joon's appearance at the wedding yesterday was unexpected. I was actually only waiting for SJS's photos when OMG...OMG...OMG!!! It was so funny that I even asked in Quilt if the photo posted by tigger mom was from the wedding? Bec I was waiting for photos from "Gorilla in the Kitchen".
Sigh...well, today i guess all Baesisters are resting from the excitement yesterday. You still want more? I still want more and I'm going crazy missing Yong Joon already.
Btw, have i told you that my mind was full of Yong Joon when I slept last night? I'm so addicted to his new look.
Then I made a new siggy banner in Soompi ~

I'm so happy that the three had some good time together and that Yong Joon is actually enjoying the company of his pals.
Btw, they went to Gorilla restaurant at about about 4:00pm. [thanks for the info saturn...a sjs fan]
Oh look there's Yong Joon and So Ji Sub!

And there is Song Seung Hun at the front of Gorilla.

April 25 ~
3pikake is a new visitor in BYJ thread@soompi and she posted this questions ~
(3pikake @ Apr 24 2006, 04:56 PM)
Does anyone know if he has a girlfriend right now? Also who has he dated in the past? Has he said what he looks for in a girlfriend? I thought he was good looking in Winter Sonata - but I just finished Hotelier a few days ago- and WOW!
He was such a good actor and soooooo handsome! His words were so romantic.... I'm so glad they ended up together!
He was such a good actor and soooooo handsome! His words were so romantic.... I'm so glad they ended up together!
My reply to her ~
Hi 3pikake and welcome to the thread!
As far as we know Yong Joon is one of them most eligible man in Korea He had non-showbiz girlfriend and were linked to several personalities. I believe as much as he wants to he’d like to date but with the way things are going in his career, it might be impossible.
As for the type of woman he likes, in the question and answer portion last year at the Bunggae in Korea someone asked ~
What kind of women do you think that you would like in the future?
And Yong Joon replied ~
“I came to think that the most important thing of all is faith between each other.
I think that the relationship that can trust each other and rely on each other for long time… is the most important point. I think it should be considered ahead of external appearance or internal character”
In another interview last year about meeting someone and marrying, Yong Joon said ~
“Whether to marry or not, I, in my present position, have difficulties meeting someone. As I don't have opportunities to meet someone, naturally marriage is delayed. If I have a good opportunity and a nice person (comes along) , I will get married."
3pikake, seems that you’re in the BYJ mode, try watching Untold Scandal and April Snow. It may be very different from the roles in played in his drama but these movies are worth watching.
Hope to see more of your here.
3pikake then replied to my post and she wrote ~
HI Liezle!
Thanks for answering my questions re: BYJ! I have so much fun reading the posts in this thread.
I was laughing so much at the description of the BYJ syndrome - I think I'm starting that
particular condition--- I don't think that there is an antidote.... not that i would want one...
guess I'll just have to keep it under control by visiting this thread daily for more pictures and news of our handsome prince!
I liked his thoughtful response as to what he looked for in a girlfriend. He seems like a very deep thinker - a gentleman - not to mention tall, good looking with a beautiful body as well....sigh....more sighs...
I wonder what lucky girl will finally catch his eye...another deep sigh.....
Thanks for the recommendations ---- I'm off to buy the Untold Scandal and April Snow -
I need my BYJ fix for today!
After posting the above in soompi, i went around Baeland and things are kinda quite. I guess everyone got tired. The tigger mom posted the vod and once again there the family became crazy.
Night of the 25th i went around soompi and visited other threads in the entertainment forum. There I found a thread of featuring the photos of BYJ, SJS and SSH at the wedding and there were some bashing around especially targeting Yong Joon.
And I posted this in BYJ thread ~
I love Yong Joon's hair. Be in short, medium or long in length i love it! I guess i should also say that I love everything about this man.
I was in korean photo thread and there is a thread there with the pictures of BYJ, SJS, and SSH attending the wedding. I noticed that for those who doesn't know why Yong Joon is growing his hair long, they were kinda not nice. But i let it passed...a typical Yong Joon fan yeah that's me...i just keep quiet. No matter what negative things I read or hear, I just laugh it off because we know a lot better that those who speak ill.
Anyway, atreyu112 was it you who posted if I was able to sleep tight. Honestly, the weekend photos of Yong Joon made me sleep so light. His aristocratic image keeps on popping. This shot is one of my favorite...he is like some kind of HRH
From my post Chiligoyo (aka luvjoon), atreyu112 nd Frances made comments in my post.
From Chili ~
Same here, Liezle.. we just love the man for who he is, not by the style he is in or whatsoever. When I first saw these recent pics, I was squealing like a mad girl and immediately showed my colleagues who 'used to' go ga-ga over him and all I get was "Huh...." or "Eeee... I prefer him in Winter Sonata!" which got me quite pissed but I just kept quiet. Well, I have to understand that not everyone accept his changed look, but still..
I just wish they don't just label him to his Winter Sonata days only. Winter Sonata was great, was excellant, but that was just one of his many works. Untold Scandal and April Snow and The Image had since came and go and still, most are still stuck at Winter Sonata. If I'm not wrong, I've read somewhere that Yong Joon is not quite happy that everyone kept linking him to Winter Sonata and did not really paid closer attention to his later works and he is working really hard to get out of it. He deserves so much more...

from atreyu112 ~
OMO.. what's wrong with having long hair.. takuya kimura has.. even keanu reeves used to have long hair.. it's abt style and i can tell u one thing.. my adrenalin is shooting high now with his new look.. further more, he tied it nicely and i agree with my Dear sis Inez.. he looks like an English LORD in all english romance/movie... OMO!! OMO!!!! now, how i wish my tour package include JEJU!!!..
i think most of us are lightheaded nowwwww... AUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... *i can imagine INEZ unnie face when she first looked at those photos of her first love*
and from Frances ~
who's bashing our yong joon ??
bashing a person that they dont even know is not a very nice thing to do....
& when will these ppl learn ? the more they say not so nice things about yong joon,
the more he is loved by many....sorry folks
After a few minutes a SSH fan made a post. Honestly, i feel that BYJ thread over the weekend had been visited by many SSH and SJS fan.
Here's the post of jgabriel a SSH fan from soompi ~
(jgabriel2005 @ Apr 25 2006, 10:07 AM)
Three gorgeous men.
I've always known that Song Seung Heon and So Ji Sub are friends. Is Bae Yong Joon really friends with them? If they are, how long have they been friends? If not, how come BYJ and SJS were invited in Song Seung Heon manager's wedding? Thanks.
By the way, Bae Yong Joon looks Dashingly Handsome. He looks good with long hair.
and my reply to her ~
hi jgabriel!
i believe that most of SSH fans didn't know that BYJ and SSH are friends since Director Eun's Season drama. Likewise, before Yong Joon has BOF and with Hanshin management, they belonged to the same agency. Since then, they become friends. SSH even attended BYJ's Untold Scandal premiere which we have a vod somewhere here. And I'm sure you know the BYJ left a message for SSH when he went to the military.
As for SJS, he now belongs to Yong Joon's agency, Boundaries of Forest (BOF) together with Lee Na Young. Likewise, SJS's Japan career is being handled by IMX which is co-owned by BYJ. So Ye Jin belong to IMX as well.
Below infos might interest you too. This was shared to us by happiebb in her blog [www.happiebb.blogspot.com]
did you know that yong joon and SSH have a very close relationship? yong joon even did a special message clip for SSH when he was enlisted into the army. and did you know that yong joon and SSH share the same stylist? yes, it's miss hong i'm talking about... and SSH and SJS are the bestest of friends [together with KSW & PYH]... seems like wuri yong joon and SSH are more intricately linked than at first glance.
and of course.... they were both male leads in director eun's Seasons drama series. SSH in autumn in my heart, and wuri yong joon in winter sonata. hee, there's one more tidbit i'm hesitating whether to say or not... ah, what the heck, you gals already know it anyway.... one last thing to link these two men together is that they both have been rumoured to be seeing CJW.
Hope i was able to help you with these infos. Btw, Ms. Hong was in the wedding too and the 3 together with their managers, bodyguards and ms hong went to "gorilla in the kitchen", a restaurant that BYJ owns, after the wedding.
Then at 1am i decided to end my day. But before that I've to make my last post and this is what i posted ~
Before i retire to my bed, here's something that i'm sure you'll be interested to know.
As always, bb's blog [www.happiebb.blogspot.com] is full of informations about Yong Joon I've actually read (using babelfish) in KOB an article about Autowin Tech, SBS and a drama. As usual i can only decipher few words and the rests are jargons . Thanks to bb for posting infos on the said article.
Anyway, here are the infos on the said article ~
Key East or Ottowin Tech wherein Yong Joon is the owner of 37.5% stocks reportedly is investing in a SBS drama production "SMILE AGAIN". For those who have watched Arirang or have been to the news thread of soompi, it was announced that "Smile Again" will feature Lee Dong Gun and Kim Hee Sun . Smile again tells of a love story between a female baseball player and male aroma therapisy.
And according to what bb wrote in her blog, the investment is for the production of the drama as well as the subsequent DVD production and global release.
Well, as most of you already know, Key East or Ottowin Tech will be involved in the distribution of korean content.
You know what from the above post, the following morning a LDG fan posted in soompi thanking me and bb for the news.
April 26 ~
When I logged on to soompi this morning, I was surprised to see Marikoo's (aka Mariko) post ~
Hi liezle! I am always amazed on how you and frances can maintain this thread. You are one of the sisters that I respect, and of course not to mention my dear, dear friend bb. If not because of the sisters like you we will be at lost on every BYJ updates. Thanks to you and frances too!
btw, I always check on this site whenever I have time. I hope to contribute one of these days.
Good day to all!
To which I replied ~
Hi hi Marikoo! I’m so happy that you dropped us a note again.
It’s of so much great joy to share anything and everything there is to share about Yong Joon. Spreading his works, good deeds and achievements is a very good tool to let people know about what a fine person Yong Joon is especially to those who misjudge him and doesn’t have any idea who he is.
If media speaks ill of him, we his family is always there to report the real happenings. I always have this feeling that Yong Joon would rather tell us his family the latest that to the media. And I believe, this is one reason why media lurks in every BYJ fora and sites to get the latest about the man we adore.
That's all I wrote over the past 3 days and right now i'm checking all the sites i frequent and missing Yong Joon a lot.
Here are the rest of the photos from the wedding last Sunday